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Multiple Forms of Payment (MFOP)

Multiple Forms of Payment Support in the Booking Flows

In Digital Connect, airlines are able to offer combinations of forms of payment in the booking flow.

Booking: Revenue (B2C) Flow

  1. Combination of the two non-3-DS Credit Cards (including Credit Card and UATP)
  2. Combination of the Credit Card and E-Voucher/ Gift Card
  3. Combination of the Credit Card and PagaTodo
  4. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and PagaTodo
  5. Combination of the Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  6. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  7. Combination of the Credit Card and AFOP (Alternative Forms of Payment). AFOP is a form of payment other than typical ones (e.g. major Credit Card, Travel Bank) with two-staged authorization.
  8. Combination of Gift Card and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Cards
  9. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and Credit Card
  10. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Cards
  11. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and AFOP
  12. Combination of Direct Debit and eVoucher
  13. Combination of Credit Cards with Local Cards
  14. Combination of Local Card with Dynamic 3D Secure Card (please keep this order)
  15. Combination of Credit Cards with Paypal (not via AFOP)
  16. Combination of the E-Voucher and AFOP.

Booking: Redemption (RBE) Flow

  1. Combination of the Miles and Direct Debit SEPA
  2. Combination of the Miles and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Cards.

Booking: Book Now Pay Later (BNPL) Flow

  1. Combination of the two non 3-DS Credit Cards (including Credit Card and UATP)
  2. Combination of the Credit Card and Direct Debit SEPA
  3. Combination of the Credit Card and E-Voucher/ Gift Card
  4. Combination of the Credit Card and PagaTodo
  5. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and PagaTodo
  6. Combination of the Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  7. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  8. Combination of the E-Voucher and Direct Debit SEPA
  9. Combination of Credit Card and Paypal (not via AFOP)
  10. Combination of E-Voucher and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Cards.

Multiple Forms of Payment Support in the Post-booking Flows

Digital Connect gives the airline possibility to offer multiple forms of payment in the post-booking flows (Manage Your Booking – Book Now Pay Later (MYB:BNPL) Flow, Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary (MYB:CI) Flow, and Manage Your Booking – Modify Trip Options (MYB:MTO) Flow).

Manage Your Booking – Book Now Pay Later (MYB:BNPL) Flow

  1. Combination of the two non-3-DS Credit Cards (including Credit Card and UATP)
  2. Combination of the Credit Card and E-Voucher/ Gift Card
  3. Combination of the Credit Card and PagaTodo
  4. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and PagaTodo
  5. Combination of the Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  6. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  7. Combination of the Credit Card and Travel Bank
  8. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and Credit Card
  9. Combination of the E-Voucher and Direct Debit
  10. Combination of the E-Voucher and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Cards.

Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary (MYB:CI) Flow

  1. Combination of the two non-3-DS Credit Cards (including Credit Card and UATP)
  2. Combination of the Credit Card and PagaTodo
  3. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and PagaTodo
  4. Combination of the Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  5. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  6. Combination of the Credit Card and AFOP (Alternative Forms of Payment). AFOP is a form of payment other than typical ones (e.g. major Credit Card, Travel Bank) with two-staged authorization.
  7. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and Credit Card
  8. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and AFOP
  9. Combination of E-Voucher and Direct Debit
  10. Combination of E-Voucher and Credit Card (non-3DS)
  11. Combination of E-Voucher and AFOP
  12. Combination of E-Voucher and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Card
  13. Combination of Direct Debit and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Card.

Manage Your Booking – Modify Trip Options (MYB:MTO) Flow

  1. Combination of the two Credit Cards (including Credit Card and UATP)
  2. Combination of the Credit Card and E-Voucher/ Gift Card
  3. Combination of the Credit Card and PagaTodo
  4. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and PagaTodo
  5. Combination of the Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  6. Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  7. Combination of the Credit Card and AFOP (Alternative Forms of Payment). AFOP is a form of payment other than typical ones (e.g. major Credit Card, Travel Bank) with two-staged authorization
  8. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and Credit Card
  9. Combination of the Direct Debit SEPA and AFOP
  10. Combination of E-Voucher and Direct Debit
  11. Combination of E-Voucher and Dynamic 3DSecure Credit Card
  12. Combination of Credit Card and Paypal (not via AFOP).

New Forms of Payment

Setup of forms of payment that will be available to passengers in Digital Connect v3.0.1.

Newly supported forms of payment include:

  • Combination of the Credit Card and PagaTodo
  • Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and PagaTodo
  • Combination of the Credit Card and UATP Credit Card
  • Combination of the 3DS Credit Card and UATP Credit Card.

They will be implemented across below flows:

  • The Revenue (B2C) Flow
  • Book Now Pay Later (B2C:BNPL) Flow
  • Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary (MYB:CI) Flow
  • Manage Your Booking – Modify Trip Options (MYB:MTO) Flow
  • Manage Your Booking – Book Now Pay Later (MYB:BNPL) Flow.

Multiple Form of Payment in the Booking Flow (B2C) – Error Handling Enhancements

Digital Connect employs error handling scenarios in case of payment with two Credit Cards for the following combinations:

  • Two non-Dynamic 3DS Credit Cards
  • 3DS and non-dynamic 3DS Credit Card.

This error handling is applicable only for the Revenue (B2C) scenarios. For post-booking flows (MYB: BNPL, MYB: CI, MYB: MTO) there will be V12 Rules modifying forms of payment combinations.

Before this feature has been implemented two Credit Cards have been authorized within one step and authorization result was checked after all authorization calls. There was no way of recognition which Credit Card has failed, the same as there was one single behaviour leading to hard fail, no matter if the authorization of the first or the second Credit Card has failed. System unnecessary blocked the passenger's funds.

In order to resolve that problem, Digital Connect v3.2 introduces modification of PWS action for Credit Cards. Digital Connect v3.2 will check operation status after each PWS authorization call.

Error handling behaviour follows below pattern for non-3DS Credit Cards:

  • If any 1st FOP is failing - HARD fail
  • If any 2nd FOP is failing - SOFT fail

Error handling behaviour follows below pattern for Dynamic 3DS Credit Card:

  • If 1st FOP is Dynamic 3DS and 2nd is non-3DS and non-3DS fails - HARD fail
  • If we have 2 Credit Cards - one 3DS and one non-3DS (order is not important) – authorization of non-3DS Credit Card is successful but there was no redirection for 3DS Credit Card and second /purchase call was not executed - SOFT fail (poller behaviour if configured).


The Revenue Booking Flow (B2C) Scenarios

For all scenarios in the Revenue Booking flow the sequence of Digital Connect calls starts in the same way.

  1. The airline obtains search criteria from the passenger and submits a /products/air/search request, POST operation to get a list of flights matching the search criteria. Display the returned flights to the passenger.
  2. The airline calls /products/ancillaries GET to obtain list of ancillaries available for the currently selected itinerary. The Airline formats information about available ancillaries to the passenger.
  3. When the passenger selects ancillaries the airline calls /products/ancillaries POST to add ancillaries selected by the passenger to the itinerary.
  4. The airline calls /products/seats GET to obtain seat map for the currently selected itinerary. The Airline formats seat map to the passenger.
  5. When the passenger selects seats, the airline calls POST /products/seats to add seats selected by the passenger to the itinerary.
  6. The airline can call /products GET operation to obtain a current list, with prices of products that the passenger has added to the itinerary and use this information to build and display a shopping cart.
  7. When the passenger indicates that shopping is complete the airline obtains available payment options for the current itinerary by calling /paymentOptions GET. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.
  8. The passenger chooses two Credit Cards as payment options.

Scenario1: 2 non-3DS Credit Cards (happy path)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives an authorization approval (status: approved).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives an authorization approval (status: approved).
  4. Digital Connect continues ticketing process - creates a VCR(s), EMD(s), etc.
  5. The response indicates whether the purchase is successful. The airline formats this information for display to the passenger.
  6. The passenger specifies a PNR for review.
  7. The Airline submits a /pnr GET request. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.

Scenario 2: 2 non-3DS Credit Cards (1st FOP authorization fails)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives declined authorization.
  3. The airline receives /purchase POST response with an error 500, hard fail:
    1. Add PNR to the queue configured to stored bookings with failed credit card authorization – key: "booking.failed.ccauthorisation" - default value "113".
    2. Add failure remark: 5H - FOP AUTH FAILED - [CC_code] - [Reason from PWS] e.g.:
    3. Add PWS remarks(different remarks depending of PWS response) e.g.:
      • 2.H-AUTH-PSS/AX5552/18JAN/01411484745251120593

Scenario 3: 2 non-3DS Credit Cards (2nd FOP authorization fails)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives a response with an authorization approval (status: approved).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives declined authorization.
  4. The airline receives /purchase POST response with confirmed but not ticketed booking (soft fail: 200):
    1. Booking put on the configurable queue
    2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
    3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
    4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation

Scenario 4: 1st non-3DS Credit Card, 2nd Dynamic 3DS Credit Card (happy path)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives an authorization approval (status: approved).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives redirection links (Airline UI needs to use them for the 3DS authentication).
  4. Digital Connect receives the first response from /purchase POST that contains redirect information (links or form) returned from PWS.
  5. Airline UI redirects the passenger to the 3DS UI to finalize 3DS authentication. After this operation, the passenger is redirected back to the Airline UI.
  6. Digital Connect sends second call to /purchase POST and if receives positive status continues with the ticketing process - creates a VCR(s), EMD(s), etc.
  7. The response indicates whether the purchase is successful. The airline formats this information for display to the passenger.
  8. The passenger specifies a PNR for review.
  9. The Airline submits a /pnr GET request. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.

Scenario 5: 1st non-3DS Credit Card, 2nd 3DS Credit Card (1st FOP authorization fails)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives declined authorization (status: declined).
  3. The airline receives /purchase POST response with an error 500, hard fail:
    1. Itinerary cancelled
    2. Add failure remark: 5H - FOP AUTH FAILED - [CC_code] - [Reason from PWS] e.g.:
    3. Add PWS remarks(different remarks depending of PWS response) e.g.:
      • 2.H-AUTH-PSS/AX5552/18JAN/01411484745251120593
    4. Add PNR to the queue configured to stored bookings with failed credit card authorization – key:"booking.failed.ccauthorisation" - default value "113" (if configured).

Scenario 6: 1st non-3DS Credit Card, 2nd Dynamic3DS Credit Card (2nd FOP authorization fails)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives a response with an authorization approval (status: approved).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives redirection links (Airline UI needs to use them for the 3DS authentication).
  4. Digital Connect receives the first response from /purchase POST that contains redirect information (links or form) returned from PWS.
  5. Airline sends second call to /purchase POST and depending on the PWS response the following scenarios can occur:
    1. Missing or invalid token – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue;
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation;
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped;
      4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation;
      5. PNR returned in the response.
    2. no 3DS redirect action (status: unavailable) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue;
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation;
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped;
      4. PWS remark H-FOP AUTH FAILED added to the reservation.
    3. 3DS not authorized (pending, cancelled, error, declined statuses) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue;
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation;
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped;
      4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation;
      5. PNR returned in the response.
  6. If there is no second call to /purchase POST poller after the initial delay will check the status of the PNR – the following scenarios can occur:
    1. The authorization has been approved – Digital Connect adds all PWS remarks to the reservation and continues with the ticketing (PNR, EMDs creation).
    2. no 3DS redirect action (status: unavailable) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. PWS remark H-FOP AUTH FAILED added to the reservation
    3. 3DS not authorized (pending, cancelled, error, declined statuses) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation.

Scenario 7: 1st Dynamic 3DS Credit Card, 2nd non-3DS Credit Card (happy path):

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives redirection links (Airline UI needs to use them for the 3DS authentication).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives an authorization approval (status: approved).
  4. Digital Connect receives the first response from /purchase POST that contains redirect information (links or form) returned from PWS.
  5. Airline UI redirects the passenger to the 3DS UI to finalize 3DS authentication. After this operation, the passenger is redirected back to the Airline UI.
  6. Digital Connect sends second call to /purchase POST and if receives positive status continues with the ticketing process - creates a VCR(s), EMD(s), etc.
  7. Digital Connect sends Payment status call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives an authorization approval (status: approved).
  8. The response indicates whether the purchase is successful. The airline formats this information for display to the passenger.
  9. The passenger specifies a PNR for review.
  10. The Airline submits a /pnr GET request. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.

Scenario 8: 1st Dynamic 3DS Credit Card, 2nd non-3DS Credit Card (1st FOP authorization fails)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives redirection links (Airline UI needs to use them for the 3D Secure transaction).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives a response with an authorization approval (status: authorized).
  4. Digital Connect receives the first response from /purchase POST that contains redirect information (links or form) returned from PWS.
  5. Airline sends second call to /purchase POST and depending on the PWS response the following scenarios can occur :
    1. Missing or invalid token – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation
      5. Warnings (unticketed & unavailable) added
      6. PNR returned in the response.
    2. no 3DS redirect action (status: unavailable) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. PWS remark H-FOP AUTH FAILED added to the reservation.
    3. 3DS not authorized (pending, cancelled, error, declined statuses) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation
      5. Unticketed warning added
      6. PNR returned in the response.
  6. If there is no second call to /purchase POST poller after the initial delay will check the status of the PNR – the following scenarios can occur:
    1. The authorization has been approved – Digital Connect adds all PWS remarks to the reservation and continues with the ticketing (PNR, EMDs creation).
    2. no 3DS redirect action (status: unavailable) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. PWS remark H-FOP AUTH FAILED added to the reservation.
    3. 3DS not authorized (pending, cancelled, error, declined statuses) – soft fail (200):
      1. Booking put on the configurable queue
      2. Itinerary and passenger(s) kept in the reservation
      3. VCR / EMD creation skipped
      4. All PWS remarks added to the reservation.

Scenario 9: 1st 3DS Credit Card, 2nd non-3DS Credit Card (2nd FOP authorization fails)

  1. When the passenger selects their form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase by calling /purchase POST.
  2. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 1st Credit Card and receives redirection links (Airline UI needs to use them for the 3D Secure transaction).
  3. Digital Connect sends Payment authorization call to Payment Web Services (PWS) with 2nd Credit Card and receives declined authorization (status: declined).
  4. The airline receives /purchase POST response with an error 500, hard fail:
    1. Itinerary cancelled
    2. Add failure remark: 5H - FOP AUTH FAILED - [CC_code] - [Reason from PWS] e.g.:
    3. Add PWS remarks(different remarks depends of PWS response) e.g.:
      • 2.H-AUTH-PSS/AX5552/18JAN/01411484745251120593
    4. Add PNR to the queue configured to stored bookings with failed credit card authorization – key: "booking.failed.ccauthorisation" - default value "113" (if configured).

Scenarios of payment with 2 3DS Credit Cards or combination of 3DS Credit Card and AFOP (PayPal) will be leading to hard failure (500):

  • Add failure remark: 5H - FOP AUTH FAILED - [CC_code] – MFOPDUPLICATEREDIRECTION
The Manage Your Booking Flows

Digital Connect will block 2 Credit Cards combinability by returning a validation error (non-combinable FOPs) in the /purchase POST response:

  1. Rule to block combinability of 2 Credit Cards in the Manage Your Booking – Modify Trip Options Flow (MYB: MTO):
    • Rule which blocks payment combinations of 2 Credit Cards (or Credit Card + PayPal) in the MYB: MTO Seats and Ancillaries flow.
  2. Rule to block combinability of 2 Credit Cards in the Manage Your Booking – Change Itinerary Flow (MYB: CI):
    • Rule which blocks payment combinations of 2 Credit Cards (or Credit Card + PayPal) in the MYB: CI (Exchange) flow.
  3. Rule to block combinability of 2 Credit Cards in the Manage Your Booking – Book Now Pay Later Flow (MYB: BNPL):
    • Rule which blocks payment combinations of 2 Credit Cards (or Credit Card + PayPal) in the MYB: BNPL flow.

Sample scenarios