Sabre Red 360 Software Development Kit provides the ability to get PNR information using JavaScript. Whenever developer decides that after some application operations it is necessary to get PNR information then it may be done by using this service.
Dependencies and classes
Below you can find a list of required dependencies.
Minimal Required Dependency
To be able to use Get Pnr Service you have to add the authorization entry to your redapp.xml file in <RedApp></RedApp> section:
<Authorization name="" threshold="[threshold]" metric="[metric]" />
Get PNR api works with two data models:
with 1.0.0 version uses RedApp data model
with 3.10.0 version uses Tir data model (See Sabre Dev Studio resources for service details)
The following code snippet demonstrates refreshing content of TripSummary using 3.10.0 version of Tir data model.
String version = "3.10.0";
ClientResponse <GetPnrResponse<TravelItineraryReadRS>> rsp =
new GetPnrServiceClient<TravelItineraryReadRS>(COM).send(new GetPnrRequest(version));
if (rsp.isSuccess())
TravelItineraryReadRS payload = rsp.getPayload().getTirResponse();
Collection <IError> errors = rsp.getErrors()
The following code snippet demonstrates refreshing content of TripSummary using RedApp data model.
String version = "1.0.0";
ClientResponse <GetPnrResponse<RedAppTravelItineraryReadRs>> rsp =
new GetPnrServiceClient<RedAppTravelItineraryReadRs>(COM).send(new GetPnrRequest(version));
if (rsp.isSuccess())
RedAppTravelItineraryReadRs payload = rsp.getPayload().getTirResponse();
Collection <IError> errors = rsp.getErrors()
See com.sabre.redapp.example3.web.addpnr sample for implementation.
Note: GetPnrResponse and GetPnrServiceClient are parametrized with expected TIR service response class (matching to provided version).
RedAppTravelItineraryReadRs data model
application result list of successes list of system specific results host command list of message short text element record id doc url timestamp type TRANSPORT VALIDATION APPLICATION BUSINESS_LOGIC timestamp list of warnings list of system specific results host command list of message short text element record id doc url timestamp type TRANSPORT VALIDATION APPLICATION BUSINESS_LOGIC timestamp list of errors list of system specific results host command list of message short text element record id doc url timestamp type TRANSPORT VALIDATION APPLICATION BUSINESS_LOGIC timestamp status COMPLETE INCOMPLETE NOT_PROCESSED UNKNOWN travel itinerary customer info list of person name list of email id comment type name given name list of profile index id value surname with infant name number name reference passenger type element id rph id itinerary info itinerary pricing list of price quote list of priced itinerary air itinerary pricing info list of passenger type quantity code quantity list of ptc fare breakdown list of fare basis code list of fare component location origin destination ticket designator list of flight segment marketing line code flight number departure datetime res book design code validating carrier reservation items list of item list of flight segment marketing line banner code flight number res book design code id rph id itinerary ref list of header source AAA pseudo city code create datetime creation agent home pseudo city code pseudo city code received from last update time sequence number list of travel policy value id id remark info list of remark text person name value name number code rph segment number type id list of special service info service airline code list of person name value name number text ssr code ssr type typ id rph open reservation elements list of open reservation element form of payment payment card approval list approval list list of approval approval code request time service request free text airline code price quote list of details list of segment info flight class of service departure datetime city code value name arrival datetime city code value name fare basis number transaction info last date to purchase local create date time list of name association info name number name id first name last name fare info total fare value currency code decimal place miscellaneous info list of validating carrier number passenger type version