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Running Web Module

You can run your Web Red App in Sabre Red Web available at This functionality is limited to CERT environment and intended only for Red App developers. To enable this functionality please contact Red App Support (

Web Red App Development Server

To start, run the following command in the Web Module directory:

ngv run [--port port]

This command will build and serve Web Module locally (by default http://localhost:8080). Success will be indicated by returning the READY status to your console. If for any reason your Web Module cannot be built after your code changes, you will be notified by the FAILURE console output. You can stop the ngv run process using the CTRL+C shortcut in console.

Watching files

ngv run process listens for file changes inside the src folder and rebuilds Web Module if needed.

Running more than one Web Module

You can run and load more than one Web Module by running multiple ngv run commands but you need to remember to specify a distinct port for each Web Module, e.g.:

ngv run --port 8080
ngv run --port 8081

Loading Web Red App into Sabre Red Web

You can load Web Red Apps into Sabre Red Web by using the Red App Development panel. Open this panel by clicking on the puzzle icon available on the icons sidebar on the right side of the Sabre Red Web screen.


The Red App Development panel allows for adding and deleting URLs pointing to Web Red Apps. The URLs put in the inputs are automatically saved in real time in the session storage. Clicking the "Reload" button will reload page with applied changes. If your Web Module loads correctly, then the puzzle icon will be shown in green color. Any issues detected while loading will be indicated by showing the puzzle icon in red color. You can open the Red App Development panel to gain some additional information, like module name when loaded successfully or error status otherwise.


Applying Web Red App Changes

After code change please wait for the SUCCESS console output and refresh Sabre Red Web using CTRL+SHIFT+R (CMD+SHIFT+R for macOS).

Using this shortcut will make the browser ignore cached content.

Issues with Safari

If you are using Safari browser, you will not be able to load Web Red Apps from the local development server. This issue is caused by the browser’s security policy that blocks connections from https-based sites to http-based resources. To work around this issue, you can use the Chrome browser in the macOS environment during development process.