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Managing Baggage Charges

When the calculation process shows that the baggage is not covered by free baggage allowance and the baggage charge needs to be covered before baggage check-in, POS should:

  1. Book all required charges
  2. Fulfill booked Air Extra (AE)

The /dcci/baggage/book service can be used to create all AEs required by the result of the calculation process. This service can be used in two different ways:

  • Booking all required charges by sending empty request. In such case Digital Connect Check-In determines which charges have been required to which Passenger and books all AE automatically.
  • Book only desired charges. This option is available for Agents only. When a Passenger would like to book AE which covers only a part of charges required by the calculation process such as covering only part of bags, the appropriate charge IDs need to be provided in the request so Digital Connect Check-In knows how to book AE.

Whenever the /dcci/baggage/book service creates AEs for the same baggage (basing on the results of calculation returned in the /dcci/baggage/price service) it is automatically reflected in the reservation by functionality of linking AEs together. Such approach prevents paying only part of the required charges.

By default, the AirExtras are created one by one. However, depending on the configuration, all requested charges are booked at once by using a single operation.

When all charges are booked, and correct AEs are created, POS can use the /dcci/pay service to fulfill charges and continue the baggage check-in process.

Configuration Reference

The following keys are introduced to support this feature:

  • s4ci.feature.passengerDetails.optimization.enabled

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.