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Revision History


Summary of Changes

April 2023

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS Help for schema version 6.7.0:


Route Happy:


Route Happy:

June 2022

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQ Help for schema version 6.6.0:

April 2022 Removed New Airline Storefront (NAS) functionality from the Help documentation.
December 2021

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRSBargainFinderMax_ADRQBargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 6.5.0:



June 2021

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRSBargainFinderMax_ADRQBargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 6.4.0:


April 2021
February 2021 Added New Airline Storefront (NAS) information to the online help.
January 2021

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRSBargainFinderMax_ADRQBargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 6.2.0:



August 2020

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRSBargainFinderMax_ADRQBargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 6.1.0:

Grouped Itinerary Response

  • Changed FareAmount and FareCurrency attributes from required to optional in FareComponentDesc.
  • Changed Operating attribute from required to optional in Carrier.
  • Added ElapsedTime attribute to the LegDesc and SchedDesc elements.
  • Added the MandatoryInd attribute to the Offer and PassengerInfo elements.
  • Added the LastTicketTime attribute to the Fare element.
  • Added the following attributes to the AncillaryFeeDetailsType complex type:
    • Subgroup
    • Description1
    • Description2
    • FirstOccurrence
    • LastOccurrence

December 2019

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 5.4.0:


  • Changed AirlineType/@Operating from required to optional.


Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR):

October 2019

BargainFinderMaxRQRSschema version 5.3.0:


September 2019

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 5.3.0:


Branded Fares:

Revalidate Itinerary:

Multiple Fares per Itinerary:


Grouped Itinerary Response

  • Added NumberOfOccurrences attribute to Message.
  • Added OfferItemId and ServiceId attributes to PassengerInfo.

July 2019

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 5.2.0:


Multi Fares Per Itinerary (MFPI) enhancements:

  • Added PreferLevel attribute to FareBasis (fare flexible leg).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to FareBasis (origin/destination information).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to FareBasis (whole flexible fare).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to FareBasis (whole itinerary).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to ClassOfService (whole main fare).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to ClassOfService (leg level).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to ClassOfService (whole MFPI group).
  • Added PreferLevel attribute to ClassOfService (whole itinerary).

Branded Fares enhancements:


  • Added RequestedOneWays attribute to the MultiTicket element.



  • Added FareComponentFareType attribute to the FareBasisCode element.
  • Added FareComponentFareTariff attribute to the FareBasisCode element.
  • Added FareComponentFareRule attribute to the FareBasisCode element.

March 2019

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 5.1.0:



January 2019

Added a note in ArrivalDateTime.

September 2018

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 4.3.0:


June 2018

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 4.2.0:



Added documentation in GIR schema version 4.2.0:

March 2018

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS, BargainFinderMax_ADRQ, BargainFinderMax_ASRQ, and RevalidateItinRQ schema version 4.1.0:



Updated the Carrier Diversity Control Developer Admin Guide.

December 2017

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 3.4.0:


Added Developer Administration Guides for the following features:

  • Alternate Dates
  • Anchored Search
  • Baggage Allowance
  • Branded Fares Shopping
  • Changes and Refunds
  • Diversity Customization
  • Long Connect
  • Multiple Fares Per Itinerary
  • Revalidate Itinerary
  • Shop Across Multiple PCCs
  • Supplement Live Shopping with Cache
  • Validating Carrier

September 2017

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 3.3.0:



Added documentation in GroupedItineraryResponse schema version 3.3.0:

July 2017

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 3.2.0:


  • Baggage:
    • Added FreePieceRequired element to Baggage element (for future use).


  • Multiple Fares Per Itinerary, Alternate Date (AD), Alternate Airport (AS), Branded Fares Shopping (BF), Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR), and Shop Across Passenger Types (SAPT):

March 2017

ClosedAdded documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 3.1.0



ClosedAdded documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema for Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR) version 3.1.0 ClosedAdded documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema for Shop Across Passenger Types (SAPT) version 3.1.0



ClosedAdded documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema for Alternate Airport (AS) version 3.1.0



ClosedAdded documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema for Alternate Date (AD) version 3.1.0




January 2017

Corrected errors in About Bargain Finder Max.

December 2016

Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 3.0.0 as follows:

Complex Types:
  • Added LocationType.
  • In the ConnectionLocation element, did the following:
    • Changed the Type for the LocationCode attribute to AirportCode.
    • Changed the Type for the PreferLevel attribute to AllowedExcludedPreferLevelType.
  • Added Value attribute (for VendorPref element).
  • Added Type attribute (for VendorPref element).
  • Added Code (for PassengerTypeQuantity).
  • Added Quantity (for PassengerTypeQuantity).
  • Added Ind (for XOFares).
Common Types:

Complex Types:

Simple Types:
Common Types:


Added documentation in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema for Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR) version 3.0.0 as follows:


Complex Types:


Simple Types:


September 2016

Added documentation for four features in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 1.9.7:

  • Multiple Fares Per Itinerary – allows more control within the request:
    • Added cabin at the group level.
    • Added multiple passenger types.
    • Added capability to force the requested passenger type in the Multiple Fares Per Itinerary group.
  • Include validating carriers without a bank settlement plan (BSP) check – allows you to override the local settlement validation method and Interline Electronic Ticketing (IET) validation.

    Note This functionality will be available in production on 10/4/2016.

  • Agency Retailer – allows you to create selling levels for your authorized Category 35 negotiated fares or adjust the selling level of any fare in compliance with the agency carrier agreements.
  • Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR) – Returns the following additional information:
    • Include validating carriers without a bank settlement plan (BSP) check – allows you to override the local settlement validation method and Interline Electronic Ticketing (IET) validation.
    • Agency Retailer – allows you to create selling levels for your authorized Category 35 negotiated fares or adjust the selling level of any fare in compliance with the agency carrier agreements.

For Multiple Fares Per Itinerary

OTA Request:



  • Disabled (for JumpCabinLogic element)
  • Enabled (for KeepSameCabin element)
  • Ind (for XOFares)
  • Code (for PassengerTypeQuantity element)
  • Quantity (for PassengerTypeQuantity element)

Complex Types:

For Validating Carrier

OTA Response:


  • Code (for the country for the default validating carrier)
  • Code (for the country for the alternate validating carrier)
  • Code (for the country code(s) for which IET validation should be performed)
  • Ind (IET Validation)
  • Ind (Settlement Validation)


For Agency Retailer

Note Applies to limited release customers only.

OTA Request:



  • Ignore (for SellingLevelRules element)
  • Original (for ShowFareAmounts element)
  • Adjusted (for ShowFareAmounts element)
  • Force (for RetailerRules element)
  • Code (for RetailerRule element)

Complex Types:

OTA Response:



Complex Types:

For Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR)



June 2016

Added documentation for six features in BargainFinderMaxRQRS schema version 1.9.5:

  • Multiple Fares Per Itinerary – Allows more control within the request for you to define the usage and applicability of Corporate ID/Account Codes.
  • Fare Focus – Allows the control in the request to exclude applicable Fare Focus business rules from the final response. (Applies also to: Alternate Dates)
  • Change Fees and Refunds – Enhancement of the filtering by penalty in the request by adding distinction if a given penalty should apply before or after departure. Additional response parameters were added to indicate the fares for which Category 16 (Penalties) contains notes only. (Applies also to: Alternate Dates)
  • Preferred and Non-Preferred Validating Carrier – New capability in the request to allow you to prefer or exclude specific validating carrier(s).
  • Diversity Model – New capability for you to set multiple dimension preferences in the request that influence the diversity of the returned shopping results.
  • Governing Carrier – Additional information about the Fare Component Governing carrier was added to the response.

New or updated schema parameters are as follows:

OTA Request




  • Weight (InboundOutboundPairing)

Attribute Groups:

Simple Types:


OTA Response




May 2016

Corrected the number of account codes that can be requested from 4 to 25 in the following topics:

March 2016

Added documentation for three new features in schema version 1.9.4.


OTA Response:

Disable Jump Cabin

OTA Request:

Exclude Via Country

OTA Request:

December 2015 (version 1.9.2)

Added release notes for release 2015.12, schema version 1.9.2.

For Total Travel Time:

OTA Request:

  • Attributes:
    • Added Min
    • Added Max
  • Elements:
    • Added TotalTravelTime.
    • Added TotalTravelTime to TPA_Extensions.

For Overnight Connections Exclusion:

OTA Request:

  • Attributes:
    • Added ExcludedConnectionBegin
    • Added ExcludedConnectionEnd
    • Added EnableExcludeConnection
  • Elements:
    • Added ExcludedConnectionBegin to ConnectionTime element.
    • Added ExcludedConnectionEnd to ConnectionTime element.
    • Added EnableExcludeConnection to ConnectionTime element.

For Changes and Refunds:

OTA Request:

  • Attributes:
    • Added Match
    • Added Type
    • Added Exclude
  • Elements:
    • Added VoluntaryChanges.
    • Added VoluntaryChanges to TPA_Extensions.
    • Added Penalty.

OTA Response:

  • Attributes:
    • Added Applicability
    • Added Cat16
    • Added NonApplicable
    • Added Type
  • Elements:
    • Added PenaltiesInfo
  • Complex Types:
    • Added PenaltiesInfo to FareType complex type.

For Multi-Fare Itineraries:

  • Added request and response examples.
  • Enhanced documentation organization.

For Diversity Preferred Carrier: (Not available for use at this time)

OTA Request:

  • Elements:
    • Added DiversityControl.
    • Added DiversityControl to TPA_Extensions.
    • Added LowFareBucket.
    • Added Dimensions.
    • Added TravelTime.
    • Added Carrier.
    • Added Default.
    • Added Override.
    • Added OperatingDuplicate.
    • Added PreferredCarrier.
    • Added InboundOutboundPairing.
    • Added TimeOfDay.
    • Added Distribution.
    • Added Range.
    • Added StopsNumber.
    • Added VendorPref.
    • Added VendorPref to TravelPreferences.
    • Added TPA_Extensions for TravelPreferences.
  • Complex Types:
    • Added DiversityControlType
    • Added Cat16
    • Added NonApplicable
    • Added Type
    • Added AwardShoppingType
    • Added PointOfTicketingOverrideType
    • Added ApplyResidentDiscountType
  • SimpleTypes:
    • Added CountOrPercentage
    • Added Numeric0To10
    • Added CarrierCode
    • Added SumWeight

September 2015 (version 1.9.0)

For Enhanced Long Connect (effective September 30, 2015):

OTA Request:

  • Attributes:
    • Added Max to the LongConnectTime element.
    • Added Min and Max attributes to the LongConnectPoints element.
  • Elements:
    • Added LongConnectPoints

For Branded Fares Shopping:

OTA and GIR Response:

  • Attributes:
    • Added Code to the Brand element.
    • Added ProgramSystemCode to the Brand element.
    • Added already existing BrandName, ProgramID, and ProgramDescription to the Brand element.
  • Elements:
    • Added Brand.

For Alternate Dates (effective September 30, 2015):

Updated content to reflect current functionality.

For Alternate Airport:

Added an Alternate Airport book to the Contents tab that contains specific Alternate Airport information.

March 2015 (version 1.8.6)

OTA Request:

  • Attributes:
    • Added ByLeg.
    • Added ByFareComponent.
    • Added MinDays.
    • Added MaxDays.
    • Added PerDateMin.
    • Added PerDateMax.
    • Added Departure.
    • Added Return.
    • Added Min.
    • Added Max.
    • Added MultipleBrandFares
    • Added SingleBrandFare
  • Elements:
    • Added SplitTaxes.
    • Added OptionsPerDatePairList.
    • Added OptionsPerDatePair.
    • Added AdditionalFareLimit.
    • Added DepartureDates.
    • Added LengthOfStay.
    • Added LengthOfStayRange.
    • Added PerDateMin and PerDateMax attributes to NumTrips element.
    • Added Plus and Minus attributes to DateFlexibility element.
    • Added Day.
    • Added DaysRange.
    • Added WeekDays.
    • Added MultipleBrandedFares and SingleBrandedFare attributes to BrandedFareIndicators element.
  • Complex Types:
    • Added NumTripsType.
    • Added DepartureDates element to TravelDateTimeType complex type.
    • Added OptionsPerDatePairType.

OTA Response:

  • Attributes:
    • Added BrandID.
    • Added BrandName.
    • Added ProgramDescription.
    • Added ProgramID.
    • Added RPH.
  • Elements:
    • Added FareComponent.

Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR):

  • Attributes:
    • Added BaggageInformationType/Segment/@ID.
    • Added FareType/@LastTicketDate.
    • Added ItineraryType/@ItinSource.
    • Added PricingLegType/@Status.
    • Added PricingLegType/@Ref.
    • Added SoldOutLegType/SoldOutSchedule/@Brand.
    • Added LegIDType/DepartureDate.
    • Added TotalFareType/ServiceFeeAmount.
    • Added TotalFareType/ServiceFeeTax.
    • Added TotalFareType/TotalTTypeObFee.
    • Added ValidatingCarrier/Code.
    • Added ValidatingCarrierInfoType/SettlementMethod.
    • Added ValidatingCarrierInfoType/NewVcxProcess.
  • Elements:
    • Added PassengerInformationType/OBFee.
    • Added PricingInformationType/Ticket.
    • Added DepartureDate attribute to Leg element.
    • In ItineraryType/PricingInformation element, changed use of PricingSubsource from required to optional.
    • Added PricingLegType/TotalFare.
    • Added PricingLegType/Tax.
    • Added SoldOutLegType/SoldOutSchedule.
    • Added Brand element to SoldOutSchedule attribute.
    • Added child SoldOutSchedule to SoldOutLeg.
    • Added FareComponentIDType/Tax.
    • Added TicketType/Leg.
    • Added TicketType/PricingInformation.
    • Added ValidatingCarrierInfoType/Default.
    • Added ValidatingCarrierInfoType/Alternate.
  • Complex Types:
    • Added BaggageInformationType.
    • Added GroupDescriptionType.
    • Added LastLegDate attribute to FareType.
    • Removed OBFeeAmount from PassengerTotalFareType.
    • Added TotalTTypeOBFee to PassengerTotalFareType.
    • Added PricingLegType.
    • Added FareComponentIDType/Tax to TaxIDType.
    • Added ValidatingCarrier.
    • Added ValidatingCarrierInfoType.
  • Simple Types:
    • Removed pattern from ResponseVersionType.
    • Added SettlementMethodType.

February 2015 (version 1.8.5)

OTA Response:

  • Added BaggageInformation element.
  • Added BaggageInformationList element.
  • Added Segment element.
  • Added Allowance element.
  • Added Pieces attribute.
  • Added Weight attribute.
  • Added Unit attribute.
  • Added BaggageInformationType complex type.
  • Added BaggageInformationListType complex type.

OTA Request

  • Added MultiTicket element.
  • Added DisplayPolicy attribute.
  • Added MultiTicket to TPA_Extensions (for Alternate Airport) children.

January 2015 (version 1.8.2)

Corrected the link in the Table of Contents to the JumpCabinLogic request element. Previously, the JumpCabinLogic element incorrectly contained the description for the LongConnectTime request element.

November 2014 (version 1.8.2)

  • OTA Request:
    • Added Diversity Customization frequently asked questions (FAQs).
    • Added ValidatingCarrier element to TPA_Extensions (for AirItineraryPricingInfoType) element.
    • Added DiversityParameters element.
    • Added Weightings element.
    • Added TimeOfDayDistribution element.
    • Added SettlementMethod element.
    • Added TPA_Extensions (for Shop by Alliance) element.
    • Added Routing element.
    • Added IncludeAlliancePref element.
    • Added TPA_Extensions (for Alternate Airport) element.
    • Added TPA_Extensions (for Shop by Alliance 2) element
    • Added ExcludeAlliancePref element.
    • Added TPA_Extensions (for Validating Carrier) element.
    • Added NeutralValidatingCarriers element.
    • Added AlternateValidatingCarrier element.
    • Added Default element.
    • Added Alternate element.
    • Added TPA_Extensions (for Baggage Information).
    • Added Message element.
    • Added Messages element.
    • Added BaggageInformationList element.
    • Added DepartureAirport element.
    • Added ArrivalAirport element.
    • Added CarriersType complex type.
    • Added ValidatingCarrierInfoType complex type.
    • Added SourceBookingChannelType complex type.
    • Added IncludeVendorPrefType complex type.
    • Added AllianceType complex type.
    • Added InboundOutboundPairing attribute.
    • Added AdditionalNonStopsNumber attribute.
    • Added AdditionalNonStopsPercentage attribute.
    • Added PriceWeight attribute.
    • Added TravelTimeWeight attribute.
    • Added Begin attribute.
    • Added End attribute.
    • Added Percentage attribute.
    • Added Code (for Shop by Alliance) attribute.

September 2014

  • OTA Request:
    • Added the Plus attribute.
    • Added the Minus attribute.
    • Added the UseReducedConstructions element.
    • Added the AllAirports attribute.
    • Added the AlphaNumericString simple type.
    • Added AirportInformationType complex type.
    • Added the TerminalID attribute.
    • Added FlexibleFares element.
    • Added FlexibleFaresType complex type.
    • Removed the PollingInfo element.
    • Removed the Vendors element.
  • OTA Response:
    • Added the ServiceFee element.
    • Added the Amount attribute.
    • Added the TaxAmount attribute.
    • Added the BaggageInformation element.
    • Added the Segment element.
    • Added the Allowance element.
    • Added FareSourceAndTypeAttributes attribute group.
    • Added FlexibleFareID attribute and FareSourceAndTypeAttributes attribute group to AirItineraryPricingInfoType complex type.
    • Removed the LocationPricedItineraries element.
    • Removed the DatePricedItineraries element.
    • Removed the HostCommand element.
    • Removed the PollingInfo element.
    • Removed the PollingInfoType complex type.
    • Removed the Vendors element.
    • Removed the Vendor element.

April 2014

The new BFM Response Restructure Grouped Itinerary Response (GIR) indexing option groups repetitive data elements of schedules, tax, and fare calculations options in the response.

  • Message
  • Statistics
  • ScheduleMessage
  • ScheduleDesc
  • TaxDesc
  • FareComponentDesc
  • LegDesc
  • ItineraryGroup

November 2013

  • OTA Request - Added the SpanishFamilyDiscount element.
  • OTA Request - Added the SpanishFamilyDiscount child element to the AirSearchPrefsType complex type.
  • OTA Response- Added the SpanishFamilyDiscountIndicator attribute.Added the Amount attri
  • OTA Response - Added the SpanishFamilyDiscountIndicator attribute to the AirItineraryPricingInfoType complex type.

August 2013

  • OTA Request - Added the following elements:
    • ConnectPoint
    • InboundCarrier
    • NumTripsWithRouting
    • RoutingLeg
  • OTA Request - Added the NumTripsWithRouting child element to TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType).
  • OTA Request - Added the following complex types:
    • RoutingLegType
    • RoutingDefinitionType
  • OTA Request - Added the following simple types:
    • RoutingAirlineCodeType
    • RoutingAirportCodeType
  • OTA Response - Added the isFromCustomePath attribute to the PricedItineraryType complex type.

July 2013

  • OTA Request - Added the ElapsedTime attribute to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
  • OTA Request - Added the TicketingSumOfLocals element.
  • OTA Response - Added the ElapsedTime attribute to the OriginDestinationOptionType complex type.

January 2013

  • OTA Request - Changed the AlternateTime element.
  • OTA Request - Added the Minus attribute.

December 2012

  • OTA Response - Added the DataElement element.
  • OTA Response - Added the DataElement child element to TPA Extenstions (for BookFlightSegmentType) element.
  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.

August 2012

  • OTA Response – Added the OnTimePerformance element.
  • OTA Response – Added the TotalTax element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following attributes:
    • DepartureAirportCode
    • ArrivalAirportCode

July 2012

  • OTA Request – Added the LongConnectTime child element to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
  • OTA Request – Added the LongConnectTime element.

June 2012

  • OTA Request – Changed the ExcludeVendorPref max occurs value in the TPA Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element from 99 to unlimited.
  • OTA Request – Changed the IncludeVendorPref max occurs value in the TPA Extensions (for OriginDestinationInformation) element from 99 to unlimited.

February 2012

  • OTA Request – Added the ExcludeCallDirectCarriers child element to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
  • OTA Request – Added the ExcludeCallDirectCarriers element.

January 2012

  • OTA Request – Added the JumpCabinLogic child element to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
  • OTA Request – Added the JumpCabinLogic element.

September 2011

  • OTA Request – Added a note to the LocationCode attribute.
  • OTA Response – Added a note to the LocationCode attribute.

July 2011

  • OTA Request – Added the ConnectionTime element.

June 2011

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.

May 2011

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Request – Added the following children:
    • AirlineShopping to TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType).
    • MultiAirportCodes to TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType).
  • OTA Request – Added the following elements:
    • AirlineShopping.
    • MultiAirportCodes.
  • OTA Request – Added the Numeric0to9 Simple Type.
  • OTA Response – Added the DisclosureAirline child element to BookFlightSegmentType.
  • OTA Response – Added the DisclosureAirline element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following Simple Types:
    • MessageClassType.
    • ValidInterlineType.

March 2011

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.

February 2011

  • Added the Shop Across Passenger Types (SAPT) information folder.
  • Updated Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Separated out elements used/not used by Bargain Finder Max.

December 2010

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.

September 2010

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Request – Added the following children:
    • AncillaryFees to the AirSearchPrefsType complex type.
    • FrequentFlyer to the AirSearchPrefsType complex type.
    • AncillaryFeeGroup to the AncillaryFees element.
  • OTA Request – Added the following elements:
    • AncillaryFees.
    • AncillaryFeeGroup.
    • FrequentFlyer.
  • OTA Request – Added the AncillaryFeeGroupCodeList simple type.
  • OTA Response – Added the following children:
    • Extras to the ItinTotalFare element.
    • TotalWithExtras to the ItinTotalFare element.
    • AncillaryFeeGroups to the TPA_Extensions (for AirItineraryPricingInfoType) element.
    • AncillaryFeeGroup to the AncillaryFeeGroups element.
    • AncillaryFeeItem to the AncillaryFee Group element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following elements:
    • Extras.
    • TotalWithExtras
    • AncillaryFeeGroups
    • AncillaryFeeGroup
    • AncillaryFeeItem
  • OTA Response – Added the OCFeeType complex type.
  • OTA Response – Added the OCFeeCodeType simple type.

July 2010

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Request – Added the following children:
    • IncludeVendorPref to the TPA_Extensions (for OriginDestinationInformation) element.
    • ExemptAllTaxes to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
    • ExemptAllTaxesAndFees to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
    • Taxes to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
    • ExemptTax to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
    • FlightStopsAsConnections to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
    • Tax to the Taxes element.
  • OTA Request – Added the following elements:
    • IncludeVendorPref.
    • ExemptAllTaxes.
    • ExemptAllTaxesAndFees.
    • Taxes.
    • ExemptTax.
    • FlightStopsAsConnections.
    • Tax
  • OTA Request – Added the following complex types:
    • TaxCodeType
    • TaxCodeAmountType
  • OTA Request – Added the TaxCode attribute.

June 2010b

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Response – Added the following children:
    • TPA_Extensions (for FareType) to the FareType complex type.
    • Surcharges to the TPA_Extensions (for FareType) element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following elements:
    • TPA_Extensions (for FareType).
    • Surcharges
  • OTA Response – Added the SurchargesType complex type.

June 2010a

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Request – Added the PointOfSaleOverrde child element to the TPA_Extensions (for PriceRequestInformationType) element.
  • OTA Request – Added the PointOfSaleOverride element.
  • OTA Request – Added the PointOfSaleOverrideType complex type.

March 2010

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • Common Types – Added TaxCurrencyCodeType.
  • OTA Request – Added XOFares to the TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType) element.
  • OTA Request – Added the XOFares element.

October 2009

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Request – Added a child element to the TPA_Extensions (For OriginDestinationInformation) Element.
  • OTA Request – Added the NumOneWayOptions Element.
  • OTA Response – Added attributes to the FareBasisCode Element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following new children:
    • TPA_Exensions (for PricedItineraries) to the PricedItineraries Element
    • TPA_Extensions (for BrandedOneWayItineraries) to the BrandedOneWayItineraries Element
    • TPA_Extensions (for SimpleOneWayItineraries) to the SimpleOneWayItineraries Element
    • MultipleTravlerGroups to the TPA_Extensions (for AirItineraryPricingInfoType) Element
  • OTA Response – Added the following elements:
    • ProcessingMessage
    • MultipleTravelerGroups
  • OTA Response – Added the ProcessingMessageType Complex Type.
    • ReissueInfoType
  • OTA Response – Added the CorporateIDType Simple Type.

May 2009

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Request – Added a ResponseSorting as a child element to the TransactionType Complex Type.
  • OTA Request – Added new attributes to the CabinType Complex Type.
  • OTA Request – Added the ResponseSorting Element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following new children:
    • ValueBucket to the TPA_Extensions (for PricedItineraryType) Element
    • OBFees to the FareType Complex Type
  • OTA Response – Added new attributes to the PricedItineraryType Element.
  • OTA Response – Added the following new Elements:
    • TPA_Exensions (for PricedItineraries)
    • TPA_Extensions (for BrandedOneWayItineraries)
    • TPA_Extensions (for SimpleOneWayItineraries)
    • ValueBucket
    • OBFees
    • OBFee
  • OTA Response – Added the following new Complex Types:
    • OBFeeType

January 2009

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.
  • OTA Response – Added the PrivateFareType attribute to the Complex Types PTCFareBreakdownType and AirItineraryPricingInfoType and the FareBasisCode Element.

August 2008

  • Updated descriptions and attributes to match the most recent schema.

July 2008

  • Updated various descriptions, children, types, and attributes.
  • Removed various Elements and Complex Types to update the schemas.
  • OTA Request – Added 41 children (elements) to TPA_Extensions (for AirSearchPrefsType).
  • OTA Request – Added the following Elements:
    • AircraftTypePenalty
    • AirServiceOnly
    • AlternateAirportPenalty
    • avsPenaltyCrrs
    • CountryCode
    • depPenaltyInUSD
    • DomesticLayoverTime
    • durPenaltyInUSD
    • FareAmountThreshold
    • fltOptLFSReuseLimitForAVS
    • fltOptLFSReuseLimitForNonAVS
    • fltOptMustPriceReuseLimit
    • ItineraryNumberThreshold
    • JetServiceOnly
    • maxAllowedLFSOveragePerCrrPercent
    • maxAllowedMustPriceOveragePerCrr
    • maxNumOf2PlusStpSol
    • maxNumOfNonStpInrlSol
    • maxNumOfNonStpOnlSol
    • maxNumOfSingleStpOnlSol
    • maxRelFareLvlOfxForCnx
    • maxRelFareLvlOfxForNonStp
    • minAllowedOveragePerCrr
    • minAllowedOveragePerCrrPercent
    • numOfLowFareSol
    • numOfMustPrice2PlusStpSol
    • numOfMustPriceInrlSol
    • numOfMustPriceNStp1StpInrlSol
    • numOfMustPriceNStp1StpOnlSol
    • numOfMustPriceNStpinrlSol
    • numOfMustPriceNStpOnlSol
    • numOfMustPriceOnlSol
    • numOfMustPriceSStopOnlSol
    • SameConnectionAirportOnly
    • SameOriginAirportOnly
    • SameTurnaroundAirportOnly
    • stpPenaltyInUSD
    • targetMinNumOfLFSOnlSolPerCrr
    • targetMinNumOfLFSTotOnlSolPercent
    • TPA_Extensions (for Diagnostic)
    • TPA_Extensions (for FareOverride)
    • TPA_Extensions (for NegotiatedFareCode)
    • upperBoundLFSFactor
    • upperBoundMustPriceFactorForNonStp
    • upperBoundMustPriceFactorForNotNonStp
  • OTA Response – Added children to the following Elements:
    • FareInfo
    • BookFlightSegmentType
    • TPA_Extensions (for PricedItineraryType)
    • TicketingInfoRS_Type
  • OTA Response – Added the ValidatingCarrier Element.

May 2008

  • Updated various descriptions.
  • OTA Request – Added the following Elements:
    • AccountCode
    • ArrivalWindow
    • CityCode
    • ClientSessionID
    • PassengerStatus
    • SisterDestinationMileage
    • SisterOriginMileage
    • StateCode
  • OTA Response– Added the following Elements:
    • Endorsement
    • Endorsements
  • Updated various Complex Types that contain the new elements.