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Placing a Passenger on Stand-by List on a Selected Flight

Note  The feature is available since 3.1 release.

This feature uses the /dcci/passenger/standby/add service which is a part of the Voluntary Standby functionality and allows to add all Passengers from the reservation to the priority list on another flight chosen from available flights returned in the previous step of this functionality, the /dcci/standby/flights response.

There are three business cases to consider:

  • When service called with NONE output format and the operation was successful
  • When service called with other than NONE output format and the operation was successful
  • When service called with other than NONE output format and the operation was successful, but no Priority Verification Card (PVC) was returned from the downline service (in the response there is a warning status returned)

The sample responses for all those cases are presented in the Samples section below.

The service returns error (HTTP 500) in the following cases:

  • When requested standby flight ID is not present in the /dcci/standby/flight response
  • When value for s4ci.feature.standby.priorityCode.revenue is not set (value is blank)
  • When the downline /passenger/details service returns an error
  • When the /dcci/standby/flights response is not successful and the /dcci/standby/add service should not be called

The service returns response (HTTP 200) with an error or warning results in the following cases:

  • When the Passenger was added on the priority list but did not get the priority verification card (returned in the downline AddToPriorityList response)
  • When there was an error returned from the downline AddToPriorityList service
  • When the downline AddToPriorityList was called, but the operation was not successful. The DS segment is created, but the Passenger is not placed on the priority list

The sample responses for all those cases are presented in the Samples section below.

Current Assumptions

  • Only revenue Passengers (reservations) are supported.
  • Operation is executed for all Passengers from reservation.
  • Operation is executed for current first segment from the reservation.


Scenario 1

Request: HTTP POST
  "standbyFlightId" : "sf1",
  "outputFormat" : "NONE",
  "returnSession" : true
  "reservation" : { 
     "itinerary" : {
        "itineraryPart" : [ {
           "id" : "ip1",
           "segment" : [ { ... } ],
           "alternativeSegment" : [ {
             "id" : "as1",
             "segmentRefs" : [ "s1" ],
             "priorityListPassengerIds" : [ "p01.01", "p02.01" ],
             "status" : {
               "value" : "DESIRED",
               "code" : "DS"
             "flightDetail" : [ { ... } ],
             "number" : "39",
             "sequence" : 1
           } ],
           "type" : "OUTBOUND"
        } ]
  "results" : [ {
    "passengerId" : "p01.01",
    "status" : {
      "type" : "SUCCESS"
  }, {
    "passengerId" : "p02.01",
    "status" : {
      "type" : "SUCCESS"
  } ]

Scenario 2

Request: HTTP POST
  "standbyFlightId" : "sf1",
  "outputFormat" : "BPXML",
  "returnSession" : true
  "reservation" : { ... },
  "priorityVerificationCards" : [ {
    "passengerId" : "p01.01",
    "boardingPass" : { ... }
  }, {
    "passengerId" : "p02.01",
    "boardingPass" : { ... }
  } ],
  "results" : [ {
    "passengerId" : "p01.01",
    "status" : {
      "type" : "SUCCESS"
  }, {
    "passengerId" : "p02.01",
    "status" : {
      "type" : "SUCCESS"
  } ]

Error Samples

  • HTTP 500

    • Request validation

      The requested standby flight ID is not present in the /dcci/standby/flights response.

        "status": "NotProcessed",
        "type": "Validation",
        "timeStamp": "2019-11-14T04:01:50",
        "message": "Invalid request: Requested standby flight is missing."
    • Business error examples

      • The value for s4ci.feature.standby.priorityCode.revenue is not set (value is blank).

            "status": "Unknown",
            "type": "BusinessLogic",
            "errorCode": "ERR.DCCI.BUSINESS_ERROR",
            "timeStamp": "2019-11-14T04:16:21",
            "message": "Configuration for priority code is missing."
      • The downline /passenger/details service returns an error.

          "status": "NotProcessed",
          "type": "Transport",
          "timeStamp": "2019-11-13T06:40:45",
          "message": "Gateway error",
          "details": "Connection error"
      • The /dcci/standby/flights response was not successful and the /dcci/standby/add service should not be called.

            "status": "Unknown",
            "type": "BusinessLogic",
            "errorCode": "ERR.DCCI.BUSINESS_ERROR",
            "timeStamp": "2019-11-19T08:34:55",
            "message": "There are no standby flights for this reservation."
  • HTTP 200

    • Warning statuses

      The Passenger was added on the priority list but did not get the priority verification card (returned in the downline AddToPriorityList response) PVC_IS_NOT_PRESENT

        "results" : [ {
          "passengerId" : "p01.01",
          "status" : {
            "message" : "Priority Verification Card was not received from downline system.",
            "type" : "WARNING",
            "code" : "PVC_IS_NOT_PRESENT"
        }, {
          "passengerId" : "p02.01",
          "status" : {
            "message" : "Priority Verification Card was not received from downline system.",
            "type" : "WARNING",
            "code" : "PVC_IS_NOT_PRESENT"
        } ]
    • Error statuses

      • There was an error returned from the downline
        AddToPriorityList service CANNOT_PLACE_ON_STANDBY_LIST

           "results" : [ {
             "passengerId" : "p01.01",
             "status" : {
               "message" : "ACS message: NO RESPONSE - PSS CHECK-IN SERVICE ERROR",
               "type" : "ERROR",
               "code" : "CANNOT_PLACE_ON_STANDBY_LIST"
      • The downline AddToPriorityList was called, but the operation was not successful. The DS segment is created, but the Passenger is not placed on the priority list STANDBY_SEGMENT_ONLY_CREATED.

          "results" : [ {
            "passengerId" : "p01.01",
            "status" : {
              "message" : "Passengers were not put on a standby list. Standby segment has been created.",
              "type" : "ERROR",
              "code" : "STANDBY_SEGMENT_ONLY_CREATED"
          } ]

Configuration Reference

The following keys are introduced to support this feature:

  • s4ci.feature.standby.priorityCode.revenue
  • s4ci.feature.standby.securityErrors
  • s4ci.feature.standby.enhanceAlternativeSegmentWithPassengerList
  • s4ci.feature.standby.refreshPassengerOnStandbyAfterAdd

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.