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End Transaction

Travel Agency
Airline Carrier

Default Errors for SOAP APIs

Default Errors for SOAP APIs

Text Resolution
USG_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Verify that your token credentials were set-up properly. Verify your session token is valid.
USG_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ALLOWED Verify your token credentials are as a binary security token rather than in the request.
USG_INVALID_SECURITY_TOKEN Verify your token credentials.
USG_PASSWORD_NOTFOUND Verify the password for your token credentials.
USG_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIRED Reset your password using the CREATE agent.
USG_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Verify that your token credentials allow you to call this API. Contact your Sabre account manager to verify access.

1. Maximum number of concurrent requests for the API has been exceeded. Contact your Sabre account manager to determine or increase your allocated concurrent request limit for this API.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Maximum number of concurrent requests for the API has been exceeded. Contact your Sabre account manager to determine or increase your allocated concurrent request limit for this API.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. An internal error prevented the request from being processed.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

3. Contact Sabre Support if the error persists.

USG_INVALID_SESSION Do not attempt simultaneous usage of the same session token/session. Get a new token.

1. You have exceeded the maximum number of sessions.

2. Terminate unused active session tokens, wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Session creation blocked for the given user.

2. Contact Sabre.


1. Maximum number of concurrent requests for the API has been exceeded. Contact your Sabre account manager to determine or increase your allocated concurrent request limit for this API.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

USG_SERVICE_PROVIDER_ERROR Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.
USG_NO_RESPONSE_FROM_JMSRECEIVER_IN_TIME Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.
SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

1. Your application may be experiencing an internal security error.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Your application may be experiencing an internal security error.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Your application may be experiencing an internal security error.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

USG_CONVERSATION_ID_REQUIRED Verify that eb:ConversationId element is in the SOAP header.
USG_INVALID_ACTION Verify the format of your SOAP envelope.
USG_INVALID_EBXML Verify required ebXML element or attribute is valid.

1. Verify the version number for the specified service action code.

2. Check documentation for the API to ensure you are specifying the correct version.


1. Include a valid version number.

2. Check documentation for the API to ensure you are specifying the correct version.


1. The version number for the specified service and given user is deprecated.

2. Contact your Sabre account manager.


1. An internal error prevented the request to be processed.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

3. Contact Sabre support if the error persists.


Error Code and Descriptions

Error Code Description
450 Please Contact Help Desk if issue persists
321 Chain code is missing
497 Authorization error
450 Unable to process
321 Recreation code is missing
321 Attraction category code is missing
321 The value must contain PhysicalLocation for attribute ContactProfileType
321 Contact addresses missing
321 AddressLine should be repeated for minimum of one occurrence
298 City in address is required
321 Country name is missing
321 Service code is missing
321 Amenity code is missing
321 RoomTypeCode is missing
321 MeetingRoomType code is missing
321 Hotel code is missing
321 Hotel city code is missing
321 Currency code is invalid or missing
321 Action code is missing
321 HotelInfo is missing
321 Hotel status code is missing
435 Property name required
321 Index point code is missing from RelativePosition
407 Relative Position name should be less than or equal to 3 characters for IndexPointCode 6
321 Transportation code is missing from Transportation
321 SegmentCategory code is missing from CategoryCodes
321 Owning property group is missing
407 Owning property group length should be less than or equal to 20 characters
321 Owning property group name is missing
321 Fee policy code is missing
321 Fee policy tax policy code is missing
321 Commission policy code is missing
321 Commission policy tax code is missing
321 Pets policy code is missing
450 Unable to create - ( hotel code )
450 Duplicate property - ( hotel code )
450 Property not present for - ( hotel code )
450 Property still in staged status wait until it moves to next status
Error Cause Resolution

The number of passengers in the PNR you are trying to commit does not match the number of accounting lines. 

It is a common message after you have exchanged a ticket.

1. This is a soft error (warning) which can be bypassed by sending another End Transaction API call (Passenger Details can be used as well). Please ensure that you do not specify the <Source/> element as part of your subsequent request as enabling it will get your application stuck in a loop as the same warning message will reappear. 

2. Please consider using either Passenger Details or Create Passenger Name Record (SOAP | REST) APIs in your workflow as these soft errors are handled automatically by these services.


The airline you have booked sent a direct connect message back to the PNR.

This is common when selling airlines such as Frontier or Delta.

1. This is a soft error (warning) which can be bypassed by sending a Send Sabre Command API call with <HostCommand>*IM</HostCommand>. After you have sent this message you will need to send another End Transaction API call (Passenger Details can be used as well).

2. Please consider using either Passenger Details or Create Passenger Name Record (SOAP | REST) APIs in your workflow as these soft errors are handled automatically by these services.


There is an infant in the reservation but there's no SSR (Special Service Request) element informing the airline the required infant details.

Airlines require additional details such as the infant's date of birth (to validate that the infant's age is < 2 years).

1. Call the Passenger Details API in order to add the required SSR and end the PNR.

2. If already using the Passenger Details or Create Passenger Name Record (SOAP | REST) API to build a PNR, you need to add the element in the payload request.

Note: Not very familiar with Sabre reservations? Check this.


The PCC where you are creating a reservation has a configuration requiring that a Price Quote (PQ) record needs to be created in the PNR before allowing End Transaction.

1. PQ creation can be configured within the Orchestrated Air Booking (or  Create Passenger Name Record (SOAP | REST)) API. Enabling the <PriceRequestInformation Retain="true"> in the request will store the fare (PQ) in the PNR.

2. If your business workflow does not require fares to be stored in the PNR, you may want to consider contacting representatives from your organization with access to perform PCC/TJR updates to disable this requirement.

3. If your organization does not have access to perform PCC/TJR updates, contact your Sabre account team to get assistance on how to disable the "PQ required" configuration.

Note: Not very familiar with Sabre reservations? Check this.

NEED TICKETING/TIMELIMIT - USE 7 OR 8 Ticketing time limit is missing in the reservation, and this a mandatory element.

1. Call the Passenger Details API to add the ticketing time limit and end the PNR (<Ticketing TicketType="7T-A"/>).

2. If already using the Passenger Details or Create Passenger Name Record (SOAP | REST) API to build a PNR, you need to add the element in the payload request.

Note: Not very familiar with Sabre reservations? Check this.


This response occurs when you attempt to store a passenger type code in the PNR and you do not have the "Store Passenger Type In PNR" active in your PCC/TJR.

Most likely you are performing a transaction in brand new PCC where this setting has not been enabled.

1. If representatives from your organization have access to perform PCC/TJR updates, contact them to perform a W/PT‡ON activation on the used PCC.

2. If your organization does not have access to perform PCC/TJR updates, contact your Sabre account team.

TICKET/TIMELIMIT MUST PRECEDE TRAVEL DATE-UPDATE TICKET FIELD The ticket time limit element used in the PNR needs reflects a date beyond the date of the first departure flight in the itinerary.

1. Ensure your <Ticketing TicketType/> date is configured for a date prior to the first departure flight.

2. Consider using <Ticketing TicketType="7T-A"/> if you do not need to specify a concrete date.

INCORRECT TIME LIMIT - VERIFY *PQ DATE The stored fare contains an earlier date to purchase than the date in the Ticketing Time Limit field.

Delete the price quote via DeletePriceQuoteLLSRQ and create a new one, via OTA_AirPriceLLSRQ.

In case of pricing issues, reach out to

TIME LIMIT IS PRIOR TO CURRENT TIME - MODIFY AND REENTER The Ticketing Time limit (7TAW) field includes a past date.

Correct the Ticketing Time Limit field with the current or future date, via TravelItineraryModifyInfoLLSRQ

See Add Ticketing field in the PNR (7) for additional commands.

INCORRECT TIME LIMIT - VERIFY *PQ DATE - LAST DATE XX The retained fare contains a later Last Day To Purchase Date in the Ticket/Time Limit field than the Last Day To Purchase in the WS field.

Verify stored fare and update Ticket/Time Limit field:

1. Display the stored fare to verify the last date to purchase, via getBooking

2. Update the Ticketing/Time Limit field, via TravelItineraryModifyInfoLLSRQ.

NEED PHONE FIELD - USE 9 The Phone field is missing in the booking.

Add Phone field via PassengerDetailsRQ or TravelItineraryAddInfoLLSRQ prior to end transaction.

See Add Phone field in the PNR (9) for additional commands.

ITINERARY REQUIRED TO COMPLETE TRANSACTION The itinerary is missing in the booking.

Add a valid segment to the PNR such as an OTH segment, via PassengerDetailsRQ prior to end transaction.

See Add a miscellaneous non-air segment to a PNR (0OTH) for additional commands.

SEGMENTS NOT IN DATE ORDER - VERIFY AND REENTER At least one segment is not in a logical date order within the booked itinerary.

The most common cause of this issue is not having the Auto Segment Arrangement flag enabled on affected Pseudo City Code’s Travel Journal Record.

If you are not able to enable the flag visit Sabre Central and select Help.
Under help topics, find Other and type TJR Update in the Subject field.
When selecting a contact method Callback might be useful, since someone will reach out to you directly.

Alternatively contacting might work.

Verify the itinerary and move any segments that are not in order (VI* host command) via SabreCommandLLSRQ.
Move any segments that are not in order via SabreCommandLLSRQ, for reference see Move Itinerary Segments in a PNR (/) for additional commands


An issue with the seats in the booking.

In some cases, a schedule change may cause seats to be assigned twice.

1. Display the seats and determine what seats are under request, via getBooking.
2. Cancel seats by seat and segment number, via AirSeatCancelLLSRQ to correct the problem.
3. Save the changes, via EnhancedEndTransactionRQ.

Note: If you receive the response: CALL PRS CTL - CODE 00, contact the carrier directly.

PSGR NOT ELIGIBLE FOR P SEATS-CXL AND SELECT NEW SEAT Certain travelers are not eligible to select premium seats in the specified section of the aircraft. 1. Display the seats and determine what seats are under request, via getBooking.
2. Cancel the specific premium seats by seat and segment number, via AirSeatCancelLLSRQ to correct the problem.
3. Save the changes, via EnhancedEndTransactionRQ.

The DK number (or client identification code) - which is an important field that links the invoice to the correct client during interface - is missing in the booking.

Agencies use the DK number primarily as an account reference identifier for billing purposes.

1. To add a DK number, use TravelItineraryAddInfoLLSRQ.

2. Save the changes via EnhancedEndTransactionRQ.

Note: This feature requires TJR activation on a PCC. - TJR PNR Optional Edits/Warnings - See Activate.