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The Car Availability (OTA_VehAvailRateLLSRQ) API is used to search for rates and shop for car rentals across rental locations and car suppliers worldwide.

Common errors

  • NO RATES QUALIFY - (Car Type Not Offered) This response occurs when the Sabre system cannot locate a car that matches the request. While it can indicate that there is no vehicle available for a particular date, it can also indicate that a car type is not available at that location. In this case, you need to verify the types of cars offered at a location and change the request to include a valid car make: CP*(vendor code) (city code)/MA or MAKES
  • (Rates Not Found) This response occurs when the Sabre system cannot locate any rates that meet the qualifiers used in the CF (shop call) or CQ (Quote call) entry. The solution could be: A) Try adding ¥USD currency type. B) Search for city locations by car company (this can be done using the Geo Search call, more information at )
  • CHECK PICK UP CITY CODE - This error occurs when using both 'shop', or 'quote' calls a city location where no car companies operate was entered. The city location used does not have a corresponding car company. The solution is to choose the nearest city location (Search for city locations by car company (this can be done using the Geo Search call).
  • CAR COMPANY PURGED - The Car company selected is no longer operating in the location requested.