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Term Description
AAA Agent Assembly Area - refers to the buffer in the Sabre system where content is retained while a Sabre Host session is active
AS Sabre Airline Solutions
FOID Form Of Identification - is used to advise rgw carrier what identification the passenger will need to present upon check-in for e-ticket travel
GDS Code for the Global Distribution System. For example: 1S – Sabre 1B – Abacus 1J – Axess 1F – Infini
Locator PNR locator
OAC Office Accounting Code
OSI Other Supplementary Information - can be used when an action or a reply from the carrier is not required
PCC Pseudo City Code - this is the unique idenifier of a travel agency in the same way that a city code identifies a city
PNR Passenger Name Record
POS Point of Sale
PSS Passenger Service System also known as Sabre Host
SAN Sabre Advance Notification
Segment Itinerary field of a Passenger Name Record holding the actual booking (Air, Car, Rail, Hotel etc.)
SSR Special Service Request is used when action or a response from carrier is required
STL Sabre XML format
TN Sabre Travel Network