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Security Policy

Security policy intended for the Digital Connect Service API leverages current SE 2SG (Service Gateway) for security and throttling:

  • Only accepts SSL/TLS connections
  • Authentication and Session Management
  • Web services use session-based authentication, by establishing a session token via a POST or by using an API key as a POST body argument or as a cookie
  • Authorization – Allows privileged actions on a resource

Accessing Digital Connect Services

To access Digital Connect services, your requests need to pass several HTML headers and a URL.

  • The required headers are:
    • Authorization
    • Accept
    • Content-Type (for POST operations only)
  • The URL links together a base “api_context_path” that locates the overall Digital Connect API and a service URL that identifies a specific Digital Connect service.

Obtaining an Authorization Token from 2SG

In order to use the Authorization header, you need to acquire an authorization token from 2SG. The procedure for this is outlined on the following page in the Sabre Dev Studio:

Digital Connect uses OAuth 2.0 token protocol for authentication and authorization. Before any service can be invoked access token must be obtained and passed via HTTP header. Token can be created by POST call to 2SG endpoint containing unique Client ID.

Method and endpoint:

POST /v2/auth/token

Using the Authorization Token in the Authorization Header

After obtaining the authentication token, it must be passed to 2SG in every call to a Digital Connect service in an HTML Authorization header. The format of the Authentication header is:

Authorization: Bearer <authentication_token>

Header Requirements for Digital Connect Services

The header requirements are slightly different for GET and POST operations.

For GET Operations

For GET operations, the following headers must be passed.

Header name

Header Value




Bearer <authentication_token>

For POST Operations

For POST operations, the following headers must be passed.

Header name

Header Value






Bearer <authentication_token>

Digital ConnectService URLs

Individual Digital Connect service URLs combine the “api_context_path” that locates the overall Digital Connect API and a service URL that locates a specific Digital Connect service. For example, the /search service is invoked by combining the Digital Connect API’s URL:


With the service URL /search, resulting in:


Notice that the storefront code is not part of URL but is passed as a request parameter. In practice, an actual URL will look something like the following example:

Some other examples of Digital Connect service URLs are given in the following table:

Service Name

Service URL





Air (select Flights)


















HTTP Methods

Digital Connect APIs use standard HTTP methods to denote actions against a resource:

  • GET - Reads a resource. Returns HTTP 200 on success.
  • POST - Creates a new resource. Returns HTTP 201 on success.
  • PUT - Updates a resource. Returns HTTP 200 on success.
  • DELETE - Deletes a resource. Returns HTTP 200 on success.

Parameter Types

Many API methods take one or more parameters, either as query parameters of the URL itself, or as POST parameters. The documentation for each method references these standard types:

Parameter Type



Any String (with validation).


A logical true or false value. May be passed to API requests as the strings true or false.


A value that is expressed as an integer. Integers have to be whole numbers.


A value that is numeric.

String ENUM(values)

A predefined list of string values, for example Male and Female. Any value not in the list will result in an error.


A JSON dictionary of key/value pairs. Each key and value must be a valid instance of keyType and valueType, for example {"key":"value"}.


Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages. JSON is also syntactically correct JavaScript code, which means that it can be parsed with JavaScript's own eval() function.


Digital Connect API provides message fingerprinting mechanism which serves to prevent unauthorized modifications of JSON data. User can define which data are sensitive and should be protected. Examples of such elements are prices which can be modified externally under specific conditions (see eCommerce support of external non-air ancillary catalogs).

Security data model, represented in JSON, has the following form:

"securityData": {
    "fingerprint": "e7541705e7c44f400afbda03e612f2e0876e4fffe0e54e379168b0c02e5ec308",
    "timestamp": 1516275376
  • fingerprint is a cryptographic digest of string token created from plain JSON elements that are being secured.
  • timestamp denotes the time of creating JSON request by the client.
  • securityData element is validated against JSON data and if it fails, the requests are rejected in accordance with the standard Digital Connect API validation mechanism.

Creating Fingerprint

Clients of the fingerprint creator can define which JSON fields are to be included in the base string. Usually, they are contained by parent of securityData.

Generation is performed within two steps:

  • creating fingerprint base string by serializing elements to strings and concatenating them (service-specific);
  • creating final fingerprint by applying message authentication algorithm with hashing (HMAC) on the base.

HMAC algorithm secures content of the input string with secret key (which needs to be provided to the client) and processes the result with cryptographic, hashing function, such as SHA. Hashing function allows to generate unique, constant-length strings from different input sequences and its one-way meaning is not able to recreate original contents from the final hash. Secret key does not have a specific format, it only needs to be a non-empty string. The key should not be revealed to unauthorized parties.

Client is required to use exactly the same signature algorithm as Digital Connect. By default, HMAC with SHA-256 is used but it can be changed in configuration (see Supported Authentication Algorithms section below).

Final fingerprint is a string consisting of hexadecimal characters representing signature bytes (case insensitive). Its length can vary depending on the hashing algorithm used. In case of SHA-256, output data is represented by a 32-byte array which results in a 64-characters hexadecimal string.

sample fingerprint: e7541705e7c44f400afbda03e612f2e0876e4fffe0e54e379168b0c02e5ec308

Fingerprint Verification

When Digital Connect receives securityData element with fingerprint it creates its own fingerprint using the same:

  • JSON objects from request
  • secret key
  • message authentication algorithm

Validation is successful when the generated fingerprint is exactly the same as the received fingerprint.

Note  Fingerprint cannot be empty.

Creating Timestamp

Timestamp denotes unique time of creating the request. Formally, it is UNIX timestamp (number of milliseconds that passed since January 1st, 1970 00:00:00 UTC) expressed in seconds. Client should retrieve this value from its local system using system or platform functions.

sample timestamp: 1516348096

Timestamp Verification

Digital Connect assumes that the client created the request reasonably close to the time of receiving, so it compares local and received timestamps. Considering software and network delays as well as possible system clock differences on local and remote systems, Digital Connect expects the request to come within T = 10 seconds by default (configurable). Higher values indicate that the message may have been modified by an untrusted party at some point of time. Due to possible system clocks mismatch, the Digital Connect timestamp can be smaller than received timestamp but the difference still cannot exceed T. If that happens, request will be rejected due to failed validation.

Note  Timestamp cannot be empty.

Implementation Notes

It is important to create base string using exactly the same object text representation as contained in JSON. For example, if the amount is represented the following way:

	amount: 11000

It cannot be serialized to fingerprint base in scientific notation, as "1.10E+4", although these values are mathematically equal.

Note  Timestamp can also be a part of fingerprint input.

Sample Code

The Java code snippets below can be used to create fingerprint with JJWT - JSON Web Token for Java and Android and Apache Commons Codec.

Maven dependencies need to be added first:

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

and the following classes need to be imported:

import io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm;
import io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureException;
import io.jsonwebtoken.impl.crypto.MacSigner;
import io.jsonwebtoken.impl.crypto.Signer;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

Firstly, algorithm instance by name defined in RFC 7518 is received:

SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.forName("HS256");

then, a Key object representing secret key to be mixed with input is created:

Key secretKey = new SecretKeySpec("Secret key".getBytes(), signatureAlgorithm.getJcaName());

afterwards, the input message is signed:

byte [] hash = new MacSigner(signatureAlgorithm, secretKey).sign(input.getBytes());

and finally, bytes are represented in hex:

String fingerprint = new String(Hex.encodeHex(hash));

Configuration Keys

  • sat.signature.secret - secret key shared between parties, default value: Digital_Connect
  • sat.signature.algorithm - message digest algorithm, default value: HS256
  • sat.signature.maxTimestampDifference.seconds - maximum number of seconds that received timestamp can differ from current timestamp, default value: 10

Supported Authentication Algorithms

The following algorithms are supported:

  • Digital Connect API 3.5.2: HS256 (HMAC using SHA-256), HS384 (HMAC using SHA-384), HS512 (HMAC using SHA-512)

See possible values in RFC7518.