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Exporting Web Module

Export Requirements

To export the Web Module manifest.json file must contain all the required properties.

Example of manifest.json with all the obligatory fields:

    "redAppId": "sabre-id-redapp-sample",
    "bundleSymbolicName": "com.sabre.sample",
    "bundleName": "Sabre Sample",
    "name": "com-sabre-sample-web-module",
    "contactDetails": {
        "company": "Sabre Inc.",
        "contactName": "SRW Developers",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "123-456-789",
        "website": ""


Some of the functionalities available to Red Apps require authorization. Information if the authorization is required for a given feature should be included in the given feature documentation. When using ngv export authorization should be included in the manifest.json file. Example manifest.json with authorization:

    "redAppId": "sabre-id-redapp-sample",
    "bundleSymbolicName": "com.sabre.sample",
    "bundleName": "Sabre Sample",
    "name": "com-sabre-sample-web-module",
    "contactDetails": {
        "company": "Sabre Inc.",
        "contactName": "SRW Developers",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "123-456-789",
        "website": ""
    "authorizations": [
            "name": "",
            "threshold": 10,
            "metric": "tpm"
            "name": "",
            "metric": "tps",
            "actions": [
                    "name": "/v1/lists/utilities/aircraft/equipment",
                    "threshold": 1

Name and threshold parameters are required and metric is optional (defaults to tps).

Creating validation-ready jar

Web Red App can be packaged into a validation-ready, signed jar using Concierge.

To do so use the ngv export command, which supports the following arguments:

  • keystore

  • keypass

  • alias

  • storepass

  • storetype

  • providerClass

  • providerArg

Successfully ended export will create in the build/ directory SVS-ready {module_name}_{version}.{timestamp}.zip file with Web Module packed into jar, signed using the data provided as command execution parameters along with the file and the certificate exported from the provided keystore.

java command have to be available and added to the PATH variable.

Exporting with a keystore stored in file

ngv export --keystore=$keystore --keypass=$keypass --alias=$alias --storepass=$storepass

Example of ngv export:

ngv export --keystore=/c/Developer/Workspace/myKeystore --storepass=abc34 --keypass=abc34 --alias=myFirstKey

Exporting with a certificate installed on a hardware token

ngv export --keystore=$keystore --alias=$alias --storepass=$storepass --storetype=$storetype --providerClass=$providerClass --providerArg=$providerArg

Example of ngv export:

ngv export --keystore=NONE --storepass=abc34 --alias=myFirstKey --storetype=PKCS11 --providerArg=C:\path\to\eToken.cfg

Keystore location (has to be set to NONE)

Example of eToken.cfg file:


Please note that the content of said file may differ depending on your token provider. If you are unsure how to configure said file please see your token provider’s documentation or contact their support.

Creating Eclipse project for web module

If you want to test your Web Red App in a desktop environment, you have the option to encapsulate it within an Eclipse project. To do so use the ngv export:eclipse command, it will create the project in build/export/plugins.