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Supporting Passenger's Cabin Class Upgrade Process

Digital Connect Check-In supports the process of upgrading the Passengers to the higher cabin class.

It is possible to:

  1. Add a Passenger to the priority list of the desired cabin class with an upgrade code.
  2. Retrieve the list of the Passengers which are on the priority list.
  3. Accommodate the Passenger to the higher cabin class.

Adding a Passenger to the Priority List

Digital Connect Check-In uses a stateless service /dcci/passenger/list to place a Passenger on the priority list with the following attributes/criteria:

  • On the requested flight
  • With the requested priority code
  • With the requested upgrade code
  • In the requested desired cabin class

The service returns the results of the operation with either success or a reason of failure.

Accommodating a Passenger from the Priority List

Digital Connect Check-In uses a stateless service /dcci/passenger/list/accommodate to accommodate a Passenger from the priority list with the desired cabin class requested when the Passenger has been added to the priority list.


  • When a Passenger is successfully accommodated, the boarding pass is returned for such a Passenger.
  • When a Passenger cannot be accommodated, then the reason of failure is returned for such a Passenger.

Retrieving a Passenger's List on the Requested Flight

Digital Connect Check-In uses a stateless service /dcci/passenger/list/update which can be used to retrieve a list of Passengers on the flight for a requested flight. It also filters the Passenger using the criteria provided in the request.