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The Reprint Boarding Pass (ACS_ReprintBPRQ) API is used to reprint a boarding pass for passengers that are already checked-in.

The minimum information required includes the airline code, flight number, boarding station, along with the seat number or passenger last name, and passenger ID.


  • Specifying a departure date in the request is optional. However, if a date is not provided, the API defaults to the current date of the city assigned in the EPR.
  • The API always re-issues the boarding pass only for the current flight segment, irrespective of number of downline segments
  • If any required parameters are missing, the API returns an Application Error message (Invalid content was found starting with element 'DepartureDate'. One of '{Flight}' is expected.)
  • For international flights, the system verifies the passenger’s travel document data, including the infant travel document (when traveling with an infant), and the passenger’s contact information. If either requirement is not met, an error message is returned.
  • A printer must be assigned before using this request. If a printer is not assigned, the response returns the !ASSIGN BOARDING PASS PRINTER error message. If the printing option is not provided, the response will not return the boarding pass information. See the Boarding Pass Printing Options section below.

Reprint by Seat Number

The minimum information required includes the airline code, flight number, and boarding station (including the seat number).

Note: You can reprint up to a maximum of 10 seat numbers per request; however, in the event the API is unable to reprint all requested seats, it will return the !INCORRECT SEAT NUMBER FOR EDIT error. No further action is needed when this happens.


Reprint multiple boarding passes:

    <n1:ACS_ReprintBPRQ xmlns:n1="">

Reprint by Passenger Name

The minimum information required includes the airline code, flight number, and boarding station (including the seat number), the passenger's last name, and the passenger's ID.


Reprint one boarding pass:

    <n1:ACS_ReprintBPRQ xmlns:n1="">

Refer to the Resources tab for full sample requests and responses.

Boarding Pass Printing Options

The response returns boarding pass information in a variety of ways depending on the printing option specified in the request.

Note: If the printing option is not provided in the request, the response will not include boarding pass data.

The following printing options specified in the request identify the format of the documents returned in the response:

Print Option Description
BPXML Returns the boarding pass as individual XML elements.
DigitalSignature Returns the boarding pass as individual XML elements and a digitally signed barcode.
PNG Returns the boarding pass data stream with a PNG image and PECTAB data.
PECTAB Returns the boarding pass data stream and PECTAB data. Note: PECTAB (Parametric Table) is a data template used for communication with Automated Ticket and Boarding Pass (ATB) devices, including the printing of boarding passes.
blank Do not return boarding pass information. Boarding passes will be host printed.

Reprint Response Structure

The response returns passenger itinerary and boarding pass information for the requested passenger ID or seat number.

The information is divided into the following sections:

Element Description
FreetextList Warning information related to the itinerary.
ItineraryPassengerList Contains passenger itinerary details by each segment, such as flight number, departure date and time, departure gate, equipment type, etc. Also contains passenger details, such as passenger type, group code, last name, first name, travel documents, boarding pass information (if the printing options were provided), etc.
PECTAB PECTAB data is returned only if the printing option is set to PECTAB in the request.
Result Contains any errors encountered from other systems that are unable to complete the request.