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Error Messages

During the follow-up request, Air Shopping sends the already selected flight(s) to Dynamic Schedules (DSS) and Availability to confirm the flights exist and still have available seats. For the selected/fixed legs, verification is performed to check for a valid fare.

The error messages that can be returned with the Anchored Search capability are as follows:

Error Message


"No such flight"

The flight number is required and cannot be empty. This error message will appear if this requirement is not met.

“No such flight (142)”

The Airline Marketing/Operating is required and cannot be empty. This error message will appear if this requirement is not met.

"Fixed part of the journey must be continuous"

Wrong order of the fixed legs. The system checks for whether the selected/fixed part of the journey is continuous. You can fix any number of legs starting from the beginning of the journey or from the back for round trips, and fixed legs must form one continuous block. You cannot the select the first and third legs and search only for the second.

If this requirement is not met, this error message will appear.