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Payment Service

Airline Carrier
  • Added new attributes to the element 'Notification': DocumentType, CommunicationType, OverrideInvoked,OriginalDeliveryAddress,PlatformName,TrackingStatus,TrackingDateTime
  • A new optional attribute 'AccountFundingSource' added to the element 'AuthResponseDetail' in payment service schema. <xs:attribute name="AccountFundingSource" type="xs:string" use="optional"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Visa response data for clearing. The account funding source value could be: C - Credit D - Debit H - Charge P - Prepaid R - Deferred debit</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute>

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • Added new attributes to the element 'Notification': DocumentType, CommunicationType, OverrideInvoked,OriginalDeliveryAddress,PlatformName,TrackingStatus,TrackingDateTime
  • A new optional attribute 'AccountFundingSource' added to the element 'AuthResponseDetail' in payment service schema. <xs:attribute name="AccountFundingSource" type="xs:string" use="optional"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Visa response data for clearing. The account funding source value could be: C - Credit D - Debit H - Charge P - Prepaid R - Deferred debit</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute>

Business Value

  • These new fields come from the vendor Conferma for VirtualPayments. This will return more details to POS.

  • ApplePayMerchantId
  • "ApplePayMerchantID" Registered Apple Pay merchant ID that identifies merchant to Apple Pay as being able to accept payments. A Payment Processing certificate that is associated with the merchant ID is used to encrypt payment information.
  • ApplePayInd - a boolean value to indicate if ApplePay is used.
  • ApplePayCryptogram - json object contains details of the certificate value coming for ApplePay

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • ApplePayMerchantId
  • "ApplePayMerchantID" Registered Apple Pay merchant ID that identifies merchant to Apple Pay as being able to accept payments. A Payment Processing certificate that is associated with the merchant ID is used to encrypt payment information.
  • ApplePayInd - a boolean value to indicate if ApplePay is used.
  • ApplePayCryptogram - json object contains details of the certificate value coming for ApplePay

Business Value

  • Adding provision to use ApplePay related fields

  • PresentCreditCardInd

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • PresentCreditCardInd

Business Value

  • If true, the verification will be performed on any of credit cards that match on a ticket purchased.

New Features

In the Response


Parameter: PresentCreditCardInd

Type: boolean

Description: New optional attribute element "PresentCreditCardInd" added to PaymentRS/FraudCheckRS as a boolean true/false

Sample Value:

<PaymentRS SystemDateTime="2017-05-17T14:20:46" SabreTransactionID="01111495011036483002" Version="4.35.0" xmlns="">
    <POS SourceID="RADIXX"/>
    <MerchantDetail MerchantID="SD"/>
    <Result ResultCode="SUCCESS" Description="Successful Transaction" POSActionCode="PROCEED_REVIEW"/>
    <Results FOP_RPH="1">
        <FOP Type="CC" FOP_Code="CA"/>
        <AuthorizationResult ResponseCode="APPROVED" Description="Successful Transaction" SupplierID="CS" SupplierResponseCode="100" PaymentRef="01811652262783783883">
            <T3DS_Result IssuerURL=";merchantId=SD">
        <FraudScreenResult Result="REVIEW" ReasonCode="102" Score="1" SupplierTransID="6691295362226687304021" PresentCreditCardInd="true">
                <Remark>RISK MGNT/REVIEW/100/1/6691295362226687304021</Remark>
Note: If true, the verification will be performed on any of credit cards that match on a ticket purchased.

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Response


Parameter: PresentCreditCardInd

Type: boolean

Description: If true, the verification will be performed on any of credit cards that match on a ticket purchased.

Sample Value:

<FraudScreenResult Result="REVIEW" ReasonCode="102" Score="1" SupplierTransID="6691295362226687304021" PresentCreditCardInd="true">
                <Remark>RISK MGNT/REVIEW/100/1/6691295362226687304021</Remark>
Note: New optional attribute element "PresentCreditCardInd" added to PaymentRS/FraudCheckRS as a boolean true/false

  • T3DS_AuthenticationResult
  • PayByLinkURL

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • T3DS_AuthenticationResult
  • PayByLinkURL

New Features

In the Response


Parameter: T3DS_AuthenticationResult

Type: T3DS_AuthenticationResultType

Description: New optional element "T3DS_AuthenticationResult" added to PaymentRS/T3DS_AuthenticationResult

Sample Value:

<Result ResultCode="SUCCESS" Description="Successful Transaction"/>
    <T3DS_AuthenticationResult ResponseCode="INITIALIZEIFRAME" Description="Successful Transaction" SupplierID="CS" SupplierResponseCode="100" PaymentRef="01921691091022683407">
        <T3DS_Result IssuerURL="">
Note: "T3DS_AuthenticationResult" added to PaymentRS/T3DS_AuthenticationResult

In the Response


Parameter: PayByLinkURL

Type: String

Description: New optional element "PayByLinkURL" added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResultType/PayByLinkURL

Sample Value:

<AuthorizationResult ResponseCode="APPROVED" Description="" ApprovalCode="666" AuthAmountSent="4147590" SupplierID="MPGS" SupplierTransID="700014503245145" SupplierResponseCode="00"
        SupplierReferenceID="700014503245145" AcquirerResponseCode="00"  AuthRemarks1="AUTH-WPAY/BA1111/18JAN/01711453149269847464" AuthRemarks2="  AUTH-APV/666/0/COP3784600" PaymentConfirmInd="R" PaymentRef="01711453149269847464" SabreGeneratedApprovalCodeInd="true">
Note: "PayByLinkURL" added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResultType/PayByLinkURL

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Response


Parameter: T3DS_AuthenticationResult

Type: T3DS_AuthenticationResultType

Description: New optional element "T3DS_AuthenticationResult" added to PaymentRS/T3DS_AuthenticationResult

Sample Value:

<Result ResultCode="SUCCESS" Description="Successful Transaction"/>
    <T3DS_AuthenticationResult ResponseCode="INITIALIZEIFRAME" Description="Successful Transaction" SupplierID="CS" SupplierResponseCode="100" PaymentRef="01921691091022683407">
        <T3DS_Result IssuerURL="">
Note: "T3DS_AuthenticationResult" added to PaymentRS/T3DS_AuthenticationResult

In the Response


Parameter: PayByLinkURL

Type: String

Description: New optional element "PayByLinkURL" added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResultType/PayByLinkURL

Sample Value:

<AuthorizationResult ResponseCode="APPROVED" Description="" ApprovalCode="666" AuthAmountSent="4147590" SupplierID="MPGS" SupplierTransID="700014503245145" SupplierResponseCode="00"
        SupplierReferenceID="700014503245145" AcquirerResponseCode="00"  AuthRemarks1="AUTH-WPAY/BA1111/18JAN/01711453149269847464" AuthRemarks2="  AUTH-APV/666/0/COP3784600" PaymentConfirmInd="R" PaymentRef="01711453149269847464" SabreGeneratedApprovalCodeInd="true">
Note: "PayByLinkURL" added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResultType/PayByLinkURL

Resolved Issues

In the Response


Description: PresentCreditCardInd is added in the FraudCheckRS This indicator is used to perform the verification of the credit cards that was used to purchase the ticket

  • WebhookURL has been added in PaymentRQ
  • VirtualPaymentDetail has been added to PaymentDetail element of PaymentRQ and PaymentRS
  • Elements GetDeploymentResult, UpdateDeploymentResult and GetCardActivityResult and respective attributes has been added in PaymentRS

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • WebhookURL has been added in PaymentRQ
  • VirtualPaymentDetail has been added to PaymentDetail element of PaymentRQ and PaymentRS
  • Elements GetDeploymentResult, UpdateDeploymentResult and GetCardActivityResult and respective attributes has been added in PaymentRS

Business Value

  • WebhookURL for further redirection to POS if status is webhook
  • VirtualPaymentDetail identifies a scope of a business purchase of virtual card
  • GetDeployment - Once an immediate deployment has been successful, the selected payment card can be retrieved from the system at any time. To re-retrieve the card from a previous deployment
  • UpdateDeploymentResult Updated deployment result
  • GetCardActivityResult - Virtual card activity details

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: WebhookURL

Type: string

Description: If the response status is webhook, then return to this POS url

Sample Value:
Note: If the response status is webhook, then return to this POS url

In the Request/Response


Parameter: VirtualPaymentDetail

Type: object

Description: Information that identifies a scope of a business purchase of virtual card

Note: Information that identifies a scope of a business purchase of virtual card

In the Request/Response


Parameter: PurchaseType

Type: string

Description: Purchase type e.g. Generic

Note: Purchase type e.g. Generic

In the Request/Response


Parameter: PaymentStartDate

Type: date

Description: Payment start date e.g. 2022-12-15

Note: Payment start date e.g. 2022-12-15

In the Request/Response


Parameter: PaymentEndDate

Type: date

Description: Payment end date e.g. 2022-12-23

Note: Payment end date e.g. 2022-12-23

In the Request/Response


Parameter: SupplierID

Type: string

Description: Custom ID for the supplier

Note: Custom ID for the supplier

In the Request/Response


Parameter: UpdateNote

Type: string

Description: The note that describes virtual card updates/cancellation

Note: The note that describes virtual card updates/cancellation

In the Request/Response


Parameter: CustomIdentifiers

Type: object

Description: list of custom identifier data are submitted into Financial Partners system to report data via electronic reporting systems or to be printed on the paper statement

Note: list of custom identifier data are submitted into Financial Partners system to report data via electronic reporting systems or to be printed on the paper statement

In the Request/Response


Parameter: CustomIdentifier

Type: object

Description: Custom identifier data are submitted into Financial Partners system to report data via electronic reporting systems or to be printed on the paper statement

Note: Custom identifier data are submitted into Financial Partners system to report data via electronic reporting systems or to be printed on the paper statement

In the Request/Response


Parameter: Key

Type: string

Description: key for customer identifier data

In the Request/Response


Parameter: Value

Type: string

Description: Value for custom identifier data

In the Response


Parameter: GetDeploymentResult

Type: object

Description: Once an immediate deployment has been successful, the selected payment card can be retrieved from the system at any time. To re-retrieve the card from a previous deployment, we use the GetDeployment method

Note: Once an immediate deployment has been successful, the selected payment card can be retrieved from the system at any time. To re-retrieve the card from a previous deployment, we use the GetDeployment method

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentCard

Type: object

Description: Payment card details

Note: Payment card details

In the Response


Parameter: AmountDetail

Type: object

Description: Total transaction amount

Note: Total transaction amount

In the Response


Parameter: ResponseCode

Type: string

Description: The response will contain the card that was been uniquely assigned to deployment

Note: The response will contain the card that was been uniquely assigned to deployment

In the Response


Parameter: Description

Type: string

Description: Description of the purchased ticket

Note: Description of the purchased ticket

In the Response


Parameter: CardDeploymentID

Type: string

Description: Declares CPAPI Deployment ID

Note: Declares CPAPI Deployment ID

In the Response


Parameter: CardStatus

Type: string

Description: Card status e.g. Deployed

Note: Card status e.g. Deployed

In the Response


Parameter: BookingID

Type: string

Description: Booking identifier as shown in the supplier/vendor system. This could also be The PNR locator in GDS/CRS system

Note: Booking identifier as shown in the supplier/vendor system. This could also be The PNR locator in GDS/CRS system

In the Response


Parameter: UpdateDeploymentResult

Type: object

Description: Updated deployment result

In the Response


Parameter: GetCardActivityResult

Type: object

Description: Virtual card activity details

In the Response


Parameter: CardActivities

Type: object

Description: List of card activities occured to the virtual card

In the Response


Parameter: ResultCode

Type: string

Description: Card activity result e.g. Authorise

Note: Card activity result e.g. Authorise

In the Response


Parameter: Type

Type: string

Description: Type of activity performed against the card e.g. Authorisation

Note: Type of activity performed against the card e.g. Authorisation

In the Response


Parameter: TransactionDateTime

Type: datetime

Description: The date and time of the card activity. Time is related to the time-zone of the Card Issuers processor

Note: The date and time of the card activity. Time is related to the time-zone of the Card Issuers processor
The date and time of the card activity. Time is related to the time-zone of the Card Issuers processor

In the Response


Parameter: CardIssuerDescription

Type: string

Description: Information provided by the Card Issuer

Note: Information provided by the Card Issuer

In the Response


Parameter: MerchantDetail

Type: object

Description: Details of the merchant

In the Response


Parameter: AmountDetail

Type: object

Description: Transaction amount details

  • ReturnURL, PaymentRef has been added in PaymentRS

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • ReturnURL, PaymentRef has been added in PaymentRS

Business Value

  • The appropriate (approved, declined etc.) URL which pos wants user to land on.

New Features

In the Response


Parameter: ReturnURL

Type: string

Description: The appropriate(approved,declined etc) url which pos wants user to land on

Sample Value:
Note: The appropriate(approved,declined etc) url which pos wants user to land on

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Response


Parameter: ReturnURL

Type: string

Description: The appropriate(approved,declined etc) url which pos wants user to land on

Sample Value:
Note: The appropriate(approved,declined etc) url which pos wants user to land on.

Resolved Issues

In the Response


Description: The appropriate(approved,declined etc) url which pos wants user to land on.

  • RemarkLines has been added in PaymentRQ

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • RemarkLines has been added in PaymentRQ

Business Value

  • This is to improve transaction reconciliation process for travel agent and customer

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: RemarkLines

Type: string

Description: PNR Remarks

Sample Value:

Note: PNR Remarks

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Request


Parameter: RemarkLines

Type: string

Description: PNR Remarks

Sample Value:

Note: When Ticketing , EMD , MISF is paid with Virtual Form of Payment, the invoice remarks in the PNR will be automatically retrieved and passed to PWS in the RemarkLines

Resolved Issues

In the Request


Description: This is to improve transaction reconciliation process for travel agent and customer

  • LinkageID

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • LinkageID

Business Value

  • Unique identifier Used for linking PWS transactions

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: LinkageID

Type: string

Description: Unique identifier Used for linking PWS transactions

Sample Value:


Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Request


Parameter: LinkageID

Type: string

Description: Unique identifier Used for linking PWS transactions

Sample Value:


Resolved Issues

In the Request


Description: LinkageID is Unique identifier Used for linking PWS transactions

  • In this version new functionality, enhancements and defect fixes were introduced.

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • In this version new functionality, enhancements and defect fixes were introduced.

New Features

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult

Type: ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResultType

Description: Provides payment validation result and payment information details

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult Description="Successful"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/AdditionalApprovals

Type: AdditionalApprovals

Description: Used when multiple approvals are returned in single response

Sample Value:

       <Approval Type="AIDT-APPROVALCODE" Value="21115367"/>
               <Approval Type="AGENT FEE" Value="683620"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/AdditionalApprovals/Type

Type: String

Description: Type of approval under AdditionalApprovals

Sample Value:

 <Approval Type="AIDT-APPROVALCODE" Value="21115367"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/AdditionalApprovals/Value

Type: String

Description: Value of approval under AdditionalApprovals

Sample Value:

<Approval Type="AIDT-APPROVALCODE" Value="21115367"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/ResultCode

Type: String

Description: Result code set by Sabre System for the request that was sent to the supplier eg: 'SUCCESS','PWS-INVALID-PAYLOAD', 'PWS-ERR','PNR-NOT-FOUND','PNR-NOT-ACTIVE'

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult ResultCode="OK"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/Description

Type: String

Description: Description set by Sabre System for the request that was sent to the supplier. eg: 'Successful Transaction' ,'INVALID PARTITION ID LENGTH: gaf' etc

Sample Value:

 <ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult  Description="Successful"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/ApprovalCode

Type: String

Description: Approval Code returned by Supplier

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult ApprovalCode="4086"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/SupplierID

Type: String

Description: Identifier for Supplier (PSP or other 3rd party provider identifier)

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult  SupplierID="MPGS"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/SupplierTransID

Type: String

Description: the transaction Identifier returned by supplier (or PSP Reference)

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult SupplierTransID="500008007727318"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/PaymentConfirmInd

Type: String

Description: PaymentConfirmInd is when PWS needs to send API call to provider and/or if refund needs to get logged for batch processing

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult PaymentConfirmInd="R"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/PaymentRef

Type: String

Description: PaymentRef is the System generated reference number for this payment request.(Use this reference to query or cancel payment.)

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult PaymentRef="01711453149269847464"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/ErrorCode

Type: String

Description: Populated with relevant error response when transaction fails plausibilty check. Examples: DBI_REQUIRED, INVALID_CARD

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult ErrorCode="INVALID_CARD"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRQ/PassengerDetail/Document/DOC_RPH

Type: String

Description: RPH is record placeholder.Used to link documents, when multiple refunds or exchanges are requested in a single service request

Sample Value:

<Document DocType="TKT" DocNumber="1235678" InitialDocType="TKT" AlternateCurrency="USD" AlternateCurrencyDocAmount="123.45" TCN_Nbr="9876543211234" DOC_RPH="1"/>

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult/AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks

Type: RemarksType

Description: Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks

Sample Value:


Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult

Type: ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResultType

Description: Provides payment validation result and payment information details

Sample Value:

<ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult ResultCode="OK" />

Resolved Issues

In the Response


Description: PaymentRS/Results/ValidateAndQueryPaymentDetailResult

  • New optional element ReturnURL added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/ReturnURL
  • New optional element RedirectHTML added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/RedirectHTML
  • New optional attribute SupplierReferenceID added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/SupplierReferenceID
  • New optional attribute PaymentRef added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/PaymentRef
  • New optional attribute SupplierTransID added to PaymentRS/AccountDetail/SupplierTransID
  • New optional attribute AccountAuthenticationToken added to PaymentRS/AccountDetail/AccountAuthenticationToken
  • New optional attribute ThreeDSServerTransID added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/T3DS_Result/ThreeDSServerTransID
  • New optional attribute SabreGeneratedApprovalCodeInd added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/SabreGeneratedApprovalCodeInd
  • New optional attribute CAVV_ResultCode added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/T3DS_Result/CAVV_ResultCode
  • New optional attribute OrganizationUnitID added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/RoutingDetail/OrganizationUnitID
  • New optional attribute IssuerID added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/RoutingDetail/IssuerID
  • New optional attribute MacKey added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/RoutingDetail/MacKey

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • New optional element ReturnURL added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/ReturnURL
  • New optional element RedirectHTML added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/RedirectHTML
  • New optional attribute SupplierReferenceID added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/SupplierReferenceID
  • New optional attribute PaymentRef added to PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/PaymentRef
  • New optional attribute SupplierTransID added to PaymentRS/AccountDetail/SupplierTransID
  • New optional attribute AccountAuthenticationToken added to PaymentRS/AccountDetail/AccountAuthenticationToken
  • New optional attribute ThreeDSServerTransID added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/T3DS_Result/ThreeDSServerTransID
  • New optional attribute SabreGeneratedApprovalCodeInd added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/SabreGeneratedApprovalCodeInd
  • New optional attribute CAVV_ResultCode added to PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/T3DS_Result/CAVV_ResultCode
  • New optional attribute OrganizationUnitID added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/RoutingDetail/OrganizationUnitID
  • New optional attribute IssuerID added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/RoutingDetail/IssuerID
  • New optional attribute MacKey added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/RoutingDetail/MacKey

  • Added support to help process MIT transactions.

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • Added support to help process MIT transactions.

New Features

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/T3DS_Result

Type: T3DS_Result

Description: Populates 3DS-related data.

Sample Value:

<T3DS_Result ECI="05" CAVV="CASDFEWESFSDF" XID="ABCDED" ECI_ResultCode="Y" UCAF_ResultCode="ab34fdf4341fk3j5454h4343ffeeerer" PA_ResponseCode="N" VE_ResponseCode="N" LiabilityShiftInd="true" Version="2.1.0" DirectoryServerTrxID=" eDAzVnZKZkd3MjdGMHUxbFNmSDE">

In the Response


Parameter: /PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/@NetworkTransactionReference

Type: String

Description: NetworkTransactionReference transaction ID supports merchant-initiated transaction (MIT) exemptions.

Sample Value:

<AccountValidationResult ResultCode="APPROVED" Description="" ApprovalCode="666" " SupplierID="MSTR" SupplierTransID="700014503245145" SupplierResponseCode="0"
SupplierReferenceID="700014503245145" NetworkTransactionReference="7055516966056621" >

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/AccountValidationResult/T3DS_Result

Type: T3DS_Result

Description: Populates 3ds-related data.

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/AuthorizationResult/T3DS_Result/DirectoryServerTrxID

Type: String

Description: Indicates 3ds2.0.

Sample Value:

DirectoryServerTrxID=" eDAzVnZKZkd3MjdGMHUxbFNmSDE"

In the Request


Parameter: PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/PaymentCard/StoredCredentialTransactionInd

Type: Boolean

Description: StoredCredentialTransactionInd indicates merchant-initiated transactions (MIT) where merchants submit their transactions using previously-stored details, without the cardholder's participation.

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard NetworkTransactionReference="N1235678900" StoredCredentialTransactionInd="true" AuthenticationExemptionCode="7" ReadyFor3DSVersion="2.0" Bypass3DS="true" Trigger3DS="true" EncryptedCardNumber="39A494DBA5D015A172E1AA03A0D3CD87" ExtendPayment="00" ExpireDate="122019" T3DS_Ind="true" CardSecurityCode="300" CardNumber="8984001234565894" CardCode="BT">

In the Request


Parameter: PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/PaymentCard/NetworkTransactionReference

Type: String

Description: NetworkTransactionReference transaction ID supports merchant-initiated transaction (MIT) exemptions.

Sample Value:


Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Response


Parameter: PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/T3DS_Result

Type: T3DS_Result

Description: Populates 3DS-related data.

Sample Value:

 <T3DS_Result ECI="05" CAVV="CASDFEWESFSDF" XID="ABCDED" ECI_ResultCode="Y" UCAF_ResultCode="ab34fdf4341fk3j5454h4343ffeeerer" PA_ResponseCode="N" VE_ResponseCode="N" LiabilityShiftInd="true" Version="2.1.0" DirectoryServerTrxID=" eDAzVnZKZkd3MjdGMHUxbFNmSDE">

Resolved Issues

In the Response


Description: PaymentRS/Results/AccountValidationResult/T3DS_Result

  • MsfAgencyFeeDetail - Agency detail of Merchant service fee
  • AdditionalDetail - AdditionalDetails from and to POS
  • LiabilityShiftInd - Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift in request and response
  • Version - 3DS version in request and response
  • SystemTraceAuditNumber - Audit Number provided to the POS
  • AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks - Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks
  • AuthenticationExemptionCode - Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code for card
  • Trigger3DS - Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS
  • Bypass3DS - Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS
  • ReadyFor3DSVersion - Indicates 3DS version integration readiness
  • BrowserJavaEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java
  • BrowserJavascriptEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript
  • BrowserScreenHeight - Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserScreenWidth - Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserTimeZoneOffset - Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes
  • ChallengeWindowSize - Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen
  • ChallengeURL - Return URL if response is challenge
  • CountryCode - Issuer card's country code
  • Type - Installment type
  • Code - Installment code
  • GroupCode - Installment group code

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • MsfAgencyFeeDetail - Agency detail of Merchant service fee
  • AdditionalDetail - AdditionalDetails from and to POS
  • LiabilityShiftInd - Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift in request and response
  • Version - 3DS version in request and response
  • SystemTraceAuditNumber - Audit Number provided to the POS
  • AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks - Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks
  • AuthenticationExemptionCode - Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code for card
  • Trigger3DS - Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS
  • Bypass3DS - Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS
  • ReadyFor3DSVersion - Indicates 3DS version integration readiness
  • BrowserJavaEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java
  • BrowserJavascriptEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript
  • BrowserScreenHeight - Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserScreenWidth - Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserTimeZoneOffset - Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes
  • ChallengeWindowSize - Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen
  • ChallengeURL - Return URL if response is challenge
  • CountryCode - Issuer card's country code
  • Type - Installment type
  • Code - Installment code
  • GroupCode - Installment group code

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: MsfAgencyFeeDetail

Type: Element

Description: Merchant Service Fee detail Merchant Service Fee Profile ID Merchant Account Number Federal Tax ID

Sample Value:

<ns9:MsfAgencyFeeDetail FederalTaxId="123" MerchantAccountNumber="12345" MsfAgencyProfileId="10168"/>
Note: Merchant Service Fee detail

In the Response


Parameter: AdditionalDetail

Type: AdditionalDetailType


Sample Value:

Note: Additional detail to POS

In the Response


Parameter: LiabilityShiftInd

Type: boolean

Description: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

Sample Value:

<T3DS_Result  LiabilityShiftInd="true">
Note: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

In the Response


Parameter: Version

Type: string

Description: 3DS Version

Sample Value:

<T3DS_Result Version="2.1.0">
Note: 3DS Version

In the Response


Parameter: SystemTraceAuditNumber

Type: string

Description: System Trace Audit Number

Sample Value:

<AuthResponseDetail  SystemTraceAuditNumber="721267"/>
Note: System Trace Audit Number to POS

In the Response


Parameter: AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks

Type: RemarksType


Sample Value:

Note: Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks

In the Request


Parameter: AdditionalDetail

Type: AdditionalDetailType


Sample Value:

Note: AdditionalDetail from POS

In the Request


Parameter: LiabilityShiftInd

Type: boolean

Description: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

Sample Value:

<T3DS LiabilityShiftInd="true"/>
Note: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

In the Request


Parameter: AuthenticationExemptionCode

Type: string

Description: Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard AuthenticationExemptionCode="7">
Note: Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code

In the Request


Parameter: Trigger3DS

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard Trigger3DS="true">
Note: Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS

In the Request


Parameter: Bypass3DS

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard  Bypass3DS="true>
Note: Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS

In the Request


Parameter: ReadyFor3DSVersion

Type: string

Description: Indicates 3DS version integration readiness (e.g. 2.1)

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard  ReadyFor3DSVersion="2.0">
Note: Indicates 3DS version integration readiness (e.g. 2.1)

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserJavaEnabled

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserJavaEnabled="true"/>
Note: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserJavascriptEnabled

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserJavascriptEnabled="true"/>
Note: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserScreenColorDepth

Type: integer

Description: Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail  BrowserScreenColorDepth="32"/>
Note: Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserScreenHeight

Type: integer

Description: Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserScreenHeight="250"/>
Note: Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserScreenWidth

Type: integer

Description: Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserScreenWidth="400"/>
Note: Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserTimeZoneOffset

Type: integer

Description: Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserTimeZoneOffset="-120"/>
Note: Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserTimeZoneOffset

Type: integer

Description: Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail ChallengeWindowSize="1"/>
Note: Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen

In the Request


Parameter: ChallengeURL

Type: string


Sample Value:

Note: ReturnUrl this url when response is challenge

In the Request


Parameter: CountryCode

Type: string


Sample Value:

<CardIssuerName CountryCode="EC" />
Note: Issuer country code of card

In the Request


Parameter: Type

Type: string

Description: Installment type

Sample Value:

<InstallmentDetail Type="D"/>
Note: Installment type

In the Request


Parameter: Code

Type: string

Description: Installment code

Sample Value:

<InstallmentDetail Code="12"/>
Note: Installment code

In the Request


Parameter: GroupCode

Type: string

Description: Installment group code

Sample Value:

<InstallmentDetail GroupCode="234"/>
Note: Installment group code

  • MsfAgencyFeeDetail - Agency detail of Merchant service fee
  • AdditionalDetail - AdditionalDetails from and to POS
  • LiabilityShiftInd - Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift in request and response
  • Version - 3DS version in request and response
  • SystemTraceAuditNumber - Audit Number provided to the POS
  • AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks - Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks
  • AuthenticationExemptionCode - Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code for card
  • Trigger3DS - Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS
  • Bypass3DS - Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS
  • ReadyFor3DSVersion - Indicates 3DS version integration readiness
  • BrowserJavaEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java
  • BrowserJavascriptEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript
  • BrowserScreenHeight - Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserScreenWidth - Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserTimeZoneOffset - Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes
  • ChallengeWindowSize - Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen
  • ChallengeURL - Return URL if response is challenge
  • CountryCode - Issuer card's country code
  • Type - Installment type
  • Code - Installment code
  • GroupCode - Installment group code

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • MsfAgencyFeeDetail - Agency detail of Merchant service fee
  • AdditionalDetail - AdditionalDetails from and to POS
  • LiabilityShiftInd - Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift in request and response
  • Version - 3DS version in request and response
  • SystemTraceAuditNumber - Audit Number provided to the POS
  • AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks - Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks
  • AuthenticationExemptionCode - Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code for card
  • Trigger3DS - Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS
  • Bypass3DS - Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS
  • ReadyFor3DSVersion - Indicates 3DS version integration readiness
  • BrowserJavaEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java
  • BrowserJavascriptEnabled - Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript
  • BrowserScreenHeight - Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserScreenWidth - Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels
  • BrowserTimeZoneOffset - Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes
  • ChallengeWindowSize - Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen
  • ChallengeURL - Return URL if response is challenge
  • CountryCode - Issuer card's country code
  • Type - Installment type
  • Code - Installment code
  • GroupCode - Installment group code

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: MsfAgencyFeeDetail

Type: Element

Description: Merchant Service Fee detail Merchant Service Fee Profile ID Merchant Account Number Federal Tax ID

Sample Value:

<ns9:MsfAgencyFeeDetail FederalTaxId="123" MerchantAccountNumber="12345" MsfAgencyProfileId="10168"/>
Note: Merchant Service Fee detail

In the Response


Parameter: AdditionalDetail

Type: AdditionalDetailType


Sample Value:

Note: Additional detail to POS

In the Response


Parameter: LiabilityShiftInd

Type: boolean

Description: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

Sample Value:

<T3DS_Result  LiabilityShiftInd="true">
Note: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

In the Response


Parameter: Version

Type: string

Description: 3DS Version

Sample Value:

<T3DS_Result Version="2.1.0">
Note: 3DS Version

In the Response


Parameter: SystemTraceAuditNumber

Type: string

Description: System Trace Audit Number

Sample Value:

<AuthResponseDetail  SystemTraceAuditNumber="721267"/>
Note: System Trace Audit Number to POS

In the Response


Parameter: AdditionalNonHistoricalRemarks

Type: RemarksType


Sample Value:

Note: Used by the calling application to store relevant data in the PNR remarks

In the Request


Parameter: AdditionalDetail

Type: AdditionalDetailType


Sample Value:

Note: AdditionalDetail from POS

In the Request


Parameter: LiabilityShiftInd

Type: boolean

Description: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

Sample Value:

<T3DS LiabilityShiftInd="true"/>
Note: Set to true if 3D-Secure resulted in merchant liability shift

In the Request


Parameter: AuthenticationExemptionCode

Type: string

Description: Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard AuthenticationExemptionCode="7">
Note: Indicates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Exemption Code

In the Request


Parameter: Trigger3DS

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard Trigger3DS="true">
Note: Indicates whether to invoke standalone 3DS

In the Request


Parameter: Bypass3DS

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard  Bypass3DS="true>
Note: Indicates whether to bypass standalone 3DS

In the Request


Parameter: ReadyFor3DSVersion

Type: string

Description: Indicates 3DS version integration readiness (e.g. 2.1)

Sample Value:

<PaymentCard  ReadyFor3DSVersion="2.0">
Note: Indicates 3DS version integration readiness (e.g. 2.1)

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserJavaEnabled

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserJavaEnabled="true"/>
Note: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserJavascriptEnabled

Type: boolean

Description: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserJavascriptEnabled="true"/>
Note: Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserScreenColorDepth

Type: integer

Description: Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail  BrowserScreenColorDepth="32"/>
Note: Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserScreenHeight

Type: integer

Description: Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserScreenHeight="250"/>
Note: Total height of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserScreenWidth

Type: integer

Description: Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserScreenWidth="400"/>
Note: Total width of the Cardholder's screen in pixels

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserTimeZoneOffset

Type: integer

Description: Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail BrowserTimeZoneOffset="-120"/>
Note: Time difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutes

In the Request


Parameter: BrowserTimeZoneOffset

Type: integer

Description: Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen

Sample Value:

<BrowserDetail ChallengeWindowSize="1"/>
Note: Dimensions of the challenge window that has been displayed to the Cardholder. ChallengeWindowSize 01 = 250 x 400, 02 = 390 x 400, 03 = 500 x 600, 04 = 600 x 400, 05 = Full screen

In the Request


Parameter: ChallengeURL

Type: string


Sample Value:

Note: ReturnUrl this url when response is challenge

In the Request


Parameter: CountryCode

Type: string


Sample Value:

<CardIssuerName CountryCode="EC" />
Note: Issuer country code of card

In the Request


Parameter: Type

Type: string

Description: Installment type

Sample Value:

<InstallmentDetail Type="D"/>
Note: Installment type

In the Request


Parameter: Code

Type: string

Description: Installment code

Sample Value:

<InstallmentDetail Code="12"/>
Note: Installment code

In the Request


Parameter: GroupCode

Type: string

Description: Installment group code

Sample Value:

<InstallmentDetail GroupCode="234"/>
Note: Installment group code

  • OrderCreateDate : new attribute added to OrderDetail
  • LoyaltyMemberDetail : new element of type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added to CustomerDetail
  • ErrorCode : new attribute added in PaymentRS/Result
  • PA_ResponseCode : new attribute added in T3DS_Result
  • VE_ResponseCode : new attribute added in T3DS_Result
  • LoyaltyMemberDetail : new element of type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added to PassengerDetailType
  • ContactInfo : new element added to PassengerDetailType
  • LoyaltyMemberDetail : new element of type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added to PaymentCardType
  • FopFeeAmount : new attribute added to AmountDetail
  • PromotionalInd : new attribute added to InstallmentDetail
  • Title : new attribute added to PersonNameGroup
  • MiddleName : new attribute added to PersonNameGroup
  • new complex type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • OrderCreateDate : new attribute added to OrderDetail
  • LoyaltyMemberDetail : new element of type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added to CustomerDetail
  • ErrorCode : new attribute added in PaymentRS/Result
  • PA_ResponseCode : new attribute added in T3DS_Result
  • VE_ResponseCode : new attribute added in T3DS_Result
  • LoyaltyMemberDetail : new element of type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added to PassengerDetailType
  • ContactInfo : new element added to PassengerDetailType
  • LoyaltyMemberDetail : new element of type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added to PaymentCardType
  • FopFeeAmount : new attribute added to AmountDetail
  • PromotionalInd : new attribute added to InstallmentDetail
  • Title : new attribute added to PersonNameGroup
  • MiddleName : new attribute added to PersonNameGroup
  • new complex type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added

Business Value

  • New attribute and elements added to the schema

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: OrderCreateDate

Type: string

Description: OrderCreateDate is a new attribute added to OrderDetail

Sample Value:

|-|OrderDetail OrderID="KGZWLN" RecordLocator="KGZWLN" OrderExpireDateTime="2016-04-01T14:43:49.289-05:00"  OrderCreateDate="2016-04-21"|--|

In the Request


Parameter: LoyaltyMemberDetail

Type: LoyaltyMembershipDetailType

Description: LoyaltyMemberDetail is a new element added to CustomerDetail

Sample Value:

|-|CustomerDetail Name="Test Customer"|--|      |-|CustomerID|--|           |-|Other ID="11111111111" Type="CPF" /|--|      |-|/CustomerID|--|        |-|Address|--|            |-|AddressLine1|--|123 Twinkle Street|-|/AddressLine1|--|            |-|AddressLine2|--|Lake Road|-|/AddressLine2|--|            |-|CityName|--|Southlake|-|/CityName|--|            |-|PostalCode|--|760980|-|/PostalCode|--|            |-|StateProv StateCode="TX"/|--|            |-|Country Code="US"/|--|            |-|District|--|Austin|-|/District|--|        |-|/Address|--|        |-|EmailAddress|--||-|/EmailAddress|--|        |-|PhoneNumber Number="111111111111" Type="HOME"/|--|       |-|LoyaltyMemberDetail Name="James Smith" Title="Mr" FirstName="James" MiddleName="R" LastName="Smith" MemberLoggedInInd="" ID="" Status="ACTIVE" Level="GOLD" IssueDate="2018-12-07" LoyaltyOalCode="" CurrentBalance="122"/|--|    |-|/CustomerDetail|--|

In the Request


Parameter: LoyaltyMemberDetail

Type: LoyaltyMembershipDetailType

Description: LoyaltyMemberDetail is a new element added to PassengerDetailType

Sample Value:

|-|LoyaltyMemberDetail Name="James Smith" Title="Mr" FirstName="James" MiddleName="R" LastName="Smith" MemberLoggedInInd="" ID="" Status="ACTIVE" Level="GOLD" IssueDate="2018-12-07" LoyaltyOalCode="" CurrentBalance="122"/|--|

In the Request


Parameter: LoyaltyMemberDetail

Type: LoyaltyMembershipDetailType

Description: LoyaltyMemberDetail is a new element added to PaymentCardType

Sample Value:

|-|LoyaltyMemberDetail Name="James Smith" Title="Mr" FirstName="James" MiddleName="R" LastName="Smith" MemberLoggedInInd="" ID="" Status="ACTIVE" Level="GOLD" IssueDate="2018-12-07" LoyaltyOalCode="" CurrentBalance="122"/|--|

In the Response


Parameter: PA_ResponseCode

Type: string

Description: PA_ResponseCode is a new attribute added in T3DS_Result

Sample Value:

|-|T3DS_Result ECI="02" ECI_ResultCode="Y" UCAF_ResultCode="ab34fdf4341fk3j5454h4343ffeeerer" PA_ResponseCode="N" VE_ResponseCode="N" /|--|

In the Response


Parameter: VE_ResponseCode

Type: string

Description: VE_ResponseCode is a new attribute added in T3DS_Result

Sample Value:

|-|T3DS_Result ECI="02" ECI_ResultCode="Y" UCAF_ResultCode="ab34fdf4341fk3j5454h4343ffeeerer" PA_ResponseCode="N" VE_ResponseCode="N" /|--|

In the Request


Parameter: ContactInfo

Type: ContactInfoType

Description: ContactInfo : is a new element added to PassengerDetailType

Sample Value:

|-|ContactInfo  FirstName="FirstName" LastName="LastName"|--|                |-|EmailAddress|--||-|/EmailAddress|--|                |-|PhoneNumber Number="1234567890" Type="M"/|--|            |-|/ContactInfo|--|

In the Request


Parameter: FopFeeAmount

Type: Money

Description: FopFeeAmount is a new attribute added to AmountDetail

Sample Value:

|-|AmountDetail Amount="2985.52" CurrencyCode="AUD" ExchangeRate="1.0" WithInterestInd="true" InterestAmount="" FopFeeAmount="111" /|--|

In the Request


Parameter: PromotionalInd

Type: boolean

Description: PromotionalInd is a new attribute added to InstallmentDetail

Sample Value:

|-|InstallmentDetail NumberOfInstallments="1" PromotionalInd="true"/|--|

In the Request


Parameter: LoyaltyMembershipDetailType

Type: LoyaltyMembershipDetailType

Description: New complex type LoyaltyMembershipDetailType added

Sample Value:

|-|LoyaltyMemberDetail Name="James Smith" Title="Mr" FirstName="James" MiddleName="R" LastName="Smith" MemberLoggedInInd="" ID="" Status="ACTIVE" Level="GOLD" IssueDate="2018-12-07" LoyaltyOalCode="" CurrentBalance="122"/|--|

In the Request


Parameter: Title

Type: string

Description: Title is a new attribute added to PersonNameGroup

Sample Value:


In the Request


Parameter: MiddleName

Type: string

Description: MiddleName is a new attribute added to PersonNameGroup

Sample Value:


  • New attribute and elements added to the schema

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • New attribute and elements added to the schema

Business Value

  • New attribute and elements added to the schema

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: ClearingSequence

Type: String

Description: New optional attribute ClearingSequence of type String added to PaymentRQ/OrderDetail/@ClearingSequence. This indicates the sequence number of the document,

Sample Value:

|-|PaymentRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" SabreTransactionID="01221450682499283451" SystemDateTime="2015-12-21T07:21:50.364"  Version="4.13.0" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../PaymentRQ_v4.13.0.xsd"|--|     |-|Action Type="Issuance"|--|ConfirmAuth|-|/Action|--|    |-|POS CityCode="0EZC" PseudoCityCode="0EZC" AgentSine="AAS" StationNumber="11617270" ISOCountry="US" SettlementPlan="ARC" ChannelID="AGY" LocalDateTime="2015-12-21T01:56:00.000-06:00"/|--|    |-|MerchantDetail MerchantID="1S"/|--|    |-|OrderDetail OrderID="GRQMMP" RecordLocator="GRQMMP" ClearingSequence="1" ClearingCount="3"|--|

In the Request


Parameter: ClearingCount

Type: String

Description: New optional attribute ClearingCount of type String added to PaymentRQ/OrderDetail/@ClearingCount. This indicates the total number of documents.

Sample Value:

|-|PaymentRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" SabreTransactionID="01221450682499283451" SystemDateTime="2015-12-21T07:21:50.364"  Version="4.13.0" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../PaymentRQ_v4.13.0.xsd"|--|     |-|Action Type="Issuance"|--|ConfirmAuth|-|/Action|--|    |-|POS CityCode="0EZC" PseudoCityCode="0EZC" AgentSine="AAS" StationNumber="11617270" ISOCountry="US" SettlementPlan="ARC" ChannelID="AGY" LocalDateTime="2015-12-21T01:56:00.000-06:00"/|--|    |-|MerchantDetail MerchantID="1S"/|--|    |-|OrderDetail OrderID="GRQMMP" RecordLocator="GRQMMP" ClearingSequence="1" ClearingCount="3"|--|

In the Request


Parameter: AdditionalDetail

Type: AdditionalDetailType

Description: New element AdditionalDetail of type AdditionalDetailType added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/AuthorizationResult/. This is to send any additional data in the request.

Sample Value:

|-|ns4:AdditionalDetail|--|                                     |-|ns4:Field|--|                           |-|ns4:Name|--|SMSCODE|-|/ns4:Name|--|                                           |-|ns4:Value|--|123453|-|/ns4:Value|--|                       |-|/ns4:Field|--|                                     |-|ns4:Field|--|                                           |-|ns4:Name|--|REFERENCE|-|/ns4:Name|--|                                           |-|ns4:Value|--|9199******06|-|/ns4:Value|--|                       |-|/ns4:Field|--|                              |-|/ns4:AdditionalDetail|--|

In the Request


Parameter: InstallmentDetail

Type: InstallmentDetail

Description: New complex element InstallmentDetail added to PaymentRQ/PaymentDetail/. It has 3 attributes : Plan, NumberOfInstallments and InstallmentAmount.This is used to send installment details in the authorization requests.

Sample Value:

|-|PaymentDetail|--|    |-|FOP Type="CC"/|--|    |-|PaymentCard CardCode="CA" CardNumber="1111********2346" CardSecurityCode="***" ExpireDate="******"|--|      |-|CardHolderName Name="Harvey Specter"/|--|      |-|Address|--|        |-|AddressLine1|--|111|-|/AddressLine1|--|        |-|CityName|--|Pom|-|/CityName|--|        |-|PostalCode|--|78990|-|/PostalCode|--|        |-|StateProv/|--|        |-|Country Code="DZ"/|--|      |-|/Address|--|      |-|EmailAddress|--||-|/EmailAddress|--|      |-|Authenticated|--|false|-|/Authenticated|--|    |-|/PaymentCard|--|    |-|InstallmentDetail NumberOfInstallments="3" Plan="Nevaplan" InstallmentAmount="12.22"/|--|    |-|AmountDetail Amount="645.63" CurrencyCode="EUR"/|--|      |-|/PaymentDetail|--|

In the Request


Parameter: LanguageCode

Type: String

Description: New optional attribute LanguageCode of type String added to PaymentRQ/POS/. This indicates language used during booking.

Sample Value:

|-|POS CityCode="SAT" PseudoCityCode="RG3C" AgentSine="AH8" AgentDutyCode="*" LNIATA="3A8EB2" StationNumber="45542884" ISOCountry="US" SettlementPlan="ARC" ChannelID="AGY" LocalDateTime="2016-01-11T04:35:00.000" LanguageCode="es_ES"|--|