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Modify Booking - Error List

Error list

The below list presents all possible errors returned by Modify Booking.

Error type Error category Description
TIMEOUT APPLICATION_ERROR No response from the service provider (service ActionCode).
DOWNLINE_SERVICE_FAILURE APPLICATION_ERROR A general problem with the service (service ActionCode).
ATH_TOKEN_FAILURE APPLICATION_ERROR Unable to create an ATH session token. Please retry.
FAULT_RESPONSE APPLICATION_ERROR The underlying system cannot process the request at this time.
UNABLE_TO_END_TRANSACTION APPLICATION_ERROR A general problem with the EnhancedEndTransactionRQ service.
UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_RESERVATION APPLICATION_ERROR A general problem with the UpdateReservationRQ service.
UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_CONTEXT APPLICATION_ERROR A general problem with the ContextChangeLLSRQ service.
UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_CONTEXT_UNAUTHORIZED APPLICATION_ERROR The user is unauthorized to change the context for the desired PCC.
UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_CONTEXT_NOT_ALLOWED APPLICATION_ERROR The user is unauthorized to change the context for the desired PCC.
UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_CONTEXT_PLEASE_WAIT APPLICATION_ERROR The system is still processing the transaction.
INVALID_VALUE BAD_REQUEST Incorrect request data provided.
INVALID_COMBINATION BAD_REQUEST Incorrect request data provided. Wrong combination of fields.
MANDATORY_DATA_MISSING BAD_REQUEST The request is missing mandatory data.
INVALID_CHARACTERS_OR_WRONG_FORMAT BAD_REQUEST Verify the request format. Special characters are not accepted.
UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS UNAUTHORIZED An invalid or expired ATK token has been used.
UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_BOOKING WARNING The booking was modified successfully but could not be retrieved.
MANDATORY_DATA_MISSING BAD_REQUEST Validation failure: A passengerCode is required.
UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_BOOKING_SIGNATURE APPLICATION_ERROR A general problem with an internal Get Booking call. Booking signature verification was not successful.
MANDATORY_DATA_MISSING BAD_REQUEST Validation failure: Travelers are required.
BOOKING_NOT_CONFIRMED APPLICATION_ERROR The booking is not confirmed by the hotel vendor. Verify the hotel status using the Get Booking method.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_WRONG_SIGNATURE APPLICATION_ERROR The booking signature is different than specified in the request. Verify the booking status using the Get Booking method.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INDEX_OUT_BOUNDS BAD_REQUEST Verify traveler association with the hotel booking. At least one traveler index is out of the traveler list bounds.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_CHILD_AGE_MISSING BAD_REQUEST It is mandatory to provide child or infant guest age when booking a hotel.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_DUPLICATE_ASSOCIATION BAD_REQUEST Verify traveler association with the hotel booking. Duplicate association is not permitted.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_GUESTS APPLICATION_ERROR The number of guests cannot be modified. A new hotel booking key is required.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_NUMBER_OF_GUESTS_MISMATCH APPLICATION_ERROR The number of guests cannot be modified. The specified value does not match the number of guests in the provided hotel booking key.
MODIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED APPLICATION_ERROR The selected operation is not supported. Modification of traveler information is not allowed.
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST The selected operation is not supported.
DELETE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST The selected operation is not supported. Deletion of identity documents [DOCO, DOCA, DOCS] is allowed by means of the property.
ADD_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST The selected operation is not supported. Addition of identity documents [DOCO, DOCA, DOCS] is allowed by means of the property.
UPDATE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST The selected operation is not supported. Update of identity documents [DOCO, DOCA, DOCS] is allowed by means of the property.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_NO_AVAILABILITY APPLICATION_ERROR The check-in and/or check-out date cannot be modified. There is no availability for the new date range.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_WRONG_DATE_RANGE APPLICATION_ERROR The check-in and/or check-out date cannot be modified. The new stay date range is outside of the original date range and requires a new hotel booking key.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INVALID_BOOKING_KEY APPLICATION_ERROR The hotel booking key cannot be decoded. Generate a new booking key using the Hotel Price Check API.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_WRONG_LEAD_TRAVELER_INDEX BAD_REQUEST Verify lead traveler association with the hotel booking. The specified traveler index is out of traveler list bounds.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_HOTEL_NOT_FOUND APPLICATION_ERROR A hotel with the specified ID could not be found. Check if the ID value is correct.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_PAST_DATE BAD_REQUEST The check-in and/or check-out date cannot be in the past.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_GUEST_WITHOUT_ASSOCIATION BAD_REQUEST Verify traveler association with the hotel booking. Guests without hotel association are not permitted.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_MISSING_TRAVELER BAD_REQUEST Travelers stored in the booking cannot be deleted. Operation is not supported.
UNABLE_TO_CONFIRM_MODIFICATION_STATUS WARNING The modification request was sent successfully but could not be confirmed. Verify the booking status using the Get Booking method (confirmationId: %id).
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_DATE_RANGE_MISMATCH APPLICATION_ERROR The check-in and/or check-out date cannot be modified. The new stay date range does not match the date range in the provided hotel booking key.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INVALID_DATE_COMBINATION BAD_REQUEST The combination of check-in and check-out date is invalid. The check-in date cannot be the same or later than the check-out date.
HOTEL_LEAD_GUEST_DATA_MISSING BAD_REQUEST Required hotel lead guest data is missing. The lead guest name and surname are mandatory.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_ACCOMMODATION_NOT_CHANGED APPLICATION_ERROR The accommodation cannot be changed. Verify if the provided booking key was generated for the correct hotel property.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_TRAVELER_TYPE_MISMATCH BAD_REQUEST Verify the traveler list. A change of the traveler type is not permitted.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE APPLICATION_ERROR CSL content was not found. Modification of the legacy hotel content is not supported.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_GUEST_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST Modification of hotel bookings containing child or infant guest details is currently not supported. The guest association should be limited to adult guests only.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_WRONG_FORM_OF_PAYMENT_INDEX BAD_REQUEST Verify the form of payment association. The specified index is out of the form of payment list bounds.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INVALID_FORM_OF_PAYMENT BAD_REQUEST The selected form of payment cannot be stored in the booking and can only be used as a payment reference.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_FORM_OF_PAYMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED APPLICATION_ERROR The hotel property does not support the selected form of payment.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_PAYMENT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED APPLICATION_ERROR A modification with the selected form of payment is currently not supported.
BOOKING_NOT_FOUND APPLICATION_ERROR The booking cannot be found. Verify the value of the booking reference ID.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_TRAVELER_WITHOUT_GROUP BAD_REQUEST Group assignation is mandatory for all travelers.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_TOO_MANY_TRAVELERS APPLICATION_ERROR The number of travelers exceeds the maximum number specified for this group booking.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_EXTRA_TRAVELER BAD_REQUEST The number of travelers does not equal the number of booked spaces. Operation is not supported.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_NAME_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED APPLICATION_ERROR Traveler name modification is restricted by the airline.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INFANT_EMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED BAD_REQUEST Email information cannot be associated with the infant passenger type.
UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_RESERVATION_WRONG_LOYALTY_DATA APPLICATION_ERROR Verify frequent flyer data. Traveler name and owner of frequent traveler number do not match.
UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_RESERVATION_NO_LOYALTY_AGREEMENT APPLICATION_ERROR Unable to add loyalty information due to the lack of frequent flyer agreement between airlines.
UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_RESERVATION_LOYALTY_NOT_ACCEPTED APPLICATION_ERROR The frequent flyer number is not accepted by the airline.
UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_RESERVATION_DUPLICATED_LOYALTY_DATA APPLICATION_ERROR Frequent flyer data for the specified airline already exists in the booking.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_INFANT_LOYALTY_NOT_ALLOWED BAD_REQUEST Loyalty information cannot be associated with the infant passenger type.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SSR_ASSIGNATION_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST A specific flight assignation for the special service request (SSR) is currently not supported.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_TOO_MANY_INFANTS BAD_REQUEST There are too many infants specified in the request. Each infant traveler needs to be associated with an adult traveler.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_INVALID_CODE BAD_REQUEST Verify the special service code. The provided code is not recognized.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_INFANT_ASSOCIATION BAD_REQUEST Validation failure: specialServices cannot be combined with an infant not occupying a seat.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST Verify the special service code. The provided code is not supported by the airline.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_MISSING_MESSAGE BAD_REQUEST A special service message is required by the airline.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_MISSING_TRAVELER_ASSOCIATION BAD_REQUEST A traveler association is missing. Provide the required special service association with a traveler.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_INVALID_TRAVELER_ASSOCIATION BAD_REQUEST The specified traveler index is invalid. Verify the special service association with a traveler.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_TRAVELER_ASSOCIATION_INVALID BAD_REQUEST Verify traveler association with the special services. At least one traveler index is invalid.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_FLIGHT_ASSOCIATION_REQUIRED BAD_REQUEST The specified special service request requires flight association. Use the flights property to provide required information.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_SPECIAL_SERVICE_FLIGHT_ASSOCIATION_INVALID BAD_REQUEST Verify flight association with the special services. At least one flight ID is invalid.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_FLIGHT_ASSOCIATION_INVALID BAD_REQUEST Verify flight association with the identity documents. At least one flight ID is invalid.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_TRAVELER_NAME_TOO_LONG BAD_REQUEST Verify the traveler’s given name and surname. The Sabre system accepts up to 61 or 60 characters for add and update operations respectively.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_TRAVELER_CHANGE BAD_REQUEST The travelers stored in the booking cannot be modified. The operation is not supported.
PROGRAM_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED BAD_REQUEST The selected loyalty program type is currently not supported.
BIRTHDATE_MISMATCH BAD_REQUEST The date of birth does not match the information provided for the selected traveler. Correct the value to match the traveler's date of birth.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED BAD_REQUEST The selected identity document type is currently not supported for NDC bookings.
MULTIPLE_DOCUMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED BAD_REQUEST Only a single occurrence of the selected document type is allowed. Remove duplicate instances from the identityDocuments array.
MANDATORY_DATA_MISSING BAD_REQUEST The airline requires information about the issue date of the VISA document.
MANDATORY_DATA_MISSING BAD_REQUEST The airline requires information about the country where the VISA document is valid.
INVALID_VALUE BAD_REQUEST The expiry date of the identity document cannot be in the past.
RETENTION_DATE_MISSING BAD_REQUEST The date is required to create a retention line in the booking.
INVALID_RETENTION_DATE BAD_REQUEST The retention date cannot be in the past.
INVALID_RETENTION_DATE_RANGE BAD_REQUEST The retention date exceeds the acceptable date range. Select a date no later than %s.
UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_BOOKING_HOTEL_ROOM_TYPE_MISMATCH APPLICATION_ERROR The hotel booking cannot be modified. The room product code does not match the corresponding information in the indicated hotel booking key.