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Concierge Installer

Concierge Installer is a graphical installer that comes with the following software/packages:

  • Node.js and npm in versions required by concierge

  • Concierge

  • Offline Bundle

Installing Concierge


For windows there are avaliable two types of installers: EXE and JAR.


  • Have Admin rights

  • Have installed java for installator in jar version if needed (optional)

  • Create .npmrc with specific settings if needed (e.g. proxy settings)

  • Uninstall existing Concierge

  • Uninstall existing Node.js and npm


  1. Doubleclick ConciergeInstaller-x.y.z-a.b.c.exe or run command java -jar ConciergeInstallerWin-x.y.z-a.b.c.jar.

  2. On first step choose instalation directory and click Next button:

  3. Second step shows list of packages which will be installed. Click Next button:

  4. Third step shows instalation progres. Click Next button when done:

  5. Fourth step shows output of installed packages setup. It should indicate success status. Click Next button when done:

  6. Fifth step informs that installation is completed. It allows to create automatic installation script which can be useful in next installation. Click Done button when done:


Installer adds path to installed node to the system PATH variable. It also adds following variables:




Verifying installation

Open new cmd console to have updated environment variables. Type following commands:

  • where node, it should show path to instalation dir

  • where npm, it should show path to instalation dir

  • where ngv, it should show path to instalation dir

  • node -v, it should show valid Node.js version, e.g. v14.16.0

  • npm -v, it should show valid npm version, e.g. 6.14.11

  • ngv -v, it should show valid npm version, e.g. 5.10.0


For macOS there is availaible JAR type installator.


  • Have installed Java

  • Create .npmrc with specific settings if needed (e.g. proxy settings)

  • Uninstall existing Concierge

  • Uninstall existing Node.js and npm


  1. Doubleclick ConciergeInstallerMac-x.y.z-a.b.c.jar or run command java -jar ConciergeInstallerWin-x.y.z-a.b.c.jar.

  2. On first step choose instalation directory and click Next button:

  3. Second step shows list of packages which will be installed. Click Next button:

  4. Third step shows instalation progres. Click Next button when done:

  5. Fourth step shows output of installed packages setup. It should indicate success status. Click Next button when done:

  6. Fifth step informs that installation is completed. It allows to create automatic installation script which can be useful in next installation. Click Done button when done:


Installer adds path to installed node to the PATH variable. It also adds following variables:




Variables are added to the first found profile file in the following order:

  1. ~/.zprofile

  2. ~/.zlogin

  3. ~/.login

  4. ~/.bash_profile

  5. ~/.profile

If those files are missing a ~/.profile will be created and filled with variables mentioned above. If you have a non-default shell configuration check if the variables were added properly. To do that, open a new terminal session and execute echo $CONCIERGE_NGV_TMP command. If it returns nothing add those variables manually.

Verifying installation

Open new console to have updated environment variables. Type following commands:

  • which node, it should show path to instalation dir

  • which npm, it should show path to instalation dir

  • which ngv, it should show path to instalation dir

  • node -v, it should show valid Node.js version, e.g. v12.14.1

  • npm -v, it should show valid npm version, e.g. 6.13.4

  • ngv -v, it should show valid npm version, e.g. 5.1.2

Uninstalling Concierge

Open Uninstaller subdirectory in the installation directory and double-click on uninstaller.jar file or run java -jar uninstaller.jar command.

Automatic installation/uninstallation


  • Have installed java

  • Have created automatic installation script on installation step 5

Automatic installation

Run command java -jar ConciergeInstallerWin-x.y.z-a.b.c.jar auto-install.xml, where the file auto-install.xml is automatic installation script.

Automatic uninstallation

Run command java -jar Uninstaller/uninstaller.jar -c -f. Running uninstaller from the command line creates a background process that removes all the related files. While it may look like uninstallation ends after a minute or two, in reality, the background process will be removing Concierge and its related files for much longer.


Following steps are required to upgrade concierge to the newest version:

  1. Uninstall using Concierge Installer as described in this documentation

  2. Install using Concierge Installer as described in this documentation