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Price Jump in Context Shopping

Phase 1 - Digital Connect

Price Jump provides price adjustments during the shopping flow to prevent price discrepancies. For example, in a round trip itinerary, once user has selected the outbound flight, any price difference for the selected outbound flight will be adjusted to the inbound flight offers during the Context shopping response. Price Jump with Interline Branded Fares (IBF) Calendar shopping using the 7-day ribbon offers prices for both requested and alternate dates returning the lowest fare for each flight/brand. Based upon configuration, prices can be presented as either split per leg or as total itinerary price referred to as bundled.

In both view presentations, the fares offered on the ribbon are valid and are represented for purchase in the provided flight selections. Multicity is offered in Price Jump also, without the 7-day ribbon.

Fares can be displayed per passenger type or passenger total, depending on the carrier’s choice. Additionally, the carrier can choose to display fares as Base only or Base + Tax. Discounts can be offered for pre- as well as post-shopping using Flight Promotions.

This feature applies to the following paths:

  • The Revenue Flow (B2C);
  • Book Now Pay Later Flow (B2C: BNPL).


  • Discount through Flight Promotions for bundle price is out of scope;
  • OB fees for bundle price will be supported in the next release.


A carrier will need to be a customer of Context Shopping and a user of Interline Branded Fares (IBF) Calendar Shopping.

The following configurations for Price Jumps are:

  • (default: false)
  • (default: false)
  • (default: false)


  • Multicity and Round Trip unbundle offers are currently supported.

Whole Itinerary Price - Bundle Price

Bundle Price is not enabled by default, but it can be used in Context Shopping or regular Interline Branded Fares (IBF) calls.

When the Bundle Price configuration is enabled:

  1. If <bundlePrice> is true in QueryProducts request, Service Engine (SE) returns a new element called “bundlePrice” in QueryProducts response along with the “Base” and “Tax” for the Itinerary part, or leg, price.
  2. Digital Connect search response returns a new element called "bundlePrice" along with existing itinerary part price information for an offer. The “bundlePrice” element contains "Base", "Tax" and "Total".

"BundlePrice" is returned for "unbundleOffers", "unbundleAlternateDateOffers" and "brandedResults" in Digital Connect search response. Bundle Price also takes into account the " = ALL_PAX/PER_PAX" configuration.

The Revenue Flow (B2C)

  1. The airline obtains search criteria from the passenger and submits a /products/air/search request, POST operation to get a list of flights matching the search criteria.
  2. The airline UI displays the returned flights to the passenger on the Flights page.
  3. The passenger selects a flight.
  4. After the passenger selects one or more flights, the airline submits the /products/air POST operation to add the flight(s) to the itinerary and store the itinerary in the session
    1. New feature: not only current context shopping flight details are sent to shopping but pricing information for selected flights as well. Based upon the passenger flight selection, any pricing differences will be displayed in the subsequent flights offered to complete the itinerary.
  5. The airline prompts passenger for passenger details: first name/surname/gender, date of birth, phone number, email address etc.
  6. The airline uses /passengers POST to add passenger to the itinerary.
  7. The passenger can continue shopping by selecting seats and ancillaries, according to the airline’s shopping sequence.
  8. The airline calls /products/ancillaries GET to obtain list of ancillaries available for the currently selected itinerary.
  9. After a user selects an ancillary the airline calls /products/ancillaries POST to add selected ancillaries to the itinerary.
  10. The airline calls /products GET operation to obtain current list, with prices of products that the passenger has added to the itinerary and use this information to build and display a shopping cart.
  11. The shopping cart is updated.
  12. When the passenger indicates that shopping is complete the airline obtains available payment options for the current itinerary by calling GET /paymentOptions. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.
  13. When the passenger selects form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase and ticketing process by calling /purchase POST. If authorization is successful, the /purchase service will create a PNR, EMD(s), etc.
  14. The airline returns a /purchase service POST operation response and the confirmation page is displayed.
  15. The airlines submit a /pnr GET request. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.

Phase 2 - Digital Connect

Digital Connect offers an option for those carriers configured to offer their fares in bundled view (total trip price) to send available OB Fees (T&R types) bundled (sum for both T&R) as part of the bundled fare response.

It is to ensure the OB Fees are included in the bundled total trip view for T (Ticketing) and R (Requested Services) type fees.

This functionality applies to the following paths:

  • The Revenue Flow (B2C);
  • Book Now Pay Later Flow (B2C: BNPL).


The Carrier is required to be a Context Shopping and Interline Branded Fares (IBF) Shopping customer with Bundled price configuration enabled.


The Airline needs to enable bundled fare view as preference for displaying fares.


Price Jump provided by Digital Connect ensures the OB Fees are included in the bundled total trip view for T (Ticketing) and R (Requested Services) type fees.

The Revenue Flow (B2C) for the CM 200 – Display Connection Time

  1. The airline obtains search criteria from the passenger and submits a /products/air/search request, POST operation to get a list of flights matching the search criteria.
    1. The airline UI displays the returned flights to the passenger on the Flights page.
    2. New feature: response includes sum and breakdown of the OB Fees returned from shopping in bundled fare view.
  2. The passenger selects one or more flights. The airline submits the /products/air POST operation to add the flight(s) to the itinerary and store the itinerary in the session.
  3. The airline prompts passenger for passenger details: first name/surname/gender, date of birth, phone number, email address etc.
  4. The airline uses /passengers POST to add passenger to the itinerary.
  5. The passenger can continue shopping by selecting seats and ancillaries, according to the airline’s shopping sequence.
  6. The airline calls /products/ancillaries GET to obtain list of ancillaries available for the currently selected itinerary.
  7. After a user selects an ancillary, the airline calls /products/ancillaries POST to add selected ancillaries to the itinerary.
  8. The airline calls /products GET operation to obtain current list, with prices of products that the passenger has added to the itinerary and use this information to build and display a shopping cart.
  9. The shopping cart is updated.
  10. When the passenger indicates that shopping is complete the airline obtains available payment options for the current itinerary by calling GET /paymentOptions. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.
  11. When the passenger selects form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase and ticketing process by calling /purchase POST. If authorization is successful, the /purchase service creates a PNR, EMD(s), etc.
  12. The airline returns a /purchase service POST operation response and the confirmation page is displayed.
  13. The airlines submit a /pnr GET request. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.