Exposed Workflow Extension Points (deprecated)
The table below summarizes exposed workflow extension points briefly.
Flow Id | Extension Point Id | Data Model | Contributions |
dynamo.air.lowfareshopping |
RedAppAirShoppingRq |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.air.lowfareshopping |
RedAppAirShoppingRs |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.pnr.end |
RedAppEndTransactionRq (optional), RedAppTravelItineraryReadRs (optional) |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.pnr.end |
RedAppEndTransactionRq (optional), RedAppEndTransactionRs (optional) |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.pnr.ignore |
- |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.pnr.ignore |
- |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.air.airbooking |
RedAppAirShoppingRq |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.air.airbooking |
- |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.air.pricing |
RedAppAirPriceRQ (optional) |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.air.pricing |
- |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.pricing.advanced |
RedAppAirPriceRQ |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
dynamo.pricing.advanced |
- |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
| |
CommandMessageExchangeRs |
FrontEnd/BackEnd |
Extension dynamo.air.lowfareshopping:beforeShoppingRequest
Execution time
It will be executed after filling and submitting the LowFareShopping search form, but before sending request to the Shopping service.
Data model
com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.redapp.airshopping.rq.v1.RedAppAirShoppingRq carrying the shopping request information like:
Origin airport code
Destination airport code
Departure data and time
Arrival data and time
Segment number
Preferred and excluded cities
Travelers code, quantity and age
Excluded carriers codes
Preferred carries codes
Cabins codes
Corporate IDs
Account codes
Retailer rules codes
Commissions codes
Validating Carrier
Tour Codes
Discounts (Amount/Percent)
Commissions (Amount/Percent)
Form of Payment (Cash/Check/Card)
Special Penalty Info
Air Itinerary Pricing Information (Base Fare/Taxes)
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.air.lowfareshopping:afterShoppingResponse
Execution time
It will be executed after receiving response from the Shopping service.
Data model carrying the shopping response information like:
list of itineraries
air itinerary
list of origin destination options
flight segment
elapsed time
air itinerary pricing info
itinerary total fare
total fare
list of ptc fare breakdowns
passenger type quantity
fare basis codes
passenger fare
list of fare infos
fare reference
tpa extensions
validating carrier
pricing source
pricing sub source
tpa extensions
sequence number
*number of itineraries
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.pnr.end:beforeEndCommand
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension beforeEndCommand.
Execution time
It will be executed when the user typed end command or finished PNR from the panel, but before the command will be sent to Sabre Host.
Data model
com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.redapp.pnr.end.rq.v1.RedAppEndTransactionRq - available only for graphical flow
- - available only for graphical flow
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.pnr.end:afterEndCommand
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension afterEndCommand.
Execution time
It will be executed when the user typed end command or finished PNR from the panel and after the command has been sent to Sabre Host.
Data model
com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.redapp.pnr.end.rq.v1.RedAppEndTransactionRq - available only for graphical flow
- - available only for graphical flow
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.pnr.ignore:beforeIgnoreCommand
Execution time
It will be executed after the user typed ignore command or when ignored PNR from the panel, but before the command is sent to Sabre Host.
Data model
There is no data model available for this extension point.
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.pnr.ignore:afterIgnoreCommand
Execution time
It will be executed after the user typed ignore command or when ignored PNR from the panel, but after the command is sent to Sabre Host.
Data model
There is no data model available for this extension point.
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.air.airbooking:beforePricingRequest
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension beforeAirBookAndPrice.
Execution time
It will be executed after user clicked Save & Sell Price button in Advanced Pricing, before sending request.
Data model
com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.redapp.airshopping.rq.v1.RedAppAirShoppingRq carrying the shopping request information like:
Origin airport code
Destination airport code
Departure data and time
Arrival data and time
Segment number
Segment RPH
Brand ID
Booking class
Preferred and excluded cities
Travelers code, quantity and age
Excluded carriers codes
Preferred carries codes
Cabins codes
Corporate IDs
Account codes
Retailer rules codes
Commissions codes
Validating Carrier
Tour Codes
Discounts (Amount/Percent)
Commissions (Amount/Percent)
Form of Payment (Cash/Check/Card)
Special Penalty Info
Air Itinerary Pricing Information (Base Fare/Taxes)
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.air.airbooking:afterPricingRequest
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension afterAirBookAndPrice.
Execution time
It will be executed after user clicked Save & Sell Price button in Advanced Pricing, after request was sent.
Data model
There is no data model available for this extension point.
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.air.pricing:beforePricingRequest
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension beforePricing.
Execution time
It will be executed after user typed WP* command.
Data model
com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.redapp.airprice.rq.v1.RedAppAirPriceRQ which can be added by redapp to add to the pricing request information like:
- PriceRequestInformation |- OptionalQualifiers | |- MiscQualifiers | | |- Commission | | | |- amount | | | \- percent | | |- Endorsements | | | |- overrride | | | \- text | | \- TourCode | | |- ShowFareITandTC | | | \- ind | | |- SuppressFareReplaceWithBT | | | \- ind | | |- SuppressFareReplaceWithIT | | | \- ind | | |- SuppressIT | | | \- ind | | |- SuppressITSupressFare | | | \- ind | | \- text | \- PricingQualifiers | |- AlternativePricingQualifiers | | |- al | | \- xm | |- FareOptions | | |- _private | | \- _public | |- Overrides | |- GoverningCarrierOverride | | \- airlineCode | |- ItineraryOptions | | |- SegmentSelect | | |- number | | \- rph | |- RetailerRuleQualifier | | |- force | | \- qualifier | |- SpecificPenalty | | |- amount | | \- currency | |- Brand | | |- value | | \- rph | |- CommandPricing | | |- Discount | | |-Amount | | \-Percent | |- commissionContract | |- accountCode | |- buyingDate | |- corporateId | |- currencyCode | |- advancePurchase | |- noMinMaxStay | |- noPenalty | |- roundTheWorldTrip | |- exemptAllTaxes | |- exemptSpecificTax | |- validatingCarrierCode | |- spanishResidentDiscount | |- spanishLargeFamilyDiscount | \- cabin \- retain
Mapping TourCode type
TourCode type | ShowFareITandTC | SuppressFareReplaceWithBT | SuppressFareReplaceWithIT | SuppressIT | SuppressITSupressFare |
U |
X |
UB |
X |
UI |
X |
UN |
X |
UX |
X |
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.air.pricing:afterPricingRequest
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension afterPricing.
Execution time
It will be executed after user typed WP* command.
Data model
There is no data model available for this extension point.
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.pricing.advanced:beforePricingRequest
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension beforePricing.
Execution time
It will be executed after user clicked Save & Sell Price button in Advanced Pricing, before sending request.
Data model
com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.redapp.airprice.rq.v1.RedAppAirPriceRQ described in dynamo.air.pricing:beforePricingRequest extension point
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Extension dynamo.pricing.advanced:afterPricingRequest
New workflow extension points
Replaced with new extension afterPricing.
Execution time
It will be executed after user clicked Save & Sell Price button in Advanced Pricing, after request was sent.
Data model
There is no data model available for this extension point.
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Execution time - it will be executed after the exchange is confirmed.
Data model
data - This represents the response object. Contains information about processin and the types of com.sabre.stl.pos.srw.nextgen.pos.ExchangeRS.
PqrNumber - PQR number.
Type of contribution
It supports both types of contribution: FrontEnd and BackEnd.