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Red Workspace and GDS Environments

Development Mode

After setting up your Red App target platform and run configuration in the Eclipse IDE or run Web SDK Configuration, you can launch Sabre Red 360 in development mode which simulates Sabre Red 360.

Use Sabre Red 360 in development mode for development, experimentation, and local testing of your Red App. You can also run the sample Red App plug-ins and wizards.


After you submit your Red App to Sabre for validation and certification, install the CERT version of Sabre Red 360 to test your Red App in CERT. Installation and testing in CERT is based on approval by Sabre.

Test your Red App in the CERT environments of Sabre Red 360, the Sabre GDS, or the emulator.

From CERT Sabre emulator, you can log in to the CERT environment of the Sabre GDS. You can also change to the PROD environment.

A resource that explains the CERT environment of Sabre and CERT refreshes is available on Sabre Central. See the Red Apps FAQs for information about obtaining this resource.


If you report that your testing in CERT is successful, Sabre requests that you test your Red App in the PROD environment of Sabre Red 360. In the request, Sabre asks you to collaborate with your beta customers to test your Red App. Sabre will load your Red App to PROD Sabre Red 360 and provision it to you and your beta customers in PROD.

Test your Red App in the PROD environments of Sabre Red 360, the Sabre GDS, or the emulator. Your beta testers will use the PROD environments of Sabre Red 360 to test your Red App.

From Sabre emulator, you can log in to the PROD environment of the Sabre GDS. You can also change to the CERT environment.

  Both the CERT and PROD environments of Sabre Red 360 are available 24 hours, 7 days per week.