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Get Ancillary Offers for Travel Agencies

Travel Agency
  • GetAncillaryOffers web service is connected to offer store where each ancillary offer is stored and offer item id can be generated for those offers. Additionally offer id is generated on each GetAncillaryOffers response. This is required in order to match offer with ancillary sell offer.

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • GetAncillaryOffers web service is connected to offer store where each ancillary offer is stored and offer item id can be generated for those offers. Additionally offer id is generated on each GetAncillaryOffers response. This is required in order to match offer with ancillary sell offer.

Business Value

  • Returning offer id on GetAncillaryOffers response level and offer item ids on each individual ancillary price level. This functionality is available per each environment - integration, certification, production and could be enabled per request. The idea to retrieve offer id and offer item ids in GetAncillaryOffers response is to make consistency between offer and sell path.
  • GAO v3.1 will retrieve offer id/offer item ids once cache solution for non seats will be enabled in January 2020. Previous versions of GAO will also save ancillary offer in offer store, but offer id/offer item ids will not be generated in GAORS. For those previous versions as well as for GAOv3.1 cache solution will be enabled, so when ancillary sell will be made the exact offer at the sell time will be retrieved from ancillary offer store. There are no changes required from GAO users.