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Orchestrated Air Booking

Travel Agency
Airline Carrier
  • Added .../OTA_AirBookRQ/OriginDestinationInformation/FlightSegment/@BrandID. Please note that the attribute will not be sent when FlightSegment@InstantPurchase="true". The attribute is applicable to airline customers only and is obsolete for agencies.
  • Introduced /PostProcessing/@arunkKeepSegments, when set to true the API will adjust the pricing segment selection calls after ARNK segments are added. (ASTSP-416)
  • (03/08/2022) Added /EnhancedAirBookRQ/PostProcessing/@suppressInputMessage . When the flag is enabled the API will not return the pricing host command back to the user to avoid response parsing issues (this mainly applies to Sabre specific characters such as “¥”).
  • (10/04/2022) Modified flight booking price comparison to accept "0" value types. - This addresses [ASTSP-440] and from now on the users can compare amounts, percentages and expected total fare values with zero. Please be aware, that percentages will be short-circuited when compared with zeroes to avoid dividing by zero.
  • (10/04/2022) Modified business logic for .../OTA_AirBookRQ/RetryRebook/@Option="true" - This was implemented in order to resolve [ASTSP-433] and let you retry the UC rebooking process in case of a failure. The following fields were added: EnhancedAirBookRQ/OTA_AirBookRQ/RetryRebook/@NumAttempts and @WaitInterval. Please note that for 3 RetryRebook retries You need to set @NumAttempts to 4.
  • (02/14/2023) Introduced code validation to prevent combining .../AirPrice/PriceRequestInformation/@Retain="true" with .../PriceRequestInformation/OptionalQualifiers/MiscQualifiers/AirExtras/SSR_Code . This combination was never supported by the system and was causing API failures.
  • (04/04/2023) Fixed an issue where a combination of segment select pricing and addition of a surface segment (ARNK) could prevent from correct storing of a price quote. This was reported under {ASTSP-453]
  • (05/30/2023) Starting with this release the API will attempt to apply brands selected by the user when rebooking flights with unconfirmed status codes by means of ...OTA_AirBookRQ/RetryRebook/@Option="true".
  • (07/13/2023) Starting with this release the API will let you override the default logic of halting upon encountering "NN" flight status code during booking. A number of low cost airlines (LCC) return "NN" status code as a default/successful status that gets confirmed after ticket issuance. With this change, you can simply specify "None" at ...OTA_AirBookRQ/HaltOnStatus/@Code which will disable the deafult "NN" check.
  • (10/31/2023) Starting with this release the API has enhanced its 'RetryRebook' functionality in the following scenarios: when you attempt to price specific segments with branded fares, when you attempt to create multiple pricing requests. In each of these, the service will correctly apply itinerary information in case of internal logic of rebooking the previously failing flights.
  • (01/30/2024) Starting with this release the API has enhanced its 'RetryRebook' functionality in the scenario where you attempt to price specific segments with command pricing. The service will correctly apply itinerary information in case of internal logic of rebooking the previously failing flights.
  • (04/30/2024) Added capability to specify pricing interval in case of multiple pricing operations (/OTA_AirPriceRQ). The interval may help ensure that stored pricing information is always accurate. You can set the delay by means of .../PostProcessing/PricingInterval/@waitInterval.

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • Added .../OTA_AirBookRQ/OriginDestinationInformation/FlightSegment/@BrandID. Please note that the attribute will not be sent when FlightSegment@InstantPurchase="true". The attribute is applicable to airline customers only and is obsolete for agencies.
  • Introduced /PostProcessing/@arunkKeepSegments, when set to true the API will adjust the pricing segment selection calls after ARNK segments are added. (ASTSP-416)
  • (03/08/2022) Added /EnhancedAirBookRQ/PostProcessing/@suppressInputMessage . When the flag is enabled the API will not return the pricing host command back to the user to avoid response parsing issues (this mainly applies to Sabre specific characters such as “¥”).
  • (10/04/2022) Modified flight booking price comparison to accept "0" value types. - This addresses [ASTSP-440] and from now on the users can compare amounts, percentages and expected total fare values with zero. Please be aware, that percentages will be short-circuited when compared with zeroes to avoid dividing by zero.
  • (10/04/2022) Modified business logic for .../OTA_AirBookRQ/RetryRebook/@Option="true" - This was implemented in order to resolve [ASTSP-433] and let you retry the UC rebooking process in case of a failure. The following fields were added: EnhancedAirBookRQ/OTA_AirBookRQ/RetryRebook/@NumAttempts and @WaitInterval. Please note that for 3 RetryRebook retries You need to set @NumAttempts to 4.
  • (02/14/2023) Introduced code validation to prevent combining .../AirPrice/PriceRequestInformation/@Retain="true" with .../PriceRequestInformation/OptionalQualifiers/MiscQualifiers/AirExtras/SSR_Code . This combination was never supported by the system and was causing API failures.
  • (04/04/2023) Fixed an issue where a combination of segment select pricing and addition of a surface segment (ARNK) could prevent from correct storing of a price quote. This was reported under {ASTSP-453]
  • (05/30/2023) Starting with this release the API will attempt to apply brands selected by the user when rebooking flights with unconfirmed status codes by means of ...OTA_AirBookRQ/RetryRebook/@Option="true".
  • (07/13/2023) Starting with this release the API will let you override the default logic of halting upon encountering "NN" flight status code during booking. A number of low cost airlines (LCC) return "NN" status code as a default/successful status that gets confirmed after ticket issuance. With this change, you can simply specify "None" at ...OTA_AirBookRQ/HaltOnStatus/@Code which will disable the deafult "NN" check.
  • (10/31/2023) Starting with this release the API has enhanced its 'RetryRebook' functionality in the following scenarios: when you attempt to price specific segments with branded fares, when you attempt to create multiple pricing requests. In each of these, the service will correctly apply itinerary information in case of internal logic of rebooking the previously failing flights.
  • (01/30/2024) Starting with this release the API has enhanced its 'RetryRebook' functionality in the scenario where you attempt to price specific segments with command pricing. The service will correctly apply itinerary information in case of internal logic of rebooking the previously failing flights.
  • (04/30/2024) Added capability to specify pricing interval in case of multiple pricing operations (/OTA_AirPriceRQ). The interval may help ensure that stored pricing information is always accurate. You can set the delay by means of .../PostProcessing/PricingInterval/@waitInterval.

Functional Updates And Enhancements

In the Request


Parameter: returnExtendedPriceQuote

Type: boolean

Description: When set to "true" sends request to return extended price quote display in the service response. The extended content will be passed at .../TravelItineraryReadRS/PriceQuote

Sample Value:

<RedisplayReservation WaitInterval="5000" returnExtendedPriceQuote="true"/>

  • Enhanced AirBook now supports Multiple Pricing Requests/Responses within a single Enhanced AirBook request
  • Halts Enhanced AirBook, when price drops from a user specified value
  • Upgraded OTA_AirPriceLLSRQ to 2.16.0
  • BugFix made to not to convert the segment status to “QF” by default, when InstantPurchase=”true” and IgnoreAfter=”true”

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • Enhanced AirBook now supports Multiple Pricing Requests/Responses within a single Enhanced AirBook request
  • Halts Enhanced AirBook, when price drops from a user specified value
  • Upgraded OTA_AirPriceLLSRQ to 2.16.0
  • BugFix made to not to convert the segment status to “QF” by default, when InstantPurchase=”true” and IgnoreAfter=”true”

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: AcceptablePriceDecrease

Type: positiveAmount

Description: It is used to specify an Amount or Percent, below which the final pricing for a booking should not be reduced

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|.|-|AcceptablePriceIncrease HaltOnNonAcceptablePrice="true"|--||-|Percent|--|10|-|/Percent|--|.|-|/OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

In the Request


Parameter: Amount, Percent

Type: positiveAmount

Description: Amount is used to specify the user anticipated amount. Percent is used to specify the user anticipated percent

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|.|-|AcceptablePriceIncrease HaltOnNonAcceptablePrice="true"|--||-|Amount|--|10|-|/Amount|--|.|-|/OTA_AirPriceRQ|--||-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|.|-|AcceptablePriceIncrease HaltOnNonAcceptablePrice="true"|--||-|Percent|--|10|-|/Percent|--|.|-|/OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

In the Request


Parameter: HaltOnNonAcceptablePrice

Type: Boolean

Description: HaltOnNonAcceptablePrice is used to specify, whether service should stop when actual price is lower than "AmountSpecified" percent or amount decrease

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|.|-|AcceptablePriceIncrease HaltOnNonAcceptablePrice="true"|--|.|-|/OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

Resolved Issues

In the Request/Response


Description: Currently when InstantPurchase=”true” and IgnoreAfter=”true”, EAB internally converts the segment status to “QF” by default. With the fix in the new version of EAB, segment status will not be changed to “QF” by default when InstantPurchase=”true” and IgnoreAfter=”true”

  • Upgrade TravelItineraryReadRQ to 3.8.0
  • New feature to book API carriers

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • Upgrade TravelItineraryReadRQ to 3.8.0
  • New feature to book API carriers

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: InstantPurchase

Type: Boolean

Description: When |-|AirItineraryPricingInfo PricingSubSource="API”|--| from BargainFinderMax API, then InstantPurchase attribute in EAB should be set to true, for booking API carriers.

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirBookRQ|--|.|-|FlightSegment Status="QF" DepartureDateTime="2012-10-29T12:30:00" FlightNumber="519" NumberInParty="1" ResBookDesigCode="F" InstantPurchase="true"|--| ..|-|/ FlightSegment|--| . |-|/OTA_AirBookRQ|--|

In the Response


Parameter: Group

Type: String

Description: A set of air segments that are considered “married” together. This is referred to as the new married group number. Married Group may contain up to 3 segments.

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirBookRS|--|.|-|MarriageGrp Group="1" Sequence="2"/|--| .|-|/OTA_AirBookRS|--|

In the Response


Parameter: Sequence

Type: String

Description: The sequence number within the set/group of air segments that considered “married” together.

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirBookRS|--| .|-|MarriageGrp Group="1" Sequence="2"/|--| . . |-|/OTA_AirBookRS|--|

  • Upgraded OTA_AirPrice to 2.13.0

API Information

Current Version

What's New

  • Upgraded OTA_AirPrice to 2.13.0

New Features

In the Request


Parameter: ASLBreakdown, ASLIgnore

Type: Boolean

Description: The above parameters are added under FareOptions element

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|    |-|FareOptions ASLBreakdown=”true” ASLIgnore=”true” Excursion=”true” Net=”false” Private=”false” Public=”false”/|--|  ..|-|/OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

In the Request


Parameter: BasicEconomyExclude

Type: String

Description: BasicEconomyExclude is used to exclude Basic Economy Fares (up to 5 booking classes can be selected)

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|    |-|BasicEconomyExclude|--|0|-|/ BasicEconomyExclude|--| .. |-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

In the Request


Parameter: Cabin

Type: String

Description: Cabin is used to instruct the system to specify fares by a specific cabin or the lowest fare across all cabins

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|     |-|Cabin|--|YB|-|/Cabin|--| .|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

In the Request


Parameter: BeforeDeparture, AfterDeparture

Type: Boolean

Description: The above parameters are added under Changeable, EitherOr and Refundable Elements BeforeDeparture is used to query for before depature fees AfterDeparture is used to query for after depature fees

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirpriceRQ|--|   |-|SpecificPenalty AdditionalInfo="true"|--|       |-|Changeable Any="true" CurrencyCode="USD" MaxPenalty="100"      BeforeDeparture="true" AfterDeparture="true"/|--|    |-|/SpecificPenalty AdditionalInfo="true"|--| . |-|/ OTA_AirpriceRQ|--|

In the Request


Parameter: Reference

Type: Integer

Description: The above parameter is added under FOP_Qualifiers.BasicFOP, MultipleFOP.FOP_One, MultipleFOP.FOP_Two, MultipleMiscFOP. FOP_One, MultipleMiscFOP. FOP_Two, PayLaterPlan.FOP, Installment. Reference is used to reference a line number from PNR FOP field

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|  |-|PayLaterPlan|--|     |-| FOP Type="CA" Reference="1"|--|  |-|/PayLaterPlan|--| . |-|/OTA_AirPriceRQ|--|

In the Response


Parameter: FareBasisCode

Type: String

Description: Fare basis is used to return the related fare basis code

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRS|--|  |-|PenaltyInformation Amount="123.00" Cat16="true" Currency="USD" Type="CPBD"|--|        |-|FareBasisCode|--|M7FM0NL|-|/FareBasisCode|--| .   |-|/ PenaltyInformation|--| |-|/OTA_AirPriceRS|--|

In the Response


Parameter: FareComponent

Type: String

Description: Fare basis is used to return fare component number

Sample Value:

|-|OTA_AirPriceRS|--|    |-|PenaltyInformation Amount="123.00" Cat16="true" Currency="USD" Type="CPBD"|--|         |-|FareComponent|--|123|-|/FareComponent|--| ..    |-|/ PenaltyInformation|--| |-|/OTA_AirPriceRS|--|

Resolved Issues

In the Request


Description: Code, ExpireDate and Number parameters are changed to optional from required. Parameter “Type” under MultipleMiscFOP. FOP_Two is changed to optional from required