Grouped Itinerary Response:
Agency Retailer:
Note Agency Retailer applies to limited release customers only.
Complex type | FareComponentType | ||
Used by |
Children Sequence
Name | Type | Description | Min Occurs | Max Occurs |
Brand | BrandType | Brand type. | 0 | 1 |
HigherIntermediatePoint | HigherIntermediatePointType | Higher Intermediate Point differential information. | 0 | unbounded |
PlusUp | PlusUpInformationType | Plus Up information. | 0 | unbounded |
HandlingMarkupDetail | HandlingMarkupDetailType | Handling markup detail. | 0 | unbounded |
Children Choice
Name | Type | Description | Min Occurs | Max Occurs |
Segment | FareSegmentType | Fare segment information. | 1 | 1 |
Surface | SurfaceType | Surface segment (Arunk). | 1 | 1 |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Description |
ID | xs:nonNegativeInteger | required | Fare component ID. | |
GoverningCarrier | AirlineCarrierCode | required | Governing carrier code. | |
FareAmount | xs:decimal | required | Fare amount. | |
FareCurrency | CurrencyCode | required | Fare component currency code. | |
FareBasisCode | xs:string | required | Fare basis code. | |
FarePassengerType | derived by: xs:string | required | Fare passenger type. | |
TicketDesignator | derived by: xs:string | optional | Ticket designator - discount code. | |
PublishedFareAmount | xs:decimal | optional | Published fare amount. | |
MileageSurcharge | xs:nonNegativeInteger | optional | Mileage surcharge percentage. | |
Mileage | xs:boolean | optional | 0 | Is Mileage Routing. |
CorporateIdMatched | xs:boolean | optional | 0 | Fare Match CorpID. |
OneWayFare | xs:boolean | optional | 0 | One way fare. |
WebBasedFare | xs:boolean | optional | 0 | Web based fare. |
NegotiatedFare | xs:boolean | optional | 0 | Negotiated |
PrivateFare | xs:boolean | optional | 0 | Private fare. |
MatchedAccountCode | derived by: xs:string | optional | Matched Account Code. | |
Directionality | derived by: xs:string | optional | Fare Calc directionality. | |
MilesAmount | xs:nonNegativeInteger | Number of miles (AWARD shopping). | ||
Direction | GlobalDirection | optional | Global Direction indicator. | |
NotValidBefore | xs:date | optional | Not valid before date. | |
NotValidAfter | xs:date | optional | Not valid after date. | |
ApplicablePricingCategories | derived by: xs:string | Applicable pricing categories. | ||
FareComponentReferenceID | xs:unsignedShort | optional | Fare component number. | |
GeneralRetailerRuleCode | optional | Matched general retailer rule qualifier code. | ||
AslRetailerRuleCode | optional | Matched adjusted selling level Retailer Rule qualifier code. | ||
VendorCode | xs:string | optional | Used to specify fare source. | |
FareTypeBitmap | optional | FareTypeBitmap represents sum of following possible values: 0x00 - Normal 0x01 - Discounted 0x02 - Fare by Rule 0x04 - Negotiated 0x08, Private, for example, 0x06 = Fare by Rule + Negotiated | ||
FareType | xs:string | optional | Fare type (example, RU, FIT). | |
FareRule | xs:string | optional | FareRule, part of the fare pricing (such as, 62DD, K0ST), expected if carrier uses them also in ancillary records. | |
DisplayCategoryType | optional | Fare display category type code. |