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Passengers and Profile

The Passenger Information (/passengers) Service

This service allows the airline to build and update a list of passengers associated with an itinerary. Airlines can collect passenger details from the passenger, and then use this service to associate the passenger details with the itinerary while it is stored in the user session.

Airlines can use this API when they want to display passenger details for the passenger’s review just at any time after an itinerary has been selected and  before initiating a /purchase POST operation. 


An itinerary has to be created via the Select Flights (/products/air) service before any passenger information can be added.


Service Name

Business Function



List and add passengers associated with an itinerary; modify passenger details.

To add passengers to an itinerary, use the POST operation, supplying details for every passenger in the itinerary.

To update passenger data, use the POST operation, supplying details for every passenger in the itinerary, including the modified information.

GET – returns current passenger information for the current itinerary.

POST – adds passenger information to the current itinerary