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Use Cases

Enhanced Vehicle Book can be used to book new vehicle reservations and add vehicle content to existing reservations. Each use case is detailed below:

New Reservations

Shop and book vehicle segment in a new PNR:

  1. Create a Sabre session/token.
  2. Send a shopping request to the Get Vehicle Availability SOAP | REST (GetVehAvailRQ) API.
  3. Use the RateKey obtained to send a price check request to the Vehicle Price Check SOAP | REST (VehPriceCheckRQ) API to obtain the BookingKey.
  4. Submit the required data elements into the Sabre session (“AAA”), including the Traveler's name and Travel Agency address. This information can be retrieved from the Passenger Details (PassengerDetailsRQ) API.
  5. Use the BookingKey obtained from the Vehicle Price Check response, plus other booking details, to create the booking request using Enhanced Vehicle Book (EnhancedVehBookRQ).
  6. Once a successful response is received, submit a second request to the Passenger Details API or make a call to the Enhanced End Transaction (EnhancedEndTransactionRQ) API to commit the changes and end the PNR.

Existing Reservations

Shop and book a GDS hotel as a legacy hotel segment and add it into an existing PNR:

  1. Create a Sabre session/token.
  2. Send a shopping request to the Get Vehicle Availability SOAP | REST (GetVehAvailRQ) API.
  3. Use the RateKey obtained to send a price check request to the Vehicle Price Check SOAP | REST (VehPriceCheckRQ) API to obtain the BookingKey.
  4. Use Retrieve Itinerary (GetReservationRQ) to retrieve an existing PNR and ensure it already contains required data, namely the traveler's name and the agency address.
  5. Use the BookingKey obtained from the Vehicle Price Check response, plus other booking details, to create the booking request using Enhanced Vehicle Book (EnhancedVehBookRQ).
  6. Once a successful response is received, submit a second request to the Passenger Details API or make a call to the Enhanced End Transaction (EnhancedEndTransactionRQ) API to commit the changes and end the PNR.