Auto Price Air Exchange
The following workflow allows you to calculate the price of a changed itinerary using the airline's Voluntary Changes (Category 31) fare rules and prepare the new ticket for issuance.
This workflow requires a passenger name record to be created in advance, and requires a ticket issued in Sabre with at least one OPEN flight coupon.
End-to-end orchestrated process
The below process describes the steps required to cancel, re-book & reprice an itinerary using individual APIs, Sabre has since launched an orchestrated API that facilities this process.
This API is called Exchange Booking and is available in both SOAP/XML & REST/JSON.
For more information, view the (REST and SOAP) Exchange Booking API in the Product Catalog.
Step 1: Retrieve the passenger name record using GetReservationRQ.
Step 2: Cancel desired flight segments using OTA_CancelLLSRQ *1.
Step 3: Book desired flight segments using EnhancedAirBookRQ.
Step 4.a: [Optional] Retrieve penalty collection method for specific airline using GetTicketingProfileRQ (this information may be required as part of the subsequent AutomatedExchangesLLSRQ step) *2.
Step 4: Calculate the price for the new ticket (fare difference + penalties) using AutomatedExchangesLLSRQ ("comparison" step).
Step 5: Confirm the creation of a PQR (Price Quote Reissue) record by executing an additional call to AutomatedExchangesLLSRQ("confirmation" step).
Step 6: End the transaction of the passenger name record using EndTransactionLLSRQ.
*1 This step can also be performed after booking the new segment (step 3) or after confirming the creation of the PQR (step 5).
*2 Developers may decide to cache and reuse the data returned in step 4.a (GetTicketingProfileRQ) to avoid repeated calls as data for a specific airline and point of sale (POS) rarely changes.