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Flow for the Locking Service when Sending Multiple Commands to the Host Communications Service

The following flow demonstrates how a client (Red App) adds the locking service to a plug-in that uses the host communications service, when the Red App sends multiple commands in a single session.

  1. The Red App locks the TA session using the service.

        Steps 2-6 are performed in a loop for each command.

  1. The Red App sends a command to the host communications service.

  1. The service checks to see if the lock is already set on the TA session. The result is positive because the Red App locked the TA session externally.

  2. The host communications service sends a command to the host.

  3. The host communications service receives the response from the host.

  4. The host communications service returns the response to the Red App.

  5. The Red App unlocks the TA session when it is done sending all the commands in the session.

Steps 1, 2, and 7 are the most important steps for the Red App because the host communications service tracks the remaining steps.