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Red Apps are able to obtain the Reservation data from the PNR (Passenger Name Record) model.

reservation data

Acquiring IReservationService

In order to be used, the IReservationService has to be imported:

import {IReservationService} from "sabre-ngv-reservation/services/IReservationService";

Once imported, it can be obtained in a standard way:

const reservationService: IReservationService = getService(IReservationService);


This service provides only one method:

getReservation():  Promise<CommandMessageReservationRs>

It returns all data that PNR contains. See CommandMessageReservationRs in TS docs to check available data in model.

Receiving PNR data with IReservationService can look like this:

const reservationPromise: Promise<CommandMessageReservationRs> = reservationService.getReservation();

reservationPromise.then((commandMessageReservationRs: CommandMessageReservationRs) => {
    const reservation = commandMessageReservationRs['Data'];
    // insert code for handling received data
}).catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error while receiving reservation", error);
Sample com.sabre.redapp.example3.web.reservation presents details of receiving reservation model and displaying them in modal.