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action code

A Sabre host command prefix, or any variation of a host command prefix, for example, HOT. A Red App can send a command prefix when it calls SRWRuntime synchronous service, notify an Event Listener about a command prefix, or register an action_code in an Event Listener.

Activator class

An Activator class is a Java class that controls the life cycle of a plug-in. This class triggers the actions on startup and shutdown, which makes an Activator the best place to allocate and release the resources that a plug-in uses.

application launcher bar

The horizontal menu bar underneath the main menu bar on Sabre Red 360

The application launcher bar has menus that organize applications into the types of tasks that end-users can perform. These menus are Tools, Community, and Admin.

The menu contributions on the launcher bar are intended solely to open Red Apps that run in editors.

application side bar

The vertical panel that contains menu entries on Sabre Red 360

The menu entries open a view that complements the capabilities of another plug-in that is running in an editor.



The valid digital certificate of the provider of the Red App

This file is the actual certificate that a developer used to sign the jar files in a Red App bundle. A developer includes this file in the root of a Red App bundle ZIP file.

A properties file with important metadata about the Red App

A Red App developer creates this file and includes it in the root of a Red App bundle ZIP file.

company name

The provider of a Red App

This may also be called a provider name. The Sabre Red App certified developer application includes a company name. For Red Apps that are deployed to Sabre Red 360, this name also appears on the GUI and it is used in certain files in a plug-in project.

dependent plug-in in a Red App bundle

Plug-ins that are either libraries, or plug-ins with minor functionality or business logic

Dependent plug-ins cannot use or include communications services. Red App developers create dependent plug-ins and may also use dependencies that third parties create.


A tab on the Sabre Red 360 GUI

An editor is a basic building block for a plug-in project. Red Apps that are based on a variety of technologies can run within a tab, for example web apps.


The occurrence of a condition for which Red Apps and other components of Sabre Red 360 can register as listeners

When the condition for an event is met, the event source (the component where the event occurred) creates an event object and publishes it to SRWRuntime. SRWRuntime then dispatches the event to all the registered listeners. All event processing is asynchronous, where SRWRuntime calls the listener, but it does not block for a response from the listener. A Red App executes some functionality when an event is raised.

Event ID

The name of an Event ID that a Red App publishes. Other Red Apps can register EventListeners for this Event ID.


For Red Apps, a class that registers for a specific set of events and is notified when the specific event is triggered

All EventListeners implement the IEventListener interface. The IEvent interface defines the methods that are required for an Event class.

Each Red App that generates a set of events defines the list of events and assigns an Event ID to each event, along with all other attributes. The Event ID uniquely identifies the Event, including the source. The Bus uses the event to notify listeners that are registered for the event.

extension point

A function point that other plug-ins can invoke through standardized interfaces

An extension point consists of elements and properties.

horizontal view

A view or application window that is oriented horizontally in Sabre Red 360

insertion point

The location of a menu entry on a sub-menu of any Sabre Red 360 main menu

JavaScript bridge (Java-to-JavaScript bridge)

The JavaScript bridge (JS bridge) enables a Red App to register for ISRWCommunication functionality by using a JavaScript function named the same as a service it calls. The JavaScript bridge lets Red Apps use the ISRWCommunication services to access other SRWRuntime functionality and access OSGi whitelisted services. This JS bridge exposes only a subset of OSGi services, referred to as whitelisted services.

You must use the default browser components for an editor or view to use OSGi communications services.

With the JS bridge, you can call any whitelisted OSGi service and you can register your own service to intercept a communication on the Bus.

main menu contribution

A menu entry on a sub-menu of the main menu bar of Sabre Red 360

main Red App plug-in

The plug-in that implements the main functionality or the main components of the Red App

This is the only plug-in within a Red App bundle that can include communications services, and this plug-in project must include the redapp.xml configuration file in the root of the plug-in project.

menu contribution

An entry on any of these menus in Sabre Red 360: main menu, application launcher bar, application side bar

patch release of a Red App

A type of Red App release that distributes an updated Red App to all existing end-users

When a Red App is updated as a patch release, either the third or fourth part number of the main Red App plug-in version is incremented.

Plug-in ID

A unique identifier of a plug-in project within Sabre Red 360 and within Eclipse

For Eclipse and Sabre, it is common practice to use the top-level Java package for the plug-in project ID. The ID consists of lowercase letters.

The main Red App Plug-in ID has the following format:



com.yourcompany represents the reverse domain name of the provider of the Red App.

The last part is the Red App name

Dependent Plug-in IDs are the top level Java package. They may be anything that describes their purpose. They may also be third party jars. The format is

provider name*

Red App

Sabre's branded version of an Eclipse plug-in

A Red App is a category of applications that extend the capabilities of the Sabre Red 360. Red Apps can be built with a variety of internet and desktop technologies, and communicate with Sabre services and other Red Apps. They can be visually integrated into the Sabre Red 360, or they can collect data and perform tasks behind the scenes.

Red App bundle

A ZIP file that contains all required components or artifacts for a valid Red App

The bundle also includes the following minimal components:

The bundle.crt,, and jar files for the main Red App plug-in and all dependent plug-ins.

Sabre Red 360 Software Development Kit

A toolkit with everything that Red App developers need to set up the Eclipse IDE and start developing Red Apps

This Toolkit includes the Red App target platform, sample plug-ins, Red App Development Tools, wizards, JavaDocs, and developer documentation.

Red App development mode

An environment in the Eclipse IDE that contains all artifacts and components for developing Red Apps and running Sabre Red 360 in development mode

Red App development (or Dev) tools

Development tools software that consists of Red App wizards for creating plug-in projects with minimal functionality

The development tools software must be installed separately, after the Red App target platform is set up.

After installation, any wizard can be selected.

Red App ID

The unique identifier of a Red App

This identifier identifies the Red App within the Sabre Red 360 environment. Sabre assigns this alphanumeric identifier to every Red App.

The Red App ID is passed in the requestorId of Java code for communications services.

Red App name

A text name consisting of one or more words that describe the plug-in

The main Red App plug-in name is referred to as the "Red App name." The Red App name must be suitable for display to end-users in Sabre Red 360. It is also the name that customers see in the Market Centre when they shop for Red Apps. Therefore, the Red App name is also the product name.

The name of a dependent plug-in can be anything that describes the purpose of the plug-in.

Red App plug-in

The smallest part of an Eclipse RCP application that can be developed and distributed independently

A Red App plug-in runs in Sabre Red 360 and can interact with other plug-ins.

Red App reference plug-in

Another term for a Red App sample plug-in that includes all files that a plug-in project needs, such as source code, XML, and other files


The schema that describes and defines a redapp.xml file

Red App target platform

A target platform that consists of Sabre and Eclipse Foundation plug-ins

These plug-ins enable Sabre Red App Certified Developers to create plug-ins and run Sabre Red 360 in development mode using Eclipse IDE.

Sabre Red App certified developers plug their code into the target platform, compile it, and then test their code by running Sabre Red 360 from this platform.

Red App version

The release version number of a Red App

Red Apps use widely-accepted software versioning standards that consist of a 4-part version number in the form qualifier.

Red App wizards


A configuration file that Red App developers create and include in the root of the main Red App plug-in in a Red App bundle

The redapp.xml file defines all information about public components of a Red App that the Red App intends to register and authorize with SRWRuntime. In particular, the redapp.xml is where a Red App requests authorization to communications services, and registers its own services and event listeners with SRWRuntime.

Sabre emulator

The emulator is a UI element in Sabre Red 360 where you log in to the Sabre GDS. Classic view is actually the name for the emulator, as is "blue screen," however, this document uses the term "Sabre emulator."

Sabre Red App Certified Developer

Developers who create Red Apps or plug-ins for Sabre Red 360

Red App developers are approved by Sabre. They are usually third-party developers.

Sabre Red 360 class

Classes in the Sabre Red 360 Software Development Kit that include most of the behaviors that both developers and end-users need, specifically for Sabre Red 360

The Sabre Red 360 classes improve the handling of applications and meet usability requirements within Sabre Red 360.

The Red App target platform includes all Sabre Red 360 classes that are created and available to developers of Red Apps.

sample plug-in

Sabre Red 360 Software Development Kit includes a variety of sample plug-ins that demonstrate the wrapping of apps with a variety of technologies and the use of communications in Red Apps.

The Red App sample plug-ins include all files that a plug-in project needs, such as source code, XML, and other files. The samples are packaged as archives that you can import directly into your Eclipse workspace, and then launch within Sabre Red 360 in development mode.

You may also see the term "reference plug-in" used, however, this documentation uses "sample plug-in."

service name

A unique name that identifies your service in SRWRuntime. You create this name, and other Red Apps use this name to access a service that you register in your Red App.

SRWRuntime bus

The communications bus that enables communication between a Red App, Sabre Red 360 components, and other Red Apps

SRWRuntime is the class that implements the ISRWRuntime interface. The communications bus is a single point for service registration, event registration, and service processing between Red Apps and service plug-ins.

A Red App also registers its services and event listeners with this bus, and this bus authenticates and authorizes access.

status line contribution

Text and separator bars that appear on the status area of the Sabre Red 360

The text corresponds to an active application that is running in Sabre Red 360 in either an editor or a view.


Threshold is the quantity of operations at which a Red App can invoke a service. The rate of transactions is either transactions per second (tps) or transactions per minute (tpm).

UI contribution

An element of a plug-in that is integrated or displayed on the user interface

In the case of Red Apps, a UI contribution appears in Sabre Red 360 in the form of an editor, view, menu entry, status line contribution, pop-up dialog, or notification.

A UI contribution is also referred to as a UI element, workbench element, or visual pattern.

upgrade release of a Red App

A type of Red App release that distributes a Red App to existing end-users that the provider or vendor specifies, new customers, or both, after a sale is confirmed on the Sabre Central Marketplace Admin Centre. Next, the provider or vendor that is responsible for the Red App informs Sabre which end-users receive the upgrade release.

In the case of an upgrade, either the first or second part number of the main Red App plug-in version is incremented. It is optional to change the third or fourth part.

vertical view

A view or application window that is oriented vertically in Sabre Red 360


A window that runs an embedded Red App within Sabre Red 360

Red Apps that are executed inside views are tools that help agents while they are using the Sabre® Global Distribution System in an active editor or tab. For this reason, end-users refer to views as assistant tools.

Sabre Red App certified developers build Red Apps that interact with classic view by inserting their applications as views.

Views can be either horizontal or vertical.

visual integration pattern

See workbench element.

whitelisted services

Whitelisted services are OSGi services that are exposed through a Java-to-JavaScript bridge (JS bridge).The JS bridge exposes only a subset of OSGi services, referred to as whitelisted services.

workbench element

Eclipse extension points and Java code that enable the visual or presentation components of Red Apps in Sabre Red 360

In Sabre Red 360, the visual components include editors, views, menu entries, status bars, pop-up dialogs, and notification services. These components present data or functionality in Red Workspace.

A workbench is also referred to as a UI element or UI contribution.

wrapper plug-in

A binding that encloses the code within the calling application

Wrapper plug-ins can be created for Red Apps to accommodate various technologies to make them compatible with Sabre Red 360.