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UI or Workbench Elements Overview

Red Apps are wrapped as plug-ins for integration into Sabre Red 360. When wrapper plug-ins contribute to the UI, they become visually integrated as any of the following:

  • Editors. Full screen applications are wrapped in the form of editors, which Sabre Red 360 renders as tabs. Red Apps create a custom editor if they listen for browser events, dynamically determine a URL at runtime, use complex logic to handle the plug-in life cycle, or need a custom browser.

  • Views. Helper tools in the form of assistant tools panels are wrapped as views, which Sabre Red 360 renders as an application window. End-users refer to a view as an assistant tools panel. A Red App in a view complements the activity in an editor. For these types of Red Apps, you need to create a custom view in your plug-in. You can have single or multiple views that are oriented either vertically or horizontally.

  • Basic and advanced menu contributions. Menu contributions can be simple, basic menu entries in Sabre Red 360 or very complex menu entries that are activated based on conditions or policies.

  • Status line contributions. Red Apps must have a status line contribution if they wait for responses or lock the keyboard of end-users while processing information.

  • Pop-up dialogs. Dialogs display alerts and prompts. Dialogs can have any content that can be placed on an SWT Composite class.

  • Notifications. You can add several types of notification services to your Red App and embed any functionality that you want. You can also set priorities and display options.