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Web Red App Project Wizard

The Web Red App Project wizard presents you with the following choices for web Red App integration:

  • An advanced editor implementation based on WebKit Browser. To create choose "Web Editor" option as the "UI Type" and "Advanced" as the "Wizard Mode". This creates an HTML-based browser with a customized implementation of an editor class extending DefaultWebkitEditor. This editor has a command and handler with a menu entry that lets you open the editor from the application launcher bar.

  • A simple editor implementation based on Webkit Browser. To create choose "Web Editor" option as the "UI Type" and "Simple" as the "Wizard Mode". This creates the default implementation of a browser in an editor that uses the DefaultWebkitEditor class. This editor has a command and handler with a menu entry that lets you open the editor from the application launcher bar.

  • An advanced view implementation based on WebKit Browser. To create choose "Web View" option as the "UI Type" and "Advanced" as the "Wizard Mode". This creates an HTML-based browser with a customized implementation of a view class extending WebkitView. You can associate this simple view with an editor and add a button to the application side bar to open the view. If you do not add your view to the side bar, it is automatically added to the Tools Main menu.

  • A simple view implementation based on WebKit Browser. To create choose "Web View" option as the "UI Type" and "Simple" as the "Wizard Mode". This creates the default implementation of a browser in a view that uses the default WebkitView class. You can associate this simple view with an editor and add a button to the application side bar to open the view. If you do not add your view to the side bar, it is automatically added to the Tools Main menu.


Before you run this wizard, have a menu name for the editor or view, the URL of the website, your contact details, and Red App ID ready. If you choose the advanced web editor, you need your custom editor and the fully-qualified name of your editor class ready.

URL field: You can enter any of the following:

  • The complete address of a website

  • The ${plugin_resources}/data variable to define the path to the web page

  • The path to a local file that is the web page

        This functionality is related to Unpacking and Copying Plug-in Resources.

Simple and Advanced Web View:   Choose the orientation and ratio. The ratio is the initial proportion of the viewing area for the emulator. Ratio does NOT set viewing area for the view. You can associate the view with any of the following types of editors:

  • Sabre Work Area

  • Other is an editor that you wrote. If you choose Other, the value you type sets edgeActiveEditorId.

        The Editor ID is the identifier of a custom editor within your Red App project to associate with your view. The naming convention for the ID is the fully-qualified editor class name.


After you run this wizard, the following are added:

  • A wrapping plugin.xml file

  • A redapp.xml file with your Red App ID

  • For the advanced editor, Java classes

When you launch Sabre Red 360 in development mode with this plug-in, choose a menu entry or button on the application side bar to open your editor or view.