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Reservation Requirements

4.7.1 Reservation Requirements


To use VCN FOP:

  • Your agency must be authorized to use the form of payment.
  • A Sabre Virtual Payments card account must be set up and a Sabre personnel activated TJR setting is required.

Contact your Sabre Account Director or email the Sabre Virtual Payments team at if you would like to set up a Sabre Virtual Payments card account.

Important! Ensure to include the agency email listed in the PNR before starting the hotel sell process.

TJR Setting: Virtual Payment ON


Agency Email Store in the PNR

The PNR will retrieve the agency email information from UpdateReservationRQ's ResGlobalInfo element or the PE field.

Agency Email Hierarchy
  • If the agency email is present in the UpdateReservationRQ response, use it for the GetCardRQ operation.
  • If the agency email is not present in the UpdateReservationRQ response, verify if email is present in the PE field under ResGlobalInfo. If the email is present, use it for the GetCardRQ operation.
  • If the agency email is not found in UpdateReservationRQ's ResGlobalInfo or in the PE field, you'll receive an error response and the hotel sell process will not continue.
_PE ‡ <agency email> ‡ AGENCY_

Example – Agency Email Store in PE Field – Host Display

EMAIL ADDRESS                 

Example – Agency Email Store in PE Field – UpdateReservationRS

               <stl19:EmailAddress id="5">
                  <stl19:Address> ABCTRAVEL@AGENCY.COM</stl19:Address>

Example – Agency Email included in Lodging Request – UpdateReservationRQ

                    <ns9:BookingInfo RequestorID="12345678" CorpDiscount="CD1234567" PromotionalCode="XJKGHLDE" Email="">
                        <ns9:HotelReservation Id="123PNR" Type="40"/>