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Get Hotel Rate Info

Travel Agency
  • New sorting capabilities - you will now be able to receive rates in the response in the order that you want to receive them - whether with N/X rates first, or commissionable rates before non-commissionable rates, or in the order that the supplier sent them.
  • New filtering capabilities - GetHotelDetails will allow you to specify the filter the rates that you don't want agents to see. You will be able to exclude rates by rate codes, types or commissionability and others - eg. exclude AAA rates or senior rates from the response
  • New rate attributes - HighestNightlyRate and ApproxTotalPrice added to the APIs that allow you to receive all rate details to apply per diems or highlight total rates without worrying about tax inclusions / exclusions
  • The v5 APIs have many additional optional fields in both the requests and responses that will allow for better merchandizing, better content and a more optimized workflow. Enhancements will be added to the same API as we go along without the need for versioning up

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • New sorting capabilities - you will now be able to receive rates in the response in the order that you want to receive them - whether with N/X rates first, or commissionable rates before non-commissionable rates, or in the order that the supplier sent them.
  • New filtering capabilities - GetHotelDetails will allow you to specify the filter the rates that you don't want agents to see. You will be able to exclude rates by rate codes, types or commissionability and others - eg. exclude AAA rates or senior rates from the response
  • New rate attributes - HighestNightlyRate and ApproxTotalPrice added to the APIs that allow you to receive all rate details to apply per diems or highlight total rates without worrying about tax inclusions / exclusions
  • The v5 APIs have many additional optional fields in both the requests and responses that will allow for better merchandizing, better content and a more optimized workflow. Enhancements will be added to the same API as we go along without the need for versioning up

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: SortBy

Type: string

Description: New sorting capabilities to display the rates in order of your choice

Sample Value:

SortBy = "NegotiatedRates"
Note: SortBy (Optional) - Allows you to control the order in which rates are Sorted in the response. SortOrder (Optional) - Allows you to control the order in which the rates are sorted. Accepted values are ASC and DESC SortBy = NegotiatedRates (default) - All Negotiated / Contractual (N/X) rates are shown first in the order returned by the suppliers. This includes all suppliers that you have access to, including both Sabre GDS and Aggregators. In case Negotiated / Contractual rates are returned from Multiple suppliers, the Sabre GDS rates will return first. SortOrder is not relevant when SortBy = NegotiatedRates or not specified. SortBy = AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax - All rates from all sources are sorted in Ascending or Descending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax based on the value of SortOrder. SortBy = AverageNightlyRate - All rates from all sources are sorted in Ascending or Descending order of AverageNightlyRate based on the value of SortOrder. SortBy = RateSource - All rates from all sources are sorted based on the rate source. If SortBy = RateSource and SortOrder = ASC, All Sabre GDS rates will be returned before rates from any other Aggregator. If SortBy = RateSource and SortOrder = DESC, All Aggregator rates will be returned before the Sabre GDS rates. When SortBy = RateSource, the order of the rates in the response is the same as what we received from the Hotel supplier. SortBy = Commissionable - All Commissionable rates from all sources are sorted in Ascending or Descending order of AverageNightlyRate based on the value of SortOrder. If SortBy = Commissionable and SortOrder = ASC, all commissionable rates will be before Non-Commissionable rates in the response. All commissionable rates will be sorted in ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax, followed by all non commissionable rates again in ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax. If SortBy = Commissionable and SortOrder = DESC, all non-commissionable rates will be before Commissionable rates in the response. All non-commissionable rates will be sorted in ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax, followed by all commissionable rates again in ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax SortBy = PrepaidRates - All rates from all sources are sorted based on the PrepaidIndicator in the response. If SortBy = PrepaidRates and SortOrder = ASC, then all prepaid rates will be sorted in Ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax, followed by all postpaid rates again sorted in ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax. If SortOrder = DESC, then all postpaid rates will be returned before prepaid rates, with first the postpaid rates returning in ascending order of AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax, followed by Prepaid rates in the same order. In all cases, if rates from multiple sources have the same AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax, the GDS rates will be returned before an Aggregator rate.

In the Request


Parameter: Additional rate filters to receive relevant rates in the response

Type: element

Description: RateFilters can be used to remove specific rates from the response, based on criteria that you include in the request.

Sample Value:

<RateFilter Type="RateCode" Value="AAA,ABC" Action="Exclude"/>
<RateFilter Type="BedType" Value="3" Action="Include"/>
Note: Multiple rate filters can be passed in combination. If multiple rate filters are used, they will be treated as an "OR" condition rather than an "AND" condition. For example, if you make a request that includes filters for both Commission and RateType, say, 1) Exlcude non-Commissionable rates 2) Exclude Government rates then the rates will be excluded from the response if they're either non-commissionable OR a government rate. Supported values: RateCode RateType Commission BedType RoomView RoomType Meals Additional supported values may be added to the same API version in the future

In the Response


Parameter: HighestNightlyRate

Type: string

Description: This attribute will return the Highest Nightly Rate for each rate being displayed, allowing you to better apply per diems on the highest rate instead of on total rates

Sample Value:

<ns22:ConvertedRateInfo HighestNightlyRate="149.24" AverageNightlyRate="163.84" RateKey="bbgel5FDknBw==" ApproxTotalPrice="819.19" AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax="138.32" EndDate="2023-12-06" StartDate="2023-12-01" CurrencyCode="USD" AmountAfterTax="819.19" AdditionalFeesInclusive="false" AmountBeforeTax="691.60" RateSource="110" TaxInclusive="true"/>

In the Response


Parameter: ApproxTotalPrice

Type: string

Description: The ApproxTotalPrice will always return a rate including all known taxes and fees, irrespective of whether the AmountAfterTax included them or not. This enables like-for-like comparisons on the total rate across sources, and gives a clear indication of the total charge to the traveller for a particular booking. If the AmountAfterTax already contains all the taxes and fees, ApproxTotalPrice will have the same value as it.

Sample Value:

<ns22:ConvertedRateInfo HighestNightlyRate="149.24" AverageNightlyRate="163.84" RateKey="bbgel5FDknBw==" ApproxTotalPrice="819.19" AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax="138.32" EndDate="2023-12-06" StartDate="2023-12-01" CurrencyCode="USD" AmountAfterTax="819.19" AdditionalFeesInclusive="false" AmountBeforeTax="691.60" RateSource="110" TaxInclusive="true"/>

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Request/Response


Parameter: RatePlanType

Type: OTA code

Description: Removed enum from RatePlanType to allow for new types to be used in the Sabre APIs. Ensure that your integration expects and displays the RatePlanTypeDescription (once populated) to be able to display the correct type for new rates as we move forward.

Note: RatePlanType="13"

In the Response


Parameter: TierLabels

Type: element

Description: Increased max occurrence of TierLabel from 5 to unbounded

Sample Value:

<TierLabel Type="Agency" Value="GOLD" ProgramId="23"/>
<TierLabel Type="Supplier" Value="PREMIUM" ProgramId="2"/>

  • See all negotiated or contractual rates at the top of the response.
  • Return rates from all sources without taxes or fees, which allows for a uniform comparison of rates between different sources.
  • Show supplier recommended selling rate to customers for net rates.
  • ConvertedRateInfoOnly implementation has been changed to be more developer friendly.
  • All OTA codes are now returned with descriptions, which eliminates the need for customers to translate them.
  • Alternate hotel information is returned in the response in case of unavailability of rates from Sabre.
  • Additional grouping parameters supported under room sets to group similar rates together and enable comparison shopping.

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • See all negotiated or contractual rates at the top of the response.
  • Return rates from all sources without taxes or fees, which allows for a uniform comparison of rates between different sources.
  • Show supplier recommended selling rate to customers for net rates.
  • ConvertedRateInfoOnly implementation has been changed to be more developer friendly.
  • All OTA codes are now returned with descriptions, which eliminates the need for customers to translate them.
  • Alternate hotel information is returned in the response in case of unavailability of rates from Sabre.
  • Additional grouping parameters supported under room sets to group similar rates together and enable comparison shopping.

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: Traveller country

Type: string

Description: The traveller country field allows users to pass this information on to suppliers that support this, which allows user access to location specific products in the availability response.

Sample Value:

<RateInfoRef CurrencyCode="USD" BestOnly="1" PrepaidQualifier="ExcludePrepaid" RefundableOnly="false" ConvertedRateInfoOnly="true" TravellerCountry="US"/>

In the Request


Parameter: ShowNegotiatedRatesFirst

Type: boolean

Description: Overrides the regular sorting (based on Amount before tax) for the API and shows all available Negotiated or contractual rates before public rates.

Sample Value:

<RateInfoRef CurrencyCode="USD" PrepaidQualifier="PrepaidOnly" RefundableOnly="false" ConvertedRateInfoOnly="true" TravellerCountry="US" ShowNegotiatedRatesFirst="false"/>

In the Response


Parameter: MinSellingRate

Type: decimal

Description: Returns the supplier recommended selling price for the rate, if returned. This is generally populated for net rates.

Sample Value:

<RateInfo StartDate="2021-10-20" EndDate="2021-10-24" AmountBeforeTax="760.60" AmountAfterTax="882.40" MinSellingRate="900.00"/>
Note: If populated, this is returned for each RateInfo or ConvertedRateInfo element in the response

In the Response


Parameter: AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax

Type: decimal

Description: Irrespective of the source, the AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax field will always be populated in the response, returning the overall averaged (not highest) nightly rate without considering any taxes or fees.

Sample Value:

<RateInfo StartDate="2021-10-20" EndDate="2021-10-24" AmountBeforeTax="760.60" AmountAfterTax="882.40" AverageNightlyRate="220.60" AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax="190.15" CurrencyCode="USD"/>

In the Response


Parameter: All OTA Code elements will now be accompanied with an attribute with the description of that OTA code.

Type: string

Description: This change applies to all OTA codes in the API responses, including but not limited to: RoomTypeCode, RatePlanInclusion, Amenity, TaxGroups, and FeeGroups.

Sample Value:

<RatePlanInclusion Code="222" Description="Free high speed internet connection"/>
<MealsIncluded Breakfast="true" Lunch="true" Dinner="true" MealPlanIndicator="true" MealPlanCode="1" GuestCount="3" MealPlanDescription="All Inclusive"/>
<TaxGroup Code="13" Description="Sales Tax" Amount="40.00" CurrencyCode="USD"/>
<FeeGroup Code="2" Description="City Hotel Fee" Amount="25.00" CurrencyCode="USD"/>

In the Response


Parameter: CVVRequired

Type: boolean

Description: When specifically returned by suppliers, this boolean field is populated in the response to indicate that a CVV number is mandatory when booking.

Sample Value:

<GuaranteeAccepted GuaranteeTypeCode="5" GuaranteeTypeDescription="Credit Card">
      <PaymentCards CVVRequired="true">
          <PaymentCard CardCode="VI">VISA</PaymentCard>
          <PaymentCard CardCode="MC">MASTER CARD</PaymentCard>

In the Response


Parameter: DepositPolicies

Type: element

Description: The Deposit policies element will now contain a list of multiple policies for rates that may have a varying deposit policies based on dates for a reservation.

Sample Value:

<Deadline AbsoluteDeadline="202-10-12T18:00:00"/>
<AmountPercent NmbrOfNights="1" Amount="176.48"/>
<Deadline AbsoluteDeadline="202-10-18T18:00:00"/>
<AmountPercent NmbrOfNights="1" Amount="176.48"/>

In the Request


Parameter: RoomSetTypes

Type: element

Description: The RoomSetTypes element has been enhanced to allow users to choose multiple grouping parameters at the same time. All products matching the same set of requested room set types will be returned under a single RoomSet element in the response.

Sample Value:

<RoomSet Type="BedType"/>
<RoomSet Type="RoomType"/>
Note: Supported values at this time are "BedType", "RoomView", "RoomType" and "RateSource" but this can change as more features are added.

In the Response


Parameter: RoomSetAttributes

Type: element

Description: The room set attributes element shows the unique parameters that all products belonging to a room set would abide by.

Sample Value:

<RoomSetAttribute Type="RoomType" Code="3" Value="Suite"/>
<RoomSetAttribute Type="BedType" Code="3" Value="King bed"/>
<RoomSetAttribute Type="BedType" Code="5" Value="Queen bed"/>
<RoomSetAttribute Type="RoomView" Code="6" Value="Harbor View"/>
<RoomSetAttribute Type="RateSource" Value="100"/>

In the Response


Parameter: AlternateHotelInfos

Type: element

Description: In case rates are not available for a requested source, the AlternateHotelInfos element returns a list of other properties that could be shopped in place of the requested property.

Sample Value:

<AlternateHotelInfo HotelCode="100097634" CodeContext="SABRE" SabreHotelCode="1212" ChainCode="MC" Distance="20.0" Direction="SW" UOM="MI"/>
Note: At this point, alternate hotel information is returned only if rates are unavailable from GDS but this can be enhanced in the future to be returned irrespective of rate source.

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Request


Parameter: RateSource

Type: element

Description: The InfoSource element has been renamed to RateSource to be in line with its functionality.

Sample Value:


In the Response


Parameter: Hotel Codes

Type: string

Description: The response will now always return Global hotel codes irrespective of whether a Sabre or a Global hotel code was used in the request. If the property is also available from Sabre, a SabreHotelCode and the Chain code will be returned in the response.

Sample Value:

<HotelInfo HotelCode="100095296" CodeContext="GLOBAL" SabreHotelCode="49504" ChainCode="IQ"/>

In the Response


Parameter: AmountBeforeTax

Type: decimal

Description: The AmountBeforeTax is now always returned in the response, irrespective of the source being shopped.

Sample Value:

<RateInfo StartDate="2021-10-20" EndDate="2021-10-24" AmountBeforeTax="760.60" AmountAfterTax="882.40"  AverageNightlyRate="220.60" AverageNightlyRateBeforeTax="190.15" CurrencyCode="USD" AdditionalFeesInclusive="true" TaxInclusive="true" />

In the Response


Parameter: LoyaltyId

Type: string

Description: The LoyaltyId attribute has been removed from the RateInfos element and instead moved inside the Rooms -> Room -> RatePlans -> RatePlan element since it reflects the rateplan and not rates.

Sample Value:

<RatePlan RatePlanName="Room, 2 Double Beds" RatePlanCode="AARP" RatePlanType="1" LoyaltyId="IQ1234"/>

In the Request


Parameter: ConvertedRateInfoOnly

Type: boolean

Description: The implementation of the ConvertedRateInfoOnly has been changed to make it developer-friendly. Refer to the design xml for details.

Resolved Issues

In the Response


Description: Rate related additional details will now be populated in the AdditionalDetails element inside the RateInfo element for all sources, removing an inconsistency where it was sometimes populated under the Rooms element