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Retrieved Details

Digital Connect Check-In /dcci/passenger/details service can be used to retrieve the information related to the Passenger's reservation including the following details about the baggage.

Passenger's Baggage Disclosure

Among other data in the /dcci/passenger/details response, the Passenger can find details about the baggage disclosure. It can be used to check the baggage allowance for a Passenger and the rules related to the different baggage types:

  • carryOnBaggage

    This section contains details about the allowance and pricing options for the baggage that Passenger can carry on the aircraft cabin.

  • checkedInBaggage

    This section contains details about the allowance and pricing options for the baggage delivered to an airline for transport in the aircraft cargo hold.

  • BaggageEmbargo

    This section contains details about the baggage embargoes defined by the airline on specific flight(s).

Grouping Segments/ Passenger/ Details

Grouping Segments in DCCI/ Passenger/ Details

This functionality helps passengers to check-in to the requested segments provided the passengers group their segments in their reservation.
The grouped segments must follow a logic with respect to:

  1. Connectivity between segments
  2. Information about return flights

And, the segments must be grouped using the following rules:

  1. Segments must be grouped together if they are connected through OB/IB edit codes (connecting segments).
  2. Return flights (RT EditCode) must break the connectivity of the segments.

Configuration Reference

The following key is introduced to support this feature:

  • s4ci.feature.passengerDetails.segmentGroups.enabled

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.