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Red App Names

The term "Red App name" refers to the name of the main Red App plug-in within a Red App bundle. This is the name that customers see on the Sabre Central Marketplace when they shop for Red Apps. Hence, it is also the product or marketing name of a Red App.

The marketing name of your Red App also appears to end-users on Sabre Red 360. (In Sabre Red 360, choose Contact Us > Application Vendor Support.)

A Red App name has the following requirements:

  • A Red App name is unique across all Red Apps.

  • The length is greater than 1 and less than or equal to 70 characters.

  • The name may include any character on an English language keyboard. This includes all alphanumeric characters, special characters, and spaces. Symbols are prohibited, and characters in other languages are prohibited.

A Red App name must match in the following places:

  • The Red App name on your Red App proposal

  • The name part of the Plug-in ID

  • The Bundle-Name field in MANIFEST.MF. Eclipse populates this field with the value in the Name field on the New Plug-in Project and Overview screens.

The Bundle-Name field in MANIFEST.MF should not contain leading or trailing spaces.