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Sabre Red 360 Software Development Kit provides a capability to execute several services from a Red App web module.

Acquiring SrwAsyncApi

In order to obtain SrwAsyncApi and use you need to import it, e.g.

import {SrwAsyncApi} from "sabre-ngv-app/app/services/impl/SrwAsyncApi";

Then inside your source obtain the service as follows:

const srwApi = getService(SrwAsyncApi);

Available methods

There are several methods available in SrwAsyncApi, all of which are asynchronous, below you can find detailed list of them.

sws(xml: string, action: string, callback: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • xml - string containing xml request

  • action - action code for request

  • callback - function that should be called with result

swsWithLock(xml: string, action: string, lockId: number, callback: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • xml - string containing xml request

  • action - action code for request

  • lockId - lock id to be used while sending request to SWS

  • callback - function that should be called with result

lock(callback: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • callback - function that should be called with result

lockWithTimeout(timeout: number, callback: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • timeout - specifies acquired lock timeout, after which it will be invalidated

  • callback - function that should be called with result

tryLock(duration: number, lockWaitingTimeout: number, callback: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • duration - specifies for how long acquired lock will remain valid

  • lockWaitingTimeout - specifies for how long the caller is willing to wait for lock as it may not be available immediately

  • callback - function that should be called with result

unlock(lockId: number, callback: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • lockId - lock to be unlocked

  • callback - function that should be called with result

showInEmu(text: string, isCommand: boolean, functionObject: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • text - text or command to be shown in emulator

  • isCommand - specifies if provided text should be shown as command (plain text otherwise)

  • callback - function that should be called with result

executeInEmu(command: string, showCommand: boolean, showResponse: boolean, functionObject: Object): void;

Type Parameteres:

  • command - command to be executed in emulator

  • showCommand - specifies if provided command should be shown in emulator

  • showResponse - specifies if command response should be shown in emulator

  • callback - function that should be called with result

rest2Sg(url: string, httpMethod: HttpMethod, authTokenType: AuthTokenType, payload: string, contentType: string, functionObject: Object): void;

Type Parameters:

  • url - path to Sabre REST service ex. "/v1/lists/utilities/aircraft/equipment"


  • authTokenType - 'SESSION' or 'SESSIONLESS'

  • payload - JSON formatted string

  • contentType - content, application/json in most cases

  • functionObject - function that should be called with result

rest2SgWithLock(url: string, httpMethod: HttpMethod, authTokenType: AuthTokenType, payload: string, contentType: string, lockId: number, functionObject: Object): void;

Type Parameters:

  • url - path to Sabre REST service ex. "/v1/lists/utilities/aircraft/equipment"


  • authTokenType - 'SESSION' or 'SESSIONLESS'

  • payload - JSON formatted string

  • contentType - content, application/json in most cases

  • lockId - lock to be used when sending request

  • functionObject - function that should be called with result

rest2SgWithHeaders(url: string, httpMethod: HttpMethod, authTokenType: AuthTokenType, payload: string, contentType: string, headers: string, functionObject: Object): void;

Type Parameters:

  • url - path to Sabre REST service ex. "/v1/lists/utilities/aircraft/equipment"


  • authTokenType - 'SESSION' or 'SESSIONLESS'

  • payload - JSON formatted string

  • contentType - content, application/json in most cases

  • headers - JSON formatted string

  • functionObject - function that should be called with result

rest2SgWithHeadersAndLock(url: string, httpMethod: HttpMethod, authTokenType: AuthTokenType, payload: string, contentType: string, headers: string, lockId: number, functionObject: Object): void;

Type Parameters:

  • url - path to Sabre REST service ex. "/v1/lists/utilities/aircraft/equipment"


  • authTokenType - 'SESSION' or 'SESSIONLESS'

  • payload - JSON formatted string

  • contentType - content, application/json in most cases

  • headers - JSON formatted string

  • lockId - lock to be used

  • functionObject - function that should be called with result


In order to be able to use specific services through SrwApi, your Red App needs to have authorization for those services in it’s redapp.xml file.


<Authorization name="" threshold="[threshold]" metric="[metric]"/>


<Authorization name="" threshold="[threshold]" metric="[metric]" />


<Authorization name="" threshold="[threshold]" metric="[metric]" />


<Authorization name="" threshold="[threshold]" metric="[metric]" />


To be able to connect to a 2SG REST endpoint, e.g.:




You need to add authorization to redapp.xml:

    <RedApp id="rest-comm-sabre-sample">
        <Authorization name="">
            <Action name="/v1/lists/utilities/aircraft/equipment" threshold="1" />
            <Action name="/v1/historical/flights/{destination}/seasonality" threshold="1" />

Otherwise there will be an AUTH error response from 2SG.