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XML Request Definitions


This field marks the beginning of the request for Vehicle Location Finder.


An optional field that allows you to change your Point of Sale (POS) to other locations that you are authorized to access.

If present, then the <Source PseudoCityCode=" "/> field must follow.

<Source PseudoCityCode="abcd"/>

An optional field that allows you to change the POS to other agencies that you are authorized access.

If present, then POS must be included before and after this field:

  <Source PseudoCityCode="B4T0"/>

This is the end of Point Of Sale.

Search Criteria

<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="yyyy-mm-dd" ReturnDate=" yyyy-mm-dd" PickUpTime="00:00" ReturnTime="00:00” SortBy="Distance" SortOrder="ASC">

The Search Criteria element and all below element and attributes are used to validate the continued availability of a rate/cartype when the rate key is not available. It is used to describe the pickup and return date/time, as well as any sort criteria.


The PickUpDate attribute is mandatory and must be in year month day format.

Sample Pick Up Date: PickUpDate="2019-01-11" for January 11th, 2019.


The pickup time attribute is mandatory and must be in 24-hour clock format.

Sample Pick Up Time: PickUpTime="08:15" for 8:15 AM.


The return date attribute is mandatory and must be in year month day format.

Sample Return Date: ReturnDate="2019-01-12" for January 12th, 2019.


The return time attribute is mandatory and must be in the 24-hour clock format.

Sample Return Time: ReturnTime="23:59" for 11:59 pm.

SortBy=" "

The Sort By attribute is optional. If present, the value must be one of: Distance, Price, Preferred, Vendor, or CarType.

If SortBy is set to Preferred, SortBy should be omitted, as this is the default.

The default is different depending on the type of entry:

  • If SortBy is not present, and RentalLocRef is used, then display ordered by car supplier (Vendor).
  • If SortBy is not present and AirportRef is used, then display ordered by Price.
  • If SortBy is not present and GeoRef used, then display ordered by Distance.
  • If RentalLocRef is used, then SortBy CarType or Price.
  • If AirportRef is used, then SortBy Vendor name, CarType, or Price.
  • If GeoRef is used, then SortBy Distance, Vendor name, CarType, or Price.

Sample Sort By: SortBy=”Price”

SortOrder=" "

The Sort Order attribute is optional, with a default value of ASC (ascending).

Values can be Ascending – ASC (lowest to highest order) or Descending - DESC (highest to lowest order).

Sample Sort By: SortOrder=”DESC”

This marks the end of the Search Criteria element. Samples include:

<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="2019-01-11" PickUpTime="08:15" ReturnDate="2019-01-12" ReturnTime="23:59">

<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="2019-01-11" PickUpTime="08:15" ReturnDate="2019-01-12" ReturnTime="23:59" SortBy="Price" SortOrder="ASC">


Use the Rental Location Reference element when a single rental location code and car supplier is known.

Important! If this option is used, then AirportRef and GeoRef cannot be used.

<PickUpLocation LocationCode=" " ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>

The pick up location element is mandatory.

LocationCode=" "

The Location Code attribute is mandatory. The Location Code must be 3 alpha characters.

Sample Sort By: LocationCode=”DFW”


<PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>

ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>

The Extended Location Code attribute is optional, and is used in addition to LocationCode.

If an Extended Location Code is comprised of 1 alpha and 1-3 numeric values.

The 1 alpha designates the type of non-airport; either by direction or type code.

  • N-north
  • S-south
  • E-east
  • W-west
  • R-resort
  • X-rail
  • P-port
  • C-city

Sample: <PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW" ExtendedLocationCode="C123"/>

<ReturnLocation LocationCode=" " ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>

The Return Location element is optional.

LocationCode=" "

The Location Code attribute is mandatory. The Location Code must be 3 alpha characters.

Sample Location Code: LocationCode=”LAX”

Sample: <ReturnLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>

ExtendedLocationCode=" "

The Extended Location Code attribute is optional, and is used in addition to LocationCode.

If an Extended Location Code is comprised of 1 alpha and 1-3 numeric values.

The 1 alpha designates the type of non-airport; either by direction or type code.

  • N-north
  • S-south
  • E-east
  • W-west
  • R-resort
  • X-rail
  • P-port
  • C-city

Sample Extended Location Code: ExtendedLocationCode=”N987”

Sample: <ReturnLocation LocationCode="LAX" ExtendedLocationCode="N997"/>

Marks the end of the Rental Location Reference element.

Samples of RentalLocRef:

    <PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>           
    <PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW" ExtendedLocationCode="C123" />
    <ReturnLocation LocationCode="LAX" ExtendedLocationCode="N987" />


Use the Airport Reference element to retrieve results with a single airport location code.

Important! If this option is used, then RentalLocRef and GeoRef cannot be used.

When the airport code is entered as an AirportRef, the API will retrieve car rental locations that offer airport service. This will NOT get car rental locations around the geo point of the airport.

<PickUpLocation LocationCode=" "/>

The Pickup Location element is mandatory and represents the airport at which the traveler will be picking up the car.

Sample Pickup Location: <PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>

LocationCode=" "

The Location Code attribute is mandatory and must be 3 alpha characters.

Sample Sort By: LocationCode=”DFW”

<ReturnLocation LocationCode=" "/>

The Return Location element is optional and represents the airport at which the traveler will be returning the car.

LocationCode=" "

The Location Code attribute is mandatory and must be 3 alpha characters.

Sample Sort By: LocationCode=”LAX”

Sample of Return Location element: <ReturnLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>

This marks the end of the Airport Reference element.

Samples of AirportRef:

    <PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>           
    <PickUpLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>   
    <ReturnLocation LocationCode="LAX"/>       


Use the Geo Reference element to locate car rental locations around a "point".

Important! If this option is used, then AirportRef and GeoRef cannot be used.

MaxLocations=" "

Use this attribute when the amount of rental locations returned per supplier is needed to be more than the closest location.

  • The maximum number of locations attribute is optional. If not entered, it will default to 1.
  • The maximum number of locations can be single digit or double-digit numbers up to 20.
  • The number must be 2 through 20. If 6-20, the maximum radius can be no more than 10.
  • If only one location per supplier is needed, then this attribute should be omitted.

To request number of location details, input: <GeoRef MaxLocations="2">

Radius=" "

The radius attribute is optional. If no value is entered, this attribute will default to 10.

The radius attribute can be a number between 1-3 digits. The maximum value is 200.

To request number of location details, input: <GeoRef Radius="10">

<GeoRef UOM=" ">

The unit of measure attribute is optional. If no value is entered, this attribute will default to MI.

Values are MI-miles or KM-kilometers. Omit this attribute if your preferred search should be in miles, and include this attribute if your search should be in kilometers.

To request a unit of measure: <GeoRef UOM="KM">

Direction=" "

The direction attribute is optional. Values can be:

  • N-north
  • S-south
  • E-east
  • W-west
  • Combined NE, NW, SE, SW

This will limit the search of rental locations to the requested direction from the pickup location point entered.

To request a direction: <GeoRef Direction="E">

GeoRef samples:

<GeoRef MaxLocations="5">
<GeoRef Radius="200">
<GeoRef Radius="200" UOM="KM" Direction="S">
<GeoRef MaxLocations="20" Radius="10">
<GeoRef MaxLocations="3" Radius="10" UOM="KM" Direction="S">


The PickUp Location Reference element is mandatory. One of the following must be present: GeoCode, RefPoint, or AddressRef.

<GeoCode Latitude=" " Longitude=" "/>

The Geo Code element is optional. If this option is used, then RefPoint and AddressRef cannot be used.

The latitude and longitude attributes are the most common method to supply the API with pickup or drop-off search criteria. The Latitude and Longitude attributes must be used together.

The latitude and longitude both follow Decimal Degree format. The latitude range is -90.000000 to 90.000000, and the longitude range is -180.000000 to 180.000000.

Sample: <GeoCode Latitude="-12.123456" Longitude="123.123456"/>

<RefPoint Value=" " ValueContext=" " RefPointType=" "/>

The RefPoint element is optional. If this option is used, then GeoCode and AddressRef cannot be used.

Value=" "

The Value attribute is mandatory. The Value contains data that will be converted to a specific latitude and longitude to be used in the car search. The Value can be 3-50 alphanumeric, and may contain spaces and dashes.

If ValueContext is 6/Airport:

The Value will reflect the airport code, and must be 3 alpha characters. When the airport code is entered as a Value, the API will retrieve car rental locations that may or may not offer airport service. This will get car rental locations around the GeoPoint.

If ValueContext is 11/Hotel:

The Value will reflect the hotel code, and is 1-7 numeric. The Hotel reference hotel code should only be used if you have previously booked a hotel property within Sabre.

The hotel property number is obtained from the hotel booking.

ValueContext=" "

The Value Context attribute is mandatory and describes the type of data in the ‘Value’ attribute. The context can be either NAME or CODE.

CODE must be used with the following:

  • RefPointType data 6/Airport ex: DFW
  • RefPointType data 11/Hotel ex: 1010 (Sabre unique hotel property number)

Note: The reason Sabre does not default to either CODE or NAME is to allow for the future possibility of searching for an airport geo point by the airport name, in addition to the traditional 3 character airport code.

RefPointType=" "

The reference point type attribute is mandatory and describes the type of data in the Value attribute.

Valid code numbers can be 6 for airport code or 11 for Sabre unique hotel property number.

To request RefPoint, input one of the below examples:

<RefPoint Value="DFW" ValueContext="CODE" RefPointType="6"/>
<RefPoint Value="1010" ValueContext="CODE" RefPointType="11"/>

Marks the end of Pick Up Location reference.

To request PickUpLocRef, enter one of the below examples:

    <GeoCode Latitude=”-12.123456” Longitude=”123.123456”/>


    <RefPoint Value="Disneyworld " ValueContext="Name" RefPointType="16" StateProv="FL"/>

The Return Location Reference element is optional. If used, one of the following values must be present: GeoCode or RefPoint.

The Geo Code element is optional. If this option is used, then RefPoint and AddressRef cannot be used.

The latitude and longitude attributes are the most common method to supply the API with pickup or drop-off search criteria. The Latitude and Longitude attributes must be used together.

The latitude and longitude both follow Decimal Degree format. The latitude range is -90.000000 to 90.000000, and the longitude range is -180.000000 to 180.000000.

Sample: <GeoCode Latitude="-12.123456" Longitude="123.123456"/>

<RefPoint Value=" " ValueContext=" " RefPointType=" "/>

The RefPoint element is optional. If this option is used, then GeoCode and AddressRef cannot be used.

Value=" "

The Value attribute is mandatory. The Value contains data that will be converted to a specific latitude and longitude to be used in the car search. The Value can be 3-50 alphanumeric, and may contain spaces and dashes.

If ValueContext is 6/Airport:

The Value will reflect the airport code, and must be 3 alpha characters. When the airport code is entered as a Value, the API will retrieve car rental locations that may or may not offer airport service. This will get car rental locations around the GeoPoint.

If ValueContext is 11/Hotel:

The Value will reflect the hotel code, and is 1-7 numeric. The Hotel reference hotel code should only be used if you have previously booked a hotel property within Sabre.

The hotel property number is obtained from the hotel booking.

ValueContext=" "

The Value Context attribute is mandatory and describes the type of data in the ‘Value’ attribute. The context can be either NAME or CODE.

CODE must be used with the following:

  • RefPointType data 6/Airport ex: DFW
  • RefPointType data 11/Hotel ex: 1010 (Sabre unique hotel property number)

Note: The reason Sabre does not default to either CODE or NAME is to allow for the future possibility of searching for an airport geo point by the airport name, in addition to the traditional 3 character airport code.

RefPointType=" "

The reference point type attribute is mandatory and describes the type of data in the Value attribute.

Valid code numbers can be 6 for airport code or 11 for Sabre unique hotel property number.

To request RefPoint, input one of the below examples:

<RefPoint Value="DFW" ValueContext="CODE" RefPointType="6"/>
<RefPoint Value="1010" ValueContext="CODE" RefPointType="11"/>


Marks the end of the Geo Reference element.

To request GeoRef, refer to one of the examples below:

Minimum Geo Reference:

        <GeoCode Latitude="-12.123456" Longitude="123.123456"/>


Pick up location based on latitude and longitude, and return location based on address information:

        <GeoCode Latitude=”-12.123456” Longitude=”123.123456”/>
        <RefPoint Value="DFW" ValueContext="CODE" RefPointType="6"/>


The vendor preferences element is optional, unless RentalRefLoc is used.

RentalRefLoc refers to one specific rental location for one vendor (car supplier).

If Vendor Preferences is omitted, the response will return all car suppliers available. The car supplier preference is repeatable for up to 50 occurrences.

<VendorPref Code=" "/>

The vendor preference element is mandatory if VendorPrefs is present.

Code=" "

The code attribute is mandatory if VendorPref is present. The code is 2 alphabetic characters assigned to each car supplier/vendor.

Marks the end of the Vendor Preferences element.

Examples of common requests for Vendor Preferences:

    <VendorPref Code="XX"/>
    <VendorPref Code="YY"/>
    <VendorPref Code="ZZ"/>
    <VendorPref Code="AA"/>
    <VendorPref Code="BB"/>


The rate preferences element is optional. The attributes ConvertedRateInfoOnly and SupplierCurrencyOnly are required.

Commission=" "

Commission is used to request suppliers that will only return commission information. If this field is omitted, the response will contain responses from car suppliers that return commission information and those that do not.

Note: Just because a car supplier does not return displayable commission information does not mean they do not have commissions, since there is a setting available to travel agencies to suppress the display of commission information.

The commission attribute is optional. If used, it must contain true or false. If false, this attribute is usually omitted.

Example: <RatePrefs Commission="true">

RateAssured=" "

Rate Assured is used to request suppliers that return the best publicly available rates. If this field is omitted, the response will contain responses from both car suppliers that return rate assured information and those that do not.

The Rate Assured indicator signifies that the car supplier has contractually agreed with Sabre to always display the lowest publicly available rate, so there is no need to check other sources for a lower publicly available rate.

Note: There is a setting available to travel agencies to suppress the display of the Rate Assured indicator.

The rate assured attribute is optional. If used, it must contain true or false. If false, this attribute can be omitted.

<RatePrefs RateAssured="true">

RateCategory=" "

The Rate Category attribute is used to request types of a rate. For example, Government G, or Associate A. This field is rarely used, as most rate categories now use more detailed identifiers used in the RatePrefs element listed below.

The rate category is optional, and if used, must contain one of the following category codes:

N - Negotiated L - Inclusive V - Convention C - Corporate G - Government K - Package (X=bilaterally agreed indicator) P - Promotional A - Association B - Business Standard U - Consortium R - Credential I - Industry S - Standard

Example: <RatePrefs RateCatagory="G">

RatePlan=" "

The Rate Plan attribute is used to request the length of rental rates. For example, daily rates D, or weekly rates W.

This field is rarely used, as most plans are determined by the length of the car rental based on the number of days and hours. When this is used, it forces a 5 day long rental to be returned using a D (daily) plan instead of defaulting to a E (weekend) plan that a car supplier would normally return. This is mostly used by business travelers that are not sure how long they will rent the car for.

Rate plan is optional. If used, it must contain daily D, weekend E, weekly W, and monthly M.

Example: <RatePrefs RatePlan="D">

CurrencyCode=" "

The currency code is optional and is 3 alphabetic characters.

The CurrencyCode element is VERY important, and although optional, is effectively mandatory when ConvertedRateInfoOnly is set to ‘true’. When the ConvertedRateInfoOnly value is true, CurrencyCode needs to contain the currency the user would like to see rates returned in. It usually reflects the agency location’s country currency.

If CurrencyCode is NOT inputted, and ConvertedRateInfoOnly is true, then it will error:

Warning:`CURRENCY_INFO_REQUIRED="Invalid RatePrefs - CurrencyCode required when ConvertedRateInfoOnly is set to true";

Example: <CurrencyInfo Code=”EUR”>

ConvertedRateInfoOnly=" "

Converted Rate Info Only is mandatory. This attribute must contain either true or false.

Converted Rate Info Only settings:

  • false - all information will be returned in VehRentalRate, unless SupplierCurrencyOnly is also false, then information will be returned in both VehRentalRate and ConvertedVehRentalRate.
  • true - all information will be returned in ConvertedVehRentalRate. When Converted Rate Info Only is set to true, the logic populates it with the currency the traveler would like to see rates returned in, usually the agency location’s country currency.

Note: The Currency Info Code element is mandatory.

If Currency Info Code is NOT populated, and ConvertedRateInfoOnly is true, then this attribute will return an error:

Warning:CURRENCY_INFO_REQUIRED="Invalid RatePrefs - CurrencyInfo required when ConvertedRateInfoOnly is set to true";

Example: <RatePrefs ConvertedRateInfoOnly="true">

To use, combine all attributes in a single string:

<RatePrefs Commission="true" RateAssured="true" RateCategory="S" RatePlan="D" ConvertedRateInfoOnly="true" SupplierCurrencyOnly="false" >

Note: ConvertedRateInfoOnly and SuplierRateOnly can NOT both be set to true. They are mutually exclusive and will return an error:

Warning message:
INVALID_RATE_PREFS="Invalid RatePrefs - SupplierCurrencyOnly and ConvertedRateInfoOnly cannot both be set to true"

SupplierCurrencyOnly=" "

Supplier Currency Only is mandatory. This attribute must contain true or false.

  • true, all information will be returned in VehRentalRate.
  • false, all information will be returned in ConvertedRentalRate and may also be in VehRentalRate. Refer to the table below for all scenarios.

Example: <RatePrefs SupplierCurrencyOnly="true">

All attributes should be combined into one string if being used:

<RatePrefs Commission="true" RateAssured="true" RateCategory="S" RatePlan="D" ConvertedRateInfoOnly="false" SupplierCurrencyOnly="true" >

CurrencyInfo Code ConvertedRateInfoOnly SupplierCurrencyOnly Response
AUD TRUE TRUE Warning message: INVALID_RATE_PREFS="Invalid RatePrefs - SupplierCurrencyOnly and ConvertedRateInfoOnly cannot both be set to true"
AUD TRUE FALSE Rates return in AUD in ConvertedRentalRate
AUD FALSE TRUE Supplier rental rate returned in VehRentalRate
AUD FALSE FALSE Rates return in both currencies - ConvertedRentalRate and VehRentalRate
none TRUE TRUE Warning message: INVALID_RATE_PREFS="Invalid RatePrefs - SupplierCurrencyOnly and ConvertedRateInfoOnly cannot both be set to true"
none FALSE TRUE Supplier rental rate returned in VehRentalRate
none FALSE FALSE Rates return in both currencies - ConvertedRentalRate and VehRentalRate
none TRUE FALSE Warning: CURRENCY_INFO_REQUIRED="Invalid RatePrefs - CurrencyInfo required when ConvertedRateInfoOnly is set to true"


The Customer Loyalty element is optional, but if used, all attributes within are mandatory. This element contains necessary information to successfully retrieve special rates, discounts, promotions, and frequent flyer points.

MembershipType=" "

The membership type is a 2 alpha code and must be one of the following:

  • CD – Corporate Discount - identifies agreements between a company car supplier
  • IT – Tour Code - usually a package that includes more than just the car supplier
  • ID – Identity number – car supplier frequent renter
  • PC – Promotional Coupon – a temporary discount/upgrade offered by the car supplier
  • FT – Frequent Traveler number (airline frequent flyer) – usually car supplier adds "points" to the users airline’s card.

MembershipCode=" "

The membership code is the car supplier or airline code (for FT only). This data may be repeated for each membership type and membership code (car supplier, except FT it is an airline code).

The membership code is the 2 alpha code of the car supplier. The MembershipCode must equal the VendorPref Code, if RentalLocRef is used.

MembershipId=" "

The membership ID value varies in length: CD, IT, ID, FT, 1-25 alpha numeric. PC can be 1-10 alpha numeric.

To request this, input one of the membership types:

<CustLoyalty MembershipType=”CD” MembershipCode=”VV” MembershipId=”123456”/>

<GuaranteePrepaid Type="GP"/>

Guarantee Prepaid is used when requesting relatively new types of rates from car suppliers. These rates provide detailed information on pentalty amounts when a car is being paid at the time of booking.

This optional field returns only Enhanced Guarantee Required or Prepaid rates from participating car suppliers. Very few suppliers participate.

If omitted, guarantee and prepay rates may be returned, but usually only retail rates are returned.

If used, the guarantee prepaid element must be one of the following:

  • G - guaranteed only rates
  • P - prepaid only rates
  • GP - guarantee and/or prepaid rates only
  • GR - guarantee and/or retail rates only
  • PR - prepaid and/or retail rates only
  • GPR - guarantee, prepaid, and/or retail rates

To request prepaid rates and only prepaid rates: <GuaranteePrepaid Type="P"/>

To request guarantee rates and only guarantee rates: <GuaranteePrepaid Type="G"/>

<RateRule Vendor=" " RateCode=" "/>

The rate rule is an optional element and may be repeated for each car supplier. The limit of car suppliers to include is 50, which is currently greater than the number of car suppliers in Sabre.

Enter a value for this element only if this information is known. Otherwise, you can simply omit this element.

Vendor=" "

The vendor code (car supplier code) attribute is mandatory and consists of a 2 alpha value.

RateCode=" "

The Rate Code refer to a car supplier-specific 2-6 alpha numeric code that is tied to the available rate.

Example: <RateRule Vendor="XX" RateCode="ABC123">


Marks the end of the Rate Preferences element.


The Vehicle Preferences element is optional, and is used to request the type of vehicle or vehicles. If a Vehicle Preference is used, then VehPref, or SeatBeltsAndBagsInfo, must be populated.


The Vehicle Preference element is optional, and is used to request the type of vehicle or vehicles. If VehPref is used, then SeatBelts and BagsInfo cannot be used.

<VehType> </VehType>

The Vehicle Type element is mandatory if VehPref is used, and is a 4 alpha value. If VehPref is used, then SeatBeltsBagsInfo cannot be used.

The vehicle preferences element allows up to 10 Car Types to be requested. Enter this value only if you want to request specific types of vehicles. If not used, then the default will be ACAR for All Car Types.

The interpretation of ACAR varies by suppliers, but in general, is comprised of all 2 or 4 door cars, including Mini Vans and SUVs.

Note: There is a setting for travel agencies to have the request for ACAR to always return "all" vehicles available by the car supplier. Some car suppliers may not return specialty cars on an ACAR code.

Refer to the Vehicle Types Matrix for a list of all values to enter.

To request this, enter the applicable vehicle types:


To request this, input the applicable vehicle pseudo group of vehicles: <VehType>AGRN</VehType>


Marks the end of the Vehicle Preference code.




The SeatBeltsAndBagsInfo element is optional. If used, then SeatBelts or BagsInfo must be used, and VehPref cannot be used.


The SeatBelts element is optional, and is the maximum legal capacity that a vehicle can contain.

The Seatbelts element can be used in conjunction with BagsInfo.

By using this option, the vehicle type is chosen by the car supplier based on legal capacity. If there are 5 people traveling, a vehicle will have a legal capacity of 5 or more.

Quantity=" "

The Quantity attribute is mandatory if the SeatBelts element is used. The Quantity is 1-2 numeric (1-99 value) and is the maximum number of people that will be in the vehicle.

Example: <SeatBelts Quantity="1"/>


The Bags Information element is optional. If used, then there must be one Bags element. If there is no bag quantity, this element should be omitted.

The BagsInfo element can be used in conjunction with SeatBelts.

<Bags Quantity=" " Size=" "/>

The Bags element is mandatory if BagsInfo is used.

The Bags Information element is currently limited to one bag size.

Quantity=" "

The Quantity attribute is mandatory if the Bags element is used. The Quantity is 1-2 numeric (1-99 value).

Size=" "

The Size attribute is mandatory if the Bags element is used.

The Size can be either Small or Large.

  • Small – size of bag that meets most airlines' definition of carry-on, which is approximately: 22" L x 14" W x 9" H
  • Large – size of bag that meets most airlines' definition of checked baggage: Maximum of 62” when adding length, width, and height.

Example: <Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>


Marks the end of the BagsInfo element.


    <Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>


Marks the end of the SeatBeltsBagsInfo element.


        <Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>
    <SeatBelts Quantity="2"/>
    <SeatBelts Quantity="1"/>
            <Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>


Marks the end of the Vehicle Preferences element.

To request this, enter the applicable Vehicle Preferences with Vehicle Types:


To request this input, enter the applicable Vehicle Preferences with Seat Belts and Bags:

        <SeatBelts Quantity="1"/>
                <Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>


The Special Equipment Preferences element is optional and is only used when requesting special equipment.

<CarExtrasPref Type=" "/>

The Car Extras element is mandatory if CarExtrasPrefs is used.

Type=" "

The Type attribute is mandatory if CarExtraPref is used, and may be repeated up to 10 times.

Note: Some suppliers do not support this element. Most support up to 4 repeats of Car Extras and a few support up to 10.

Car Extras includes things like child seats, but also includes services and surcharges.

All car suppliers support equipment items, such as CST – Child Seat, and NAV – Navigation.

Some support service items, such as TOL – toll road tags, and PAI – Insurance code.

A few support surcharge items, such as A18 – age 18 driver surcharge.

All items are potentially valid. They are edited against the car supplier's car rental location policy for shop requests and only codes valid for that car supplier location are sent to that specific car supplier.

Car suppliers are allowed their own custom codes. For example, some countries allow surcharges on overage drivers, so a car supplier may have added A75 – Renter Age 75 at time of rental.

Refer to the Sabre Car Special Equipment Code Matrix for all values.


   <CarExtrasPref EquipType=”CST“/>
   <CarExtrasPref EquipType=”NAV“/>


Marks the end of the Special Equipment Preferences element.

<LocPolicyRef include="true"/>

The Location Policy Reference element is optional, but for virtually all requests, it should be considered mandatory.

If Location Policy Reference is set to false, then LocPolicyRef should be omitted.

When the location policy reference is set to true, details about the location are returned.


The Image Reference element is optional and can be requested in more than one size, but will always be the same image of the vehicle. If available, the car supplier logo will also be returned with the image of the vehicle.

<Image Type=" "/>

The Image Type element is mandatory if ImageRef is used.

The Image Type must be one of the following:

  • Original
  • Thumbnail: scalable to 100 x 150
  • Small: scalable to 200 x 200
  • Medium: scalable to 400 x 400
  • Large: scalable to 800 x 800


Marks the end of the Image Reference element.


        <Image Type="THUMBNAIL"/>


Marks the end of the Search Criteria element.


Marks the end of the Get Vehicle Availability request.