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EPR (Electronic Personal Record) Information

Authorization and authentication of Sabre APIs is controlled by security attributes, keywords, and other required credentials. For the Reprint Boarding Pass API, the following minimum requirements must be met:

  • Required EPR duty codes: 4, 5, 7, I
  • Required EPR keyword: SELECT
  • UAT Keyword: None

The agent AAA city, duty code, and partition ID are set up by the Universal Services Gateway (USG) / Sabre Web Services (SWS) upon authentication and when the API section is created.

For more information on authentication within the Sabre API universe, refer to the Get a Token guide.

Flight Initialization

The flight provided must be initialized in the SabreSonic Check-In system. Flight initialization runs approximately 72 hours prior to departure; if the requested flight is not initialized, the API will return the FLIGHT NOT INITIALIZED - INVALID DATE OR CITY error.

Other Prerequisites

  • A passenger name record (PNR) must exist in the Sabre passenger service system (PSS).
  • A printer must be assigned before making a request. If a printer is not assigned at the time of request, the API will return the !ASSIGN BOARDING PASS PRINTER error.

SOAP Syntax

The request must include a SOAP envelope element, a SOAP header element, and a SOAP body element. A properly formatted request requires certain application-specific attributes and constructs in each of these elements. The purpose of this section is to provide a detailed understanding of these requirements.

The following examples assume the client wants to consume version v3 of the web service. To consume other versions or APIs, change these examples accordingly by specifying a different version, a different API, or both.

The SOAP envelope element must include a namespace declaration that defines the type and the version to consume. For example, the following is a SOAP envelope header that defines that the client wants to consume version v3 of the ACS_ReprintBPRQ API by declaring the namespace as n1:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
soap:encodingStyle="" xmlns:n1="">

The SOAP body element must use the namespace declared in the SOAP envelope:


If not done correctly, then SSCI web services will not be able parse and validate the request correctly, which will result in the request being rejected.

The SOAP header element must declare the Action element as shown below:

<eb:MessageHeader eb:id="" eb:version="1.0" xmlns:eb="">

This element is used for properly routing the request to SSCI web services, and without this element, the request will be rejected and will not process.