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Default Errors for SOAP APIs

Default Errors for SOAP APIs

Text Resolution
USG_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Verify that your token credentials were set-up properly. Verify your session token is valid.
USG_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ALLOWED Verify your token credentials are as a binary security token rather than in the request.
USG_INVALID_SECURITY_TOKEN Verify your token credentials.
USG_PASSWORD_NOTFOUND Verify the password for your token credentials.
USG_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIRED Reset your password using the CREATE agent.
USG_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Verify that your token credentials allow you to call this API. Contact your Sabre account manager to verify access.

1. Maximum number of concurrent requests for the API has been exceeded. Contact your Sabre account manager to determine or increase your allocated concurrent request limit for this API.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Maximum number of concurrent requests for the API has been exceeded. Contact your Sabre account manager to determine or increase your allocated concurrent request limit for this API.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. An internal error prevented the request from being processed.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

3. Contact Sabre Support if the error persists.

USG_INVALID_SESSION Do not attempt simultaneous usage of the same session token/session. Get a new token.

1. You have exceeded the maximum number of sessions.

2. Terminate unused active session tokens, wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Session creation blocked for the given user.

2. Contact Sabre.


1. Maximum number of concurrent requests for the API has been exceeded. Contact your Sabre account manager to determine or increase your allocated concurrent request limit for this API.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

USG_SERVICE_PROVIDER_ERROR Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.
USG_NO_RESPONSE_FROM_JMSRECEIVER_IN_TIME Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.
SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

1. Your application may be experiencing an internal security error.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Your application may be experiencing an internal security error.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.


1. Your application may be experiencing an internal security error.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

USG_CONVERSATION_ID_REQUIRED Verify that eb:ConversationId element is in the SOAP header.
USG_INVALID_ACTION Verify the format of your SOAP envelope.
USG_INVALID_EBXML Verify required ebXML element or attribute is valid.

1. Verify the version number for the specified service action code.

2. Check documentation for the API to ensure you are specifying the correct version.


1. Include a valid version number.

2. Check documentation for the API to ensure you are specifying the correct version.


1. The version number for the specified service and given user is deprecated.

2. Contact your Sabre account manager.


1. An internal error prevented the request to be processed.

2. Wait at least 500 milliseconds and resend the request.

3. Contact Sabre support if the error persists.


Error Code and Descriptions

Error Code Description
450 Please Contact Help Desk if issue persists
321 Chain code is missing
497 Authorization error
450 Unable to process
321 Recreation code is missing
321 Attraction category code is missing
321 The value must contain PhysicalLocation for attribute ContactProfileType
321 Contact addresses missing
321 AddressLine should be repeated for minimum of one occurrence
298 City in address is required
321 Country name is missing
321 Service code is missing
321 Amenity code is missing
321 RoomTypeCode is missing
321 MeetingRoomType code is missing
321 Hotel code is missing
321 Hotel city code is missing
321 Currency code is invalid or missing
321 Action code is missing
321 HotelInfo is missing
321 Hotel status code is missing
435 Property name required
321 Index point code is missing from RelativePosition
407 Relative Position name should be less than or equal to 3 characters for IndexPointCode 6
321 Transportation code is missing from Transportation
321 SegmentCategory code is missing from CategoryCodes
321 Owning property group is missing
407 Owning property group length should be less than or equal to 20 characters
321 Owning property group name is missing
321 Fee policy code is missing
321 Fee policy tax policy code is missing
321 Commission policy code is missing
321 Commission policy tax code is missing
321 Pets policy code is missing
450 Unable to create - ( hotel code )
450 Duplicate property - ( hotel code )
450 Property not present for - ( hotel code )
450 Property still in staged status wait until it moves to next status

Errors documentation Content Services for Lodging

The below list applies to the latest versions of the CSL shopping APIs. Message codes may be either returned as Errors (ERR) or Warnings (WARN) depending on the API being used and your request parameters.



<Warning timeStamp="2021-05-03T08:01:41.825-05:00" type="Validation">
        <Message code="WARN.0788">Invalid format for search by distance</Message>
        <Message code="WarningDetails">Cannot sort by distance when searching using hotel codes directly</Message>



"Warning": [
          "type": "Validation",
          "timeStamp": "2021-05-04T15:57:19.231-05:00",
          "SystemSpecificResults": [
              "Message": [
                  "code": "WARN.0788",
                  "value": "Invalid format for search by distance"
                  "code": "WarningDetails",
                  "value": "Cannot sort by distance when searching using hotel codes directly"


Code Error Cause Resolution
0161 Search Criteria Invalid Request is invalid.

Refer to the 'ErrorDetails' or 'WarningDetails' node under Application results to validate the cause of failure, and update your request accordingly.

0822 Invalid third party rating requested Rating filter has incorrect values.

Validate the values entered in the 'SabreRating' element are valid.

Possible errors - Min > Max, Min < 0, Max > 5.

0788 Invalid format for search by distance Sorting preference cannot be applied based on request parameters.

Change SortBy to a value other than 'DistanceFrom' if your request includes HotelRefs instead of GeoRef.

0404 Invalid start/end date combination Check-in and/or check-out dates are invalid. Validate that your start date is after current date, and before end date.
0767 Invalid room stay index Room Indexes for a multi-room shopping are not sequential. Add any missing room indexes to the request. You can include them in any order e.g. 1,3,2 or 1,2,3 as long as all of them are present.
5029 Pax configuration should be same across the rooms requested Adult and child count varies across different room indexes. Ensure all rooms have the same guest configuration.
0852 Invalid children ages Child age not specified.

Ensure that the age of every child is specified under 'ChildAges' and the age is under 18. If the search is for two (2) children, ages for both children should be comma separated and added in the request e.g. 11,12.

0408 Last page of data already displayed When searching for more pages, you added an offset value greater than the max number of pages available.

Each offset refers to a 'page'. Number of pages in the response can be calculated using the MaxSearchResults (from the response) and the PageSize (from the request).

0790 No properties found for reference point / distance requested No properties found for search location area.

If you're using the 'GeoAttributes' element to filter properties, try removing it.

If you still don't see any properties in the response but are confident they should be returned, contact support by emailing

0775 Nothing found for requested criteria Depending on the API being used, this may be returned as either an error or warning. Refer to the errorDetails or warningDetails returned in the response for additional information. Validate the message returned under the 'Details' node and proceed accordingly.
0001 No response at requested time Temporary timeout error in the flow.

Retry your request after some time.

0448 System Error Unexpected internal error.

Contact support by emailing

0424 No hotels found which match this input No property found. This error may be returned for invalid hotel codes in GetHotelList, GetHotelAvail and HotelSearch APIs as long as the hotel codes entered were all numeric.

This can be due to various reasons:

1. The property id is invalid.

2. The property id is now inactive.

3. Additional search filters (under HotelPref) have removed all available properties.

0366 Error during processing, please retry Unhandled internal exception. If this occurs for a continued period of time,

contact support by emailing

0263 No rate could be found for the given information No rates returned by suppliers, and we were unable to determine a cause. If seen repeatedly,

contact support by emailing

0102 No image data Available Images were requested in the response but were not available.

If the request contained 'CategoryCodes' the images may have been available but removed since they did not match the requested category code. 

If the request doesn't contain Category codes, images are not available for the property.

5097 Please specify the Currency Currency code is mandatory in the request if the request contains a rate range filter. Either remove the rate range filter or add the currency code to the request.
0249 Invalid rate code Rate key added to the request is invalid. Send a valid rate key in the priceCheck request, as returned from the initial availability response.
0724 Vendor response error May be returned due to multiple scenarios. 

Refer to the 'ErrorDetails' or 'WarningDetails' element for more details.

If the details node simply says "Please contact webservices support," please do so as the supplier will need to be contacted to resolve the issue.

5276 Not authorized to switch to <pcc> You are not allowed to shop in the PCC you've added under the POS element in the request. 

The PCC under the POS element should have branch access relationship with your sign-in PCC. Add the correct branch access relationship as necessary, and then wait for five (5) mins for the changes to take effect.

In some cases, this error may be returned when it shouldn't. If this happens for more than five (5) mins, please contact webservices support.

5099 Invalid PCC. Length of PCC is greater than four (4) characters. Your sign-in PCC is not a four (4) character alpha-numeric PCC, and you don't have a valid PCC input under the POS element. Make sure that either the sign-in PCC or the PCC mentioned under 'POS' is a four (4) character alpha-numeric value.
5027 Exceeds the number of properties that can be requested Search exceeds the maximum number of properties that can be requested. Reduce the number of hotel codes in the request.
5100 Please check Info Source and Pre-Paid Qualifier combination for results The rateSource added in the request is currently not supported for the requested rate type.

Review the rateSources in the request and the prepaidQualifier.  Refer to the API documentations to identify the supported prepaid qualifiers for the different rate sources.

0061 Invalid currency code

Requested currency code is not supported

0364 Error rate range Invalid rate range added to request. Ensure that 'Min' under rate range is not greater than 'Max'.
0414 More days were specified than exist in inventory Start date is more than 330 days in the future. Update the check-in date to be within 330 days from the current date.
0409 Maximum length of stay restriction Stay cannot be for more than 220 days Update the check-out date to be within 220 days from the check-in date. This is an overarching validation across the platform, but different sources may have different validations for them. 
5024 Should not be more than nine (9) guests per room A room element has more than nine (9) guests in it. Update the request such that no single room element has more than nine (9) guests (Adults + children) in it.
5275 Aggregator disabled by PCC. Please contact PCC admin The rate source you're trying to shop is not enabled for your PCC.

Ask your PCC admin to log in to the HotelManager application, enable the aggregator and load credentials.

If you're still seeing this message after just making this change, wait for approximately one (1) hour before shopping again.

If you still see the message, contact support by emailing

5262 No rates available for requested combination This error is returned if Exact Match is set to true, but the rates returned by the supplier do not match the requested rate codes, rate types, or client IDs.

If you don't want to see only specific rate types, set Exact match to false.

If you're sure the supplier returns the requested rates but you're still not seeing them, check additional request filters like Rate range, Refundable only, and prepaid qualifier to see if they are removing those rate. 

If you're still not seeing the rates, contact support by emailing

0392 Invalid hotel code Requested hotel code is not available. The hotel code may have been marked inactive since the last time you used it. If the requested hotel code is not available in CSL but you're able to shop it in legacy,

contact support by emailing

5300 No rates available for requested combination Requested negotiated / contractual rates are not valid based on feed received for the PCC. Reach out to the third-party source to ensure the required rate codes are correctly loaded for your PCC.
5266 Either HotelRefs or HotelPref is required Depending on the API, your request should contain either HotelRefs or HotelPref. You cannot send a blank request with no filtering criteria. Add either HotelRefs (or GeoRef) OR HotelPref to your request.
5272 Need to provide one of MarketerCodes,ChainCodes,HotelCodes,PropertyName or PropertyStatus An empty Hotel Pref element was added to the request. Add at least 1 child element under the HotelPref element.
5273 Number of properties requested cannot be greater than 5000 Depending on the API, a different number of Hotel Codes can be added to the request. If returned, ensure you do not add more than 5000 hotel codes to this API request.
5278 Hotel name can contain only the following special characters ! # $ % ’ ( ) * + , - . / Unsupported special character was added to the HotelPref - HotelName element Remove unsupported special characters and retry the request.
5259 Multiple CodeContext not allowed All hotel codes should have the same code context in the request. No code context is treated as SABRE by default. Ensure that all the Code Contexts in the request are the same.
0106 Too many rooms/units The requested rate source does not support a request with multiple room elements. Either change the requested rate source or shop for a single room.
0322 No availability Property is not available for requested dates. Check the warning details to get more details on why property is not available. Try with alternate properties or different check-in/check-out dates.
5311 Property not available for requested dates All properties or all rates for a property filtered in response due to agency rules. Try with the alternate property or update the agency rules.