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Use Cases

SynXis provides several use cases for retrieving reservations via GET operations. All search criteria in the request must match the reservation before it will be included in the response.

Please Note: This API is flexible and provides many ways to retrieve reservations. If the search parameters are too broad, then the results may be paginated or the response may not return due to a timeout error. It is recommended to provide as many search parameters as possible to narrow down the results and avoid these issues.

REST Method/Endpoint

Method Endpoint
GET https://[environment]/v1/api/reservation
GET https://[environment]/v1/api/reservation/hotel/{hotelId}/{id}

Booking Channels

Retrieve reservations based on the channel that the reservation was created in.

Parameter Description Type
bookingChannel Booking Channel of the reservation String

Sample Request


Central Reservation Office (CRO)

Retrieve reservations by a CRO.

Parameter Description Type
cro SynXis CR Id for a Central Reservation Office (CRO). String

Sample Request


Group Reservations

Retrieve group or non-group reservations. By default, the response will include group and non-group reservations unless the parameter isGroupReservation is specified.

Parameter Description Type
isGroupReservation If true, indicates to retrieve group reservations. Boolean

Sample Requests

Retrieve Group reservations (isGroupReservation=true)


Retrieve Non-Group reservations (isGroupReservation=false).


Guest Information

Retrieve reservations based on guest information.

Parameter Description Type
guestFirstName Given/First name of a guest. Use % for a wildcard search. String
guestLastName Surname/Lastname of a guest. Use % for a wildcard search. String
guestAddressCity City associated with a guest. String
guestPhoneNumber Phone number of a guest String
guestEmail Email address of the guest. String
guestMembershipId Loyalty Membership number of the guest. String
guestProgramId Loyalty Program that the guest is a member of. String

Sample Requests

Guest First Name, Last Name and Email


Guest First Name (with wildcard '%') and Last Name


Guest Last Name, City and Phone number


Guest Loyalty Membership Information


On Property Status

Retrieve reservations based on the PMS status.

Parameter Description Type
onPropertyStatus On-property status of the reservation
Values: CheckedOut, InHouse, NoShow, TurnAway, PreArrival

Sample Request


Rate Plan Code

Retrieve reservations based on Rate Code(s).

Parameter Description Type
rates Rate code(s) to use in the search. [String]

Sample Request


Reservation Dates (Arrival, Departure, Deposit)

Retrieve reservations based on arrival, departure or deposit due dates.

Parameter Description Type
arrival Arrival dates used in the search. If blank, the search will include all dates. Values are start and end dates delimited by a semi-colon (;). String
departure Departure dates used in the search. If blank, the search will include all dates. Values are start and end dates delimited by a semi-colon (;). String
depositDueDate Deposit due date range, start and end dates delimited by a semi-colon (;). String

Sample Requests

Arrival - Single Date


Arrival - Date Range


departure - Date Range


depositDueDate - Date Range


Reservation IDs

Retrieve reservations based on IDs associated to a reservation

Parameter Description Type
anyReferenceNumber The reference number provided will be matched to itinerary number, confirmation number, guest CRS reference number and cancellation number, in that order. The first match will be returned. String
crsConfirmationNumber CRS confirmation number(s) Array[String]
pmsConfirmationNumber PMS confirmation number(s). Array[String]
itineraryNumber Itinerary number String

Sample Requests

Retrieve reservations using anyReferenceNumber


Retrieve reservations using crsConfirmationNumber


Retrieve reservations using pmsConfirmationNumber


Retrieve reservations using itineraryNumber


Reservation Status

Retrieve reservations based on the current reservation status

Parameter Description Type
status Identifies the reservation status.
Values: Booked, Cancelled, Confirmed, Ignored, OnHold, PendingModify, PaymentPending, Requested, Released, Stored, Waitlisted
Status Description
Stored Includes all information related to a reservation, but does not contain blocked inventory, confirmation number, or a confirmed price.
Booked Indicates the "pending" state of a new reservation where inventory is decremented.
A confirmation is generated; however, the reservation stays in a pending state until it is either Ignored or Confirmed.
OnHold An extension of the Booked reservation status including decremented inventory but has some overriding attributes such as not needing a payment.
Confirmed This is the final state of a valid reservation regardless of whether it is a new or modified reservation.
Waitlisted Indicates an attempted booking where the requested product was not available, so the reservation is waitlisted and stored in the database for confirmation if the product becomes available.
Guests receive a waitlist e-mail indicating that their reservation could not be confirmed at that time.
Cancelled The final status of a canceled reservation.
Ignored Indicates the final state of a pending reservation that is equivalent to it being (logically) deleted.
PendingModify Indicates pending changes to a confirmed reservation where inventory is decremented.
The changes stay in this status, and the changes stay in a pending state until the reservation is either Ignored by the system or Confirmed.

Reservation Response Details

Specify the type of data to include in the response.

  • view=Lookup (Basic Information)
  • view=DetailedLookup (Basic and some additional information)
  • view=Full (Full information)
Parameter Description Type
view Specifies the amount of information to be returned for each reservation in the response.
Values: Lookup, DetailedLookup, Full

Room Type

Retrieve reservations based on a Room Type Code

Parameter Description Type
roomTypes Room type code(s) to use in the search. String

Sample Request
