Get Vehicle Availability Request Structure
Use the left navigation of this guide to view detailed descriptions for each element and attribute used in a GetVehAvailRQ request.
Request structures can be found below, ranging from a minimal structure to a full structure:
Minimum Complete Structure
Minimum complete structure for a GetVehAvailRQ, with a single airport location, and multiple car suppliers:
<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="yyyy-mm-dd" PickUpTime="hh:mm" ReturnDate="yyyy-mm-dd" ReturnTime="00:00">
<PickUpLocation LocationCode=" "/>
<RatePrefs ConvertedRateInfoOnly=" " SupplierCurrencyOnly=" ">
<LocPolicyRef include="true"/>
<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="yyyy-mm-dd" PickUpTime="hh:mm" ReturnDate="yyyy-mm-dd" ReturnTime="00:00">
<PickUpLocation LocationCode=" "/>
<RatePrefs ConvertedRateInfoOnly=" " SupplierCurrencyOnly=" ">
<LocPolicyRef include="true"/>
Maximum Complete Structure
Maximum complete structure for a GetVehAvailRQ, with multiple locations, and multiple car suppliers:
<Source PseudoCityCode=" "/>
<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="yyyy-mm-dd" PickUpTime="hh:mm" ReturnDate="yyyy-mm-dd" ReturnTime="00:00" DeliveryCollection="B" SortBy=" " SortOrder=" ">
<PickUpLocation LocationCode=" " ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>
<ReturnLocation LocationCode=" " ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>
<PickUpLocation LocationCode="000"/>
<ReturnLocation LocationCode="000"/>
<GeoRef MaxLocations=" " Radius=" " UOM=" " Direction=" ">
<GeoCode Latitude=" " Longitude=" "/>
<RefPoint Value=" " ValueContext=" " RefPointType=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" " PostalCode=" " CityName=" "/>
<AddressRef Street=" " City=" " County=" " PostalCode=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" "/>
<GeoCode Latitude=" " Longitude=" "/>
<RefPoint Value=" " ValueContext=" " RefPointType=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" " PostalCode=" " CityName=" "/>
<AddressRef Street=" " City=" " County=" " PostalCode=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" "/>
<VendorPref Code=" "/> Repeat up to 10
<RatePrefs Commission=" " RateAssured=" " RateCategory=" " RatePlan=" "
CurrencyCode=" " ConvertedRateInfoOnly=" " SupplierCurrencyOnly=" ">
<CustLoyalty MembershipType=" " MembershipId=" " MembershipCode=" "/>
Repeat each membershiptype up to 50 for each ID/Code (car supplier number)
<GuaranteePrepaid Type="GP"/>
<RateCode Code=" "/>
Repeat each RateCode up to 50 for each (car supplier ratecode name)
<VehPrefs> Either VehPref or SeatBeltsAndBagsInfo
<VehType>4character cartype</VehType>
<SeatBelts Quantity="1"/>
<Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>
<CarExtrasPref EquipType=" "/> Repeat up to 10 times
<LocPolicyRef include="true"/>
<Image Type=" "/>
<Source PseudoCityCode=" "/>
<SearchCriteria PickUpDate="yyyy-mm-dd" PickUpTime="hh:mm" ReturnDate="yyyy-mm-dd" ReturnTime="00:00" DeliveryCollection="B" SortBy=" " SortOrder=" ">
<PickUpLocation LocationCode=" " ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>
<ReturnLocation LocationCode=" " ExtendedLocationCode=" "/>
<PickUpLocation LocationCode="000"/>
<ReturnLocation LocationCode="000"/>
<GeoRef MaxLocations=" " Radius=" " UOM=" " Direction=" ">
<GeoCode Latitude=" " Longitude=" "/>
<RefPoint Value=" " ValueContext=" " RefPointType=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" " PostalCode=" " CityName=" "/>
<AddressRef Street=" " City=" " County=" " PostalCode=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" "/>
<GeoCode Latitude=" " Longitude=" "/>
<RefPoint Value=" " ValueContext=" " RefPointType=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" " PostalCode=" " CityName=" "/>
<AddressRef Street=" " City=" " County=" " PostalCode=" " StateProv=" " CountryCode=" "/>
<VendorPref Code=" "/> Repeat up to 10
<RatePrefs Commission=" " RateAssured=" " RateCategory=" " RatePlan=" "
CurrencyCode=" " ConvertedRateInfoOnly=" " SupplierCurrencyOnly=" ">
<CustLoyalty MembershipType=" " MembershipId=" " MembershipCode=" "/>
Repeat each membershiptype up to 50 for each ID/Code (car supplier number)
<GuaranteePrepaid Type="GP"/>
<RateCode Code=" "/>
Repeat each RateCode up to 50 for each (car supplier ratecode name)
<VehPrefs> Either VehPref or SeatBeltsAndBagsInfo
<VehType>4character cartype</VehType>
<SeatBelts Quantity="1"/>
<Bags Quantity="1" Size="Large"/>
<CarExtrasPref EquipType=" "/> Repeat up to 10 times
<LocPolicyRef include="true"/>
<Image Type=" "/>