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Issuing Boarding Pass

When a Passenger is ready to be checked-in for the flight, POS uses the POST /dcci/passenger/checkin service to issue a boarding pass and finalize check-in process.

The request to the service contains two information:

  • ID of the Passengers which should be checked-in
  • The information about the format of the issued boarding pass that should be returned to POS
"returnSession": false,
"passengerIds": [
"outputFormat": "IMAGE"


Each Passenger which has been requested to be checked-in is processed individually which means that for some of the requested Passengers boarding pass might be issued and for some of them not. Each Passenger which has been successfully checked-in would receive a separate boarding pass. Currently Digital Connect Check-In supports the following boarding pass formats:

  • IMAGE - returns not editable picture of the boarding pass encoded in base64
  • PECTAB - returns pectab and data stream with the boarding pass data which can be used for example by self-service applications to send it directly to the boarding pass printer
  • BPXML - returns the raw boarding pass data. POS is required to compose printable version of the boarding pass using the returned details
  • NONE - any boarding pass representation is not returned to POS. The real printing on boarding pass printer assigned into session is triggered instead. This option cannot be used by the self-service applications.

Through Check-in

The POST /dcci/passenger/checkin service supports also through check-in functionality which means that the Passenger is automatically checked-in for all connecting segments which are eligible for check-in. Through checked-in Passenger receives a boarding pass for each segment on which checked-in process occurred.

Short Check-in

Digital Connect Check-In allows passengers to be checked-in for specific segments and this feature pertains to changes in two services: /passenger/details and /passenger/checkin.
The changes to /passenger/details lists the consumers with the segments that a passenger can try to check-in.
And, the changes to /passenger/checkin validates the requested segments and further allows the check-in attempt.

Request for Segments to Check-in

Currently, passenger check-in process in Digital Connect Check-In is based on through check-in functionality which allows the passenger to check-in to the first segment and subsequently, the airport system check-in the passenger to the connecting segments as far as it is possible and returns an appropriate boarding pass.

This approach has several limitations:

  1. The passenger cannot decide how far they would be checked-in through their journey
  2. The passenger who has already checked-in on any starting segments which is not yet flown, cannot check-in to any connection using Digital Connect Check-In services.

Now, Digital Connect Check-In is enhanced with /passenger/checkin service to remove the current limitations by:

  1. Extending the  /passenger/checkin request model with a list that includes the segments (provided by the passenger) to which the passengers can check-in.
  2. Allowing passengers to check-in for the requested segments if:
  • the check-in window is open for the requested segments
  • all requested segments remain as connecting segments (there is no possibility to skip any segment between requested ones) 
  • the passengers are checked-in for all the segments that precede the first requested segment.

Some of the limitations the passengers must qualify to check-in:  

  1. Passenger must already be checked-in to all the previous segments
  2. Check-in window must be open
  3. All the requested segments must be the connecting segments

Return "check-in window" Eligibility for Each Segment

Currently, the passenger check-in process in Digital Connect Check-In is based on through check-in functionality. So, the eligibility to check-in is checked only in context with the first segment. 
There are two possible eligibilities returned by the Digital Connect Check-In


If none of the mentioned eligibilities appear then this signifies that the check-in window is open. 

Digital Connect Check-In allows more flexible usage of /passenger/checkin service where the consumer can determine the segments into which the passenger(s) must be checked-in. Digital Connect Check-In returns information about the check-in window for each segment returned by dcci /passenger/details service and each segment includes one of the following elements:


Configuration Reference

The following keys are introduced to support this feature:

  • se.adapter.s4ci.configuration.reservationConfiguration.docovEnabled
  • s4ci.feature.passengerDetails.checkInWindowsForAllSegments.enabled 

For more details refer to the Configuration Index chapter.