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The service that retrieves PNR information for an existing booking has the following enhancement:

  • Services that retrieve PNR details retrieve remarks. Requests for PNR details include remarks in the returned details:
    • When the remark is a historical or general remark
    • When the remark matches a regular expression defined
    • To change the behaviour, the regular expression can be edited
  • This applies to all PNR retrieval, including the following flows:
    • The Revenue (B2C) Flow - including Book Now Pay Later (BNPL) Flow
    • The Redemption (RBE) Flow
    • Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary (MYB:CI) Flow
    • Manage Your Booking – Cancel and Refund (MYB:CR) Flow
    • Manage Your Booking – Modify Trip Options (MYB:MTO) Flow
    • Manage Your Booking – Upgrade (MYB:FFU) Flow
  • Exposing the price breakdown per document (VCR & EMD) in the PNR retrieval response.
  • Ability to retrieve reservation when it has more than one AE for the same subcode.

Digital Connect gives an option to show on the View Itinerary Page and on the Confirmation Page correct number of bag ancillaries (with types and prices) when more than one AE item for the same benefit is reserved.

Digital Connect services also determine when the passenger should be blocked from entering Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary (MYB:CI) Flow - when AEs for the same subcode are issued for unflown legs.

Services That Retrieve PNR Details Retrieve Remarks

The response to retrieve PNR requests include PNR remarks. Requests for PNR details include remarks in the returned details:

  • When the remark is a historical or general remark
  • When the remark matches a regular expression defined in the gds.sabre.command.remark.retrievableRemarkRegular expression configuration

    Note that the default value of the gds.sabre.command.remark.retrievableRemarkRegular expression is .*CUSTOM.*, meaning that historical, general and custom remarks are returned. The intention is not to return remarks containing PCI information.
  • To change the behaviour, the regular expression can be edited.

This applies to all PNR retrieval, including the following flows:

  • Booking (including Book Now Pay Later (BNPL)),
  • Redemption Booking,
  • Modify Trip Options.


There is an existing booking that can be retrieved.


Airlines can retrieve the PNR and expose the remarks with the following sequence of Digital Connect service calls:

  1. The passenger specifies a PNR for review.
  2. The Airline submits any type of /pnr GET request.

PNR Remarks Enhancement

/purchase service is modified to be able to pass custom remarks, SSRs and OSIs, and queue place the PNR in the following flows:

  • Manage Your Booking – Modify Trip Options (MYB:MTO) Flow,
  • Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary (MYB:CI) Flow,
  • Manage Your Booking – Book Now Pay Later (MYB:BNPL) Flow,
  • The Redemption (RBE) Flow.