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Fulfill Flight Tickets


The Fulfill Flight Tickets method is exposed to facilitate document issuance in a single, seamless API call. This includes electronic tickets and electronic miscellaneous documents (EMDs).

Note: The initial release covers fulfillment of ATPCO and NDC content (limited functionality).

Technical overview

Fulfill Flight Tickets is an endpoint of the Booking Management API within the Flight Tickets suite, available in RPC/JSON format and designed to operate in a stateless way.

While Booking Management is a stateless API, it accepts both sessionless (ATK) and session-based (ATH) tokens. When you make a call to this API via a session-based token, the session (AAA) is cleared before and after execution.

General logic

The logic applied by Fulfill Flight Tickets varies depending on the booking content (ATPCO or NDC) and selected fulfillment parameters. Two different processing paths are possible:

  • ATPCO path
  • NDC path

Important! The fulfillment operation is currently not supported for hybrid bookings that contain both traditional ATPCO and NDC flights.

Within the ATPCO path, Fulfill Flight Tickets offers the following capabilities:

  • Issues multiple air tickets and EMDs in a single call
  • Designates a printer address
  • Implements error handling to ensure the successful issuance of an air ticket
  • Returns newly issued ticket numbers together with additional details about these documents
  • Handles context change/AAA
  • Deletes air accounting data or lines prior to ticketing

Within the NDC path, Fulfill Flight Tickets offers the following capabilities:

  • Fulfills an entire NDC order (all order items) in a single call
  • Introduces error handling to ensure the successful issuance of ticketing documents
  • Returns newly issued ticket numbers together with additional details about these documents
  • Handles context change/AAA

Note: In the case of NDC bookings, the application automatically obtains information about the total price of the order and uses this information during fulfillment.

If the operation is successful, the API automatically stores the issued documents in the booking.

Internal orchestration

The APIs orchestrated by Fulfill Flight Tickets are:

Request structure

Since the Fulfill Flight Tickets method supports two types of air content (traditional ATPCO or NDC), your request should include the following mandatory parameters:

  • confirmationId: The booking reference ID as shown in the source supplier/vendor system. For SABRE, this is the PNR Locator value.
  • fulfillments: Lists fulfillment details required to issue a document such as a ticket or an EMD.

Although the remaining parameters are optional, some of them may be necessary to perform fulfillment operations successfully. The application will perform different validations to notify you about that. Moreover, these properties depend on the booking content type, so they may be required only for a particular processing path (ATPCO vs NDC).

General properties mandatory for both ATPCO and NDC:

  • bookingSource: Identifies the source of the booking. Defaults to SABRE.
  • targetPcc: The pseudo city code of the target destination for which a ticket exchange is requested.
  • formsOfPayment: Lists the payment methods to use during the fulfillment process.

In the ATPCO path, the following parameters should be provided:

  • errorHandlingPolicy: Lists the type of error handling policy used by the Fulfill Flight Tickets service. Available options are:
    • ALLOW_PARTIAL_FULFILLMENT (default): Continues processing upon encountering any error from downline services during ticket issuance.
    • HALT_ON_INVALID_MINIMUM_CONNECTING_TIME_ERROR: Stops processing if the minimum connecting time between flights is not met.
  • retainAccounting: If false, the service automatically deletes all existing accounting lines prior to ticketing.
  • receivedFrom: The entity that authorizes the changes in a Passenger Name Record.
  • designatePrinters: Lists printers or a printer profile to designate.
  • travelers: Lists information about the travelers.
  • generateSingleInvoice: If true, the service will send a single commit message after issuing multiple tickets.
  • acceptNegotiatedFare: If true, uses the negotiated fare for ticketing when it is not possible to use the stored fare.
  • acceptPriceChanges: If true, issues a ticket when the price increases during processing.
  • backDatePriceQuoteMethod: Identifies how the service handles expired Price Quotes (PQ) or Price Quotes with a back date price.
  • priceQuoteExpirationMethod: Identifies how the service handles expired Price Quotes (PQ) or Price Quotes with a back date price.
  • notificationEmail: Identifies the method of e-mail notification.

Response structure

The Fulfill Flight Tickets response contains:

  • tickets: Lists all electronic flight tickets issued for the travelers.
  • request Includes a copy of the request sent to the API.
  • errors Includes all errors returned by the API. This array will not display in successful responses.

The operations listed below are currently not supported:

  • Fulfillment of hybrid bookings that contain both traditional ATPCO and NDC flights
  • Partial fulfillment of NDC bookings for selected order items (only fulfillment of the entire order is allowed)
  • Issuing Price Quote Reissue Records (PQR)

Error handling

This section illustrates the error handling logic for Fulfill Flight Tickets.

Error structure

Field Type Description
category String Indicates the error category.
description String Provides a detailed error description.
type String Indicates the error type.
fieldPath String Request field path if the error was caused by a bad request.
fieldName String Request field name if the error was caused by a bad request.
fieldValue String Request field value if the error was caused by a bad request.

Error codes

In the event of an error, Fulfill Flight Tickets returns a non-empty errors array. Each item in the list contains three fields:

  • type
  • category
  • description

Note: Refer to the Fulfill Flight Tickets – Error List section for additional details on possible errors returned by Fulfill Flight Tickets.