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1.1 Overview

This document is the User Guide for Sabre Travel Network® (TN) customers and provides information about the following APIs regarding Lodging Content:


  • Lodging functionality is available for PNR Services starting with version 1.19.
  • It is not possible to add or cancel a lodging segment in a stateless mode; only stateful is supported.

Descriptions of how each of these services are used to retrieve, add, or cancel Lodging products is provided later in this guide.

1.2 Overview of the Content Services for Lodging Platform

Solving for growing buyer demand and content fragmentation, Sabre's API-driven Content Services for Lodging (CSL) platform provides additional options and a consistent shopping experience for travel agencies:

For more information on Content Services for Lodging (CSL), visit the Content Services for Lodging Product Suite.

For more information on CSL Modification process, visit Modify Bookings in CSL.

Important! The new CSL segment requires some updates to your back office systems. The IUR changes were notified in SAN notification 15563 in March 2019. Please ensure changes are made before making any CSL bookings using UpdateRes.