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Enhanced End Transaction

Travel Agency
  • (10/04/2022) [Part 1] When you specify EnhancedEndTransactionRQ/Itinerary/@id in the request, the API will attempt to work around when encountering 'SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES TO PNR - USE IR TO IGNORE AND RETRIEVE PNR'. Up till this point the API call resulted in an error stating, that 'NO CHANGES MADE TO PNR - UPDATE OR IGNORE'.
  • (10/04/2022) [Part 2] From now on the API will send IgnoreTransactionLLSRQ upon encountering this message, and return the following warning, along with EnhancedEndTransactionRS/ItineraryRef/@ID that contains the PNR locator: "The API has encountered simultaneous changes being made to the reservation and cleared all changes on this session. Please execute previous entries again."
  • (12/07/2022) The API will now accurately commit the transaction upon encountering "DIRECT CONNECT CANCEL" message. Previously the API retried commit request but did not modify its behavior when "DIRECT CONNECT CANCEL" stopped appearing, which resulted in failed transactions. After the change, if the message stops coming back, the API will alter its processing and correctly commit the record.
  • (01/31/2023) Introduced a sleep mechanism which allows more time for vehicle vendor (Dollar/Thrifty) to confirm a vehicle booking. Such a scenario can be identified by the vehicle vendor returning "WAITING FOR DC RESPONSE .... RETRY IN {n} SECONDS" message upon committing changes to a reservation.
  • (02/27/2024) Added a capability to retrieve a PNR prior to updating schedule change details. From now on, when users specify .../Itinerary/@id together with .../EndTransaction/ScheduleChange/@Ind="true" the API will retrieve a given PNR and afterwards update schedule change.

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • (10/04/2022) [Part 1] When you specify EnhancedEndTransactionRQ/Itinerary/@id in the request, the API will attempt to work around when encountering 'SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES TO PNR - USE IR TO IGNORE AND RETRIEVE PNR'. Up till this point the API call resulted in an error stating, that 'NO CHANGES MADE TO PNR - UPDATE OR IGNORE'.
  • (10/04/2022) [Part 2] From now on the API will send IgnoreTransactionLLSRQ upon encountering this message, and return the following warning, along with EnhancedEndTransactionRS/ItineraryRef/@ID that contains the PNR locator: "The API has encountered simultaneous changes being made to the reservation and cleared all changes on this session. Please execute previous entries again."
  • (12/07/2022) The API will now accurately commit the transaction upon encountering "DIRECT CONNECT CANCEL" message. Previously the API retried commit request but did not modify its behavior when "DIRECT CONNECT CANCEL" stopped appearing, which resulted in failed transactions. After the change, if the message stops coming back, the API will alter its processing and correctly commit the record.
  • (01/31/2023) Introduced a sleep mechanism which allows more time for vehicle vendor (Dollar/Thrifty) to confirm a vehicle booking. Such a scenario can be identified by the vehicle vendor returning "WAITING FOR DC RESPONSE .... RETRY IN {n} SECONDS" message upon committing changes to a reservation.
  • (02/27/2024) Added a capability to retrieve a PNR prior to updating schedule change details. From now on, when users specify .../Itinerary/@id together with .../EndTransaction/ScheduleChange/@Ind="true" the API will retrieve a given PNR and afterwards update schedule change.

Resolved Issues

In the Response


Description: Added a delay upon encountering 'TICKETING IN PROGRESS' error message. When that happens the API will now wait for 5 seconds then perform a retry. If the same error is encountered, the API will retry again after 6 seconds. If the same error is encountered third time, the API will retry in 7 seconds.