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Installments with Interest

Digital Connect allows airlines to offer instalment payment plan offerings based upon the credit card used and the associated interest rate.

It fulfils a need in the Latin American market that has a long history of offering customers the ability to pay for goods and services via instalment credits, allowing buyers the flexibility to finance their purchases with partial payments made over time. With the growth of credit, debit card usage as well as on-line purchases, merchants must offer the ability to pay with instalments across all their sales channels and forms of payment.

This customization uses Payment Query to return:

  • instalment options including interest rate,
  • interest amount and
  • instalment (payment) length.

This feature is available in the Revenue Flow (B2C).


  • Configuration for (local) credit cards offered for instalment arrangements.
  • Configuration in MM the instalment ancillary.
  • The carrier must use Payment Web Services (PWS).
  • The carrier must provide Sabre with instalment details they wish to offer passengers.


The carrier must use Sabre Payment Web Services (PWS) to use this functionality for both query and authorization.


The Revenue Flow (B2C)

  1. The airline calls /products/air/search POST to obtain the list of available flights to the passenger.
  2. The passenger selects a flight.
  3. The airline submits /products/air POST to add selected flight to the itinerary.
  4. The airline prompts passenger for passenger details e.g. passport information.
  5. The airline uses /passengers POST to add a passenger to the itinerary.
  6. The passenger can continue shopping by selecting ancillaries using /products/ancillaries, according to the airline's shopping sequence.
  7. The airline uses /products/seats operations to display available seats for selection and to add any seats selected by the passenger to the itinerary
  8. Product cart is updated.
  9. When the passenger indicates that shopping is complete the airline obtains available payment options for the current itinerary by calling /paymentOptions GET. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.
    • One of the payment options is the installment payment. There are two kinds of installments options.
      • Digital Connect configurations
      • Payment query provider
  10. Passenger decides on paying with installments. The airline obtains the installments offers by calling POST /paymentOptions/installments.
  11. When the passenger selects a form of payment, completes the payment and decides to purchase, the airline initiates the purchase and ticketing process by calling /purchase POST. If authorization is successful, the /purchase service will create a PNR, EMD(s), etc.
    • Valid installmentId can be passed in the purchase request. Instalment interest is collected via standalone installment ancillary(ITC) only if it is available or interest is non zero and positive amount.
  12. The response indicates whether the purchase is successful. The airline formats this information for display to the passenger.
    • After successful purchase, installment details are available in /purchase response.
  13. The passenger specifies a PNR for review.
  14. The airline submits a /pnr GET request. The airline can format the information for display to the passenger.
    • After successful purchase, installment details are available in /pnr response.