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Supporting Seat AirExtra Refund

When a Passenger changes their fulfilled paid seat and a current seat has been purchased using Credit Card (CC) or Travel Bank (TB), then Digital Connect Check-In refunds charge related to the original seat.

The process of refund consists of two steps:

  • Refund pricing

    It returns an information about the possible refunded amount and forms of the refund.

  • Refund fulfillment

    It performs the refund process and creates refunded document.

If at least one of the above steps fails, then the reservation is placed in a special queue for further handling.

Supported Refund Methods

  • Credit Card - when a seat was purchased with CC and CC Refund method is eligible according to FXR response
  • Travel Bank - when a seat was purchased with BT and BT Refund method is eligible according to FXR response

Pricing AirExtra (AE) for a Refund

AE is priced for a Refund when:

  • The feature is enabled.
  • Paid seat to any seat change scenario occurred with a success result and AE for a previous seat was fulfilled.
  • The previous seat AE is refundable.

Fulfillment of AE Refund

AE refund is fulfilled when:

  • The current AE was paid with a Credit Card and this form of refund is available.
  • The current AE was paid with a Travel Bank and this form of refund is available.

Placing a PNR in a Queue

A PNR is placed in a queue when:

  • Refund pricing or the fulfillment failed.
  • Any exception such as timeout happened in the flow.

Note   When the printer un-assignment error occurs, the reservation is not placed in the queue as this is not related to the refund process.

Configuration Reference

The following keys are introduced to support this feature:

  • s4ci.feature.refund.enabled
  • s4ci.feature.refund.eligiblePaymentTypes
  • s4ci.feature.seatSelect.enabled
  • s4ci.feature.passengerDetails.airExtraDetails.enabled
  • s4ci.feature.allowedAirExtraStatuses
  • s4ci.feature.refund.queue.number
  • s4ci.feature.refund.queue.instruction

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.