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Void Flight Tickets – Examples

Below are some common use cases on how to void flight tickets:

Void a single document

To ensure a successful void of the requested document, add the following parameters to your request:

  • tickets (a 13-digit electronic document number)
  "tickets": [

Void a conjunctive document

To ensure a successful void of the requested document, add the following parameters to your request:

  • tickets (a full conjunctive document number or a 13-digit electronic number of the main document)
  "tickets": [


  "tickets": [

Void all documents of a booking

To ensure a successful void of all documents within a booking, your request should contain:

  • confirmationId (PNR Locator or Sabre Order ID)
  "confirmationId": "ABCDEF"

Void a single document, change context, and designate printer profile

To ensure a successful void of the requested document, switch from the current Pseudo City Code (PCC) to the target PCC where the transaction should be executed and apply a previously defined printer profile for the transaction. Your request should contain:

  • tickets (a 13-digit electronic document number)
  • targetPcc (the PCC where the void transaction of the ticket should be executed)
  • designatePrinters
    • profileNumber (the previously defined printer profile number)
  "tickets": [
  "targetPcc": "XYZ1",
  "designatePrinters": [
        "profileNumber": 1

Void multiple documents and allow partial errors

To ensure a successful void of multiple documents, add the following parameters to your request:

  • tickets (a 13-digit electronic document number)
  • set errorHandlingPolicy to ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL
  "tickets": [
  "errorHandlingPolicy": "ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL"

Note: The default value for errorHandlingPolicy is HALT_ON_ERROR.

Use cases

The use cases below have been compiled to better illustrate the logical flow of Void Flight Tickets.

Use case 1 – Void a single flight ticket

This use case is based on a reservation (PNR RECLOC: BYOKLY) for one traveler. The segment was booked as traditional Sabre air content:

 1 UA  27Y 26APR 1 DENLHR HK1  1735  0940   27APR 2             
                                               /DCUA*HBMER8 /E  

The ticket was issued without any additional documents:

TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 0167497725933-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0445/11AUG*            

To execute the void flight ticket operation, determine the desired document number.

For example, the request to void the document could be:

  "tickets": [

The response does not contain errors:

    "request": {
        "tickets": [
    "voidedTickets": [

The reservation was updated and the ticket voided:

TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 0167497725933-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0445/11AUG*            
    TV 0167497725933-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0449/11AUG*E           

Use case 2 – Void a single flight ticket and a miscellaneous document (EMD)

This use case is based on a reservation (PNR RECLOC: BZHDUU) for one traveler. The segments were booked as traditional Sabre air content:

 1 EY  20Y 10OCT 6 LHRAUH HK1  1450  0055   11OCT 7             
                                               /DCEY*BZHDDU /E  
 2 EY  17Y 18OCT 7 AUHLHR HK1  1410  1845  /DCEY*BZHDDU /E      
TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 6077497725936-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0722/11AUG*            
  3.ME 6074577562476-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0722/11AUG*A           
ANCILLARY SERVICES                                              
    STATUS - HI1/FULFILLED                                      
    AMOUNT - 399.00USD                                          
    TOTAL  - 399.00USD                                          
    FLIGHT - EY0020Y10OCTLHRAUH                                 
    DOC/CF - 6074577562476           CPN - 01                   

As we can see, there were two documents issued; a flight ticket and an EMD.

To void both documents, the request to Void Flight Tickets should be:

  "tickets": [

No errors are returned in the response:

    "request": {
        "tickets": [
    "voidedTickets": [

The reservation was updated as expected:

TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 6077497725936-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0722/11AUG*            
  3.ME 6074577562476-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0722/11AUG*A           
    TV 6077497725936-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0727/11AUG*E           
    MV 6074577562476-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0727/11AUG*A           

Use case 3 – Void multiple documents

Below is an example of a simple round-trip air itinerary (PNR RECLOC: BXMHJB). These segments are booked as traditional Sabre air content:

 1 GF  16Y 10NOV 2 FRABAH HK2  1130  1825  /DCGF*KWYSDP /E      
 2 GF  17Y 16NOV 1 BAHFRA HK2  0055  0615  /DCGF*KWYSDP /E           

Tickets were issued for both travelers. Additionally, Air Extras were sold for the outbound flight and EMDs were issued:

ANCILLARY SERVICES                                              
  1.EXCESS PIECE                     1.1 CANCELTICKET/JOE       
    GROUP    - BG                    SSR - ASVC                 
    RFIC     - C                     RFISC - 0H8                
    EMD TYPE - 2                     WAIVE -                    
    ETKT     - 0727497725931         CPN - 01                   
    REFUND   - R                     COMMISSION - N             
    SEAT PDC    -                                               
    TRAVEL DATE - 01JAN80 TO 31DEC99 GUARANTEED - T             
    PURCHASE BY - 09NOV20/2359       TKT - N                    
    TAX EXEMPT - N                                              
    MKT/OP CARRIER - GF/GF                                      
    FEE OWNER - GF                   INTERLINE - N              
  2.EXCESS PIECE                     2.1 CANCELTICKET/HEIDI     
    GROUP    - BG                    SSR - ASVC                 
    RFIC     - C                     RFISC - 0H8                
    EMD TYPE - 2                     WAIVE -                    
    ETKT     - 0727497725932         CPN - 01                   
    REFUND   - R                     COMMISSION - N            ‡
    SEAT PDC    -                                              ‡
    TRAVEL DATE - 01JAN80 TO 31DEC99 GUARANTEED - T             
    PURCHASE BY - 09NOV20/2359       TKT - N                    
    TAX EXEMPT - N                                              
    MKT/OP CARRIER - GF/GF                                      
    FEE OWNER - GF                   INTERLINE - N              
TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 0727497725931-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0144/11AUG*            
  3.TE 0727497725932-AT CANCE/H G7RE*APP 0144/11AUG*            
  4.ME 0724577562224-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0145/11AUG*A           
  5.ME 0724577562475-AT CANCE/H G7RE*APP 0145/11AUG*A               

To execute the void flight ticket operation, determine the desired document numbers.

For example, the request to void all documents could be:

  "errorHandlingPolicy": "HALT_ON_ERROR",
  "tickets": [

The application will now validate the details of each document and reorder them to create context-related buckets:

  • Bucket 1:
    • Ticket: 0727497725931
    • EMD associated with the ticket: 0724577562224
  • Bucket 2:
    • Ticket: 0727497725932
    • EMD associated with the ticket: 0724577562475

The documents will be voided in the above order, which might differ from the order sent in the request.

Caution! The error handling policy HALT_ON_ERROR will stop the flow at any point where an error occurs. As the void operation is irreversible, previously processed documents might be voided already.

After the successful void transactions, the reservation will be updated accordingly:

TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 0727497725931-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0144/11AUG*            
  3.TE 0727497725932-AT CANCE/H G7RE*APP 0144/11AUG*            
  4.ME 0724577562224-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0145/11AUG*A           
  5.ME 0724577562475-AT CANCE/H G7RE*APP 0145/11AUG*A           
    TV 0727497725931-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0248/11AUG*E           
    MV 0724577562224-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0248/11AUG*A           
    TV 0727497725932-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0248/11AUG*E           
    MV 0724577562475-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0248/11AUG*A                        

Use case 4 – Coupon validation fails (negative scenario)

This use case will illustrate the application behavior when errors occur. The following scenario is given:

 1 EY  20Y 10OCT 6 LHRAUH HK1  1450  0055   11OCT 7             
                                               /DCEY*BZHDDU /E  
 2 EY  17Y 18OCT 7 AUHLHR HK1  1410  1845  /DCEY*BZHDDU /E      
TKT/TIME LIMIT                                                  
  2.TE 6077497725936-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0722/11AUG*            
  3.ME 6074577562476-AT CANCE/J G7RE*APP 0722/11AUG*A           
    TV 6077497725936-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0727/11AUG*E           
    MV 6074577562476-AT  *VOID* G7RE*AWZ 0727/11AUG*A                              

Both documents are voided already and we can assume that coupon validation will fail in the Void Flight Tickets flow.

Default "errorHandlingPolicy": "HALT_ON_ERROR"

The request is:

  "tickets": [

In this case, the application will stop when the first error occurs. In our case, the coupon validation fails and is received in the response:

    "request": {
        "tickets": [
    "errors": [
            "category": "WARNING",
            "type": "NO_TICKETS_VOIDED",
            "description": "No tickets voided"
            "category": "CANCELLATION_ERROR",
            "type": "UNABLE_TO_VOID_TICKET",
            "description": "Coupon Status VOID - Coupons[1,2] of the document were voided already",
            "fieldPath": "[0]",
            "fieldValue": "6077497725936"
"errorHandlingPolicy": "ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL"

Overriding the default errorHandlingPolicy means that the application can accept the error. Errors will be returned as a warning.

For example, the request is:

 "errorHandlingPolicy": "ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL",
  "tickets": [

As we see in the response, the application validated both documents:

    "request": {
        "errorHandlingPolicy": "ALLOW_PARTIAL_CANCEL",
        "tickets": [
    "errors": [
            "category": "WARNING",
            "type": "NO_TICKETS_VOIDED",
            "description": "No tickets voided"
            "category": "WARNING",
            "type": "UNABLE_TO_VOID_TICKET",
            "description": "Coupon Status VOID - Coupons[1,2] of the document were voided already",
            "fieldPath": "[0]",
            "fieldValue": "6077497725936"
            "category": "WARNING",
            "type": "UNABLE_TO_VOID_TICKET",
            "description": "Coupon Status VOID - Coupon[1] of document=[6074577562476] was voided already",
            "fieldPath": "[1]",
            "fieldValue": "6074577562476"

Use case 5 – Sign the change with a specific value (receivedFrom option)

This use case can be considered an extension of all the use cases above. The following scenario is given:

 1 EY   2Y 10MAR W FRAAUH HK1  1045A  800P /DCEY*VNHJAA /E
  2.TE 6077531644511-AT CANCE/T AB12*AWX 0511/19NOV*
  3.ME 6074578566012-AT CANCE/T AB12*AWX 0512/19NOV*A

The request to the service, including a custom signature, would be:

  "tickets": [
  "receivedFrom": "CUSTOMER APP"

The expected response would be:

    "request": {
        "tickets": [
    "receivedFrom": "CUSTOMER APP"
    "voidedTickets": [

When checking the booking history, we see that the changes were signed with the specified value:

A7  TV 6077531644511-AT  *VOID* AB12*AWX 0517/19NOV*E
A7   MV 6074578566012-AT  *VOID* AB12*AWX 0517/19NOV*A