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Profile Creation

Digital Connect services support an option to create and activate the Agency’s profiles in the Customer Insights (CI) and in the Agency Manager System (AMS).

Enrolling agency is a multi-step procedure which begins with the airline administrator enrolling the agency, then the airline administrator must access the Agency Management System to change the agency market to active and appropriate, activate the agency via STAN, and assign agency funds or credit limit in the Agency Management System.

All Travel Agencies have a credit limit - their profiles are created in the CI and in the AMS, and the CI profile is updated with BT FOP received from AMS.

Digital Connect also allows airlines to incorporate additional data that needs to be stored in the Agency’s profile, including TaxId. TaxId is provided during Agency profile create and might be modified by an airline in STAN.


The airline administrator enabled the travel agency module in STAN.


Airlines can manage an agency profile with the following sequence of Digital Connect service calls:

  1. On the Agency Login page, the airline administrator clicks the Enroll Agency link and the Enroll Agency page opens.
  2. The administrator provides all the necessary agency information and clicks Enroll Now. Call to the /profile/agency POST is being sent (with in-line and after-submit validation to detect any errors). IATA number is being sent in the UniqueId field (if configured) during Agency creation in the ProfileCreateRq (Customer Insight).
  3. If all the information is provided correctly, Digital Connect response shows a successful message in the /profile/agency POST response and sends a confirmation email to the administrator, if enabled. The agency is created in the Customer Insight (CI), as inactive, and does not have any funds assigned to it in the Agency Management System (AMS). Airline Admin needs to change the market in AMS, Activate the account using STAN and assign ACL funds in the AMS system.
  4. The administrator accesses the Agency Management System from the Community Portal and changes the agency market to an active appropriate market.
  5. The airline administrator logs in to an active STAN (active and editable) version, goes to Agencies tab and searches for the agency. He can search by agency name, IATA number, and state (active and inactive).
  6. From the search results, the administrator selects the agency. The Agency Information window opens. The administrator changes the agency status to active, assigns the password and saves the changes. The airline updates the agency’s profile information with a /profile/agency PUT request. In-line and after-submit validation is applied to the page.
    If the airline enabled confirmation email, after activating and updating the agency account, the agency administrator receives two confirmation emails, one containing the user name, and another one containing a password.
  7. The airline administrator can retrieve all the agencies created and update the agency-related information such as administrator information and agency information. The airline can decide what fields are available for editing.
  8. The administrator logs in to the Agency Management System. The administrator can assign funds and credit limit to the agency.
  9. The administrator can log in to the Administrator Portal (with loginID and password). The airline logs the agency in with the /login/agency POST service.
  10. After successful login the airline retrieves the agency profile with the /profile/agency GET service and displays the agency profile information.
  11. When the administrator clicks the logout link the airline calls /login/agency DELETE to remove from the session the agency information. If the agency is successfully logged out the response returns the result of the logout operation.

Airlines can offer an option to reset the agency profile password with the following sequence of Digital Connect service calls:

  1. Airline displays prompts for agency login (login data credentials).
  2. The administrator supplies login(username) and clicks Forgot password link
  3. The airline sends /profile/resetPasswordKey POST with the "username" as a parameter. The airline retrieves the agency profile and email address (if found). In the response the airline gets "resetPasswordKey".
  4. The airline sends an email with a reset password link.
  5. The administrator provides the new password. The airline calls /profile/resetPassword POST with new password and "resetPasswordKey" (to match it with a proper profile).